|Freedom| Rules & Guidelines

Started by Mrtasker, 03-08-2010

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Freedom Rules

Rule 1: Don't steal from, attack or kill fellow Freedomers. To do so is grounds for immediate expulsion.

Rule 2: Put the safety of fellow Freedomers above anything else. If a Stalker and Freedomer are both lying on the ground dying, the Freedomer takes priority.

Rule 3: Just because we're laid back doesn't mean we don't show respect for other members. If someone that's been around a long time gives you an order (that is within the bounds of reason) don't be a smartass and try to show off how badass you are. It makes it so tempting to violate rule 1.

Rule 4: Attacking any enemy bases without express permission from a War Dog or above is not allowed, so don't do it under any circumstances. If you're trying to rescue someone, all you're going do is get captured or killed too. If someone is captured and you're on your own, call in a war dog rank or higher.

Rule 5: Don't provoke Stalkers unless they're being complete assholes. We're here to help them out so we get helped back. Just because you're wearing a Freedom uniform doesn't mean you can be a dick to any guy in a jacket that comes in.

Rule 6: Weapons are only allowed to be used in base under direct supervision of a Veteran or above unless there's a battle. If a Stalker starts to attack people, try and go non-lethal first. If that fails, blow the shit out of them.

Rule 7: Keep drama to a minimum. If you come in thinking you're some sort of badass, that's great. Prove it by fighting the enemy, not with eachother and being a good Freedomer.

Officers Guidelines
Certain ranks have certain privileges of what they can and can't do, they are as follows.

-Collect donations
-Initate battles
-Lead patrols
-Access to the armory
-Allowed to discipline
-Can accept/deny applicants
-Can enter negotiations with the enemy
-Can requisition members equipment
-Can have own questers
-Allowed to interrogate prisoners
-Can promote regular members
-Can demote members

War Dog
-Collect donations
-Initate battles
-Lead patrols
-Access to the armory
-Allowed to discipline
-Can have own questers
-Allowed to interrogate prisoners

-Collect donations
-Lead patrols with permission
-Limited access to the armory
-Allowed to discipline

1. You are officers, you can give orders to lower ranks. So do so, make sure everyone has something to do and make sure everything is running smoothly.

2. Higher ranks set the example to the rest of Freedom, so be a good example. Show good Freedom qualities; Laid back, fun loving, loyal, follows orders and don't be a dick.

3. Officers are not above the rules of Freedom, if any rank breaks them they will incur my wrath. Officers can also uphold the rules, and are expected to do so. Anyone breaking them should be reported to an Ace upwards.

4. A note to squad leaders. You are responsible for keeping your members active in Freedom, keeping your squad alive and doing things.

Freedomer Guidelines

1. If a superior officer asks you to do something, you should probably do it. If they order you to, you should definitely do it. If they're on a drunken bender and order you to run around naked, run away before they can catch you.

2. Just an FYI, we ain't military. We not only expect you to toke up, we want you to. Partying is one of the few decent pasttimes in the Zone, and a drunken orgy never goes amiss. We really encourage having fun, and being laid back because thats what Freedom is all about. Not Emo drama hour.

3. You are expected to perform at the best of your ability at all times. We ain't asking you to be incredibly awesome, we just don't want you fucking around during work time. If we don't need you for anything, go ahead and get wasted, but we don't want to see you getting wasted after we ask you to man the checkpoint.

-More to come (Never)-

Seth Gecko - Freedomer