|KZRI| Employee Handbook

Started by Flash, 23-05-2010

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      Welcome Folks to a new series in training. I have written and designed this report with the utmost perfection. To teach you children how to act as a Scientist or an Ecologist. This report will harden you into a realistic Scientist or Ecologist. Detailed and outlined in this report are what you should have ready how you should roleplay as your role in this faction. The reason of writing is of course by Paintcheck's request and of my ideas. I believe you all should take the time out of your lifes and read this report. It will teach you life-long lessons.

Today We will be learning about what to do in the event that The Ecologist House is under-attack and invaded. May it be by Mutants or Mercs or S.T.A.L.K.E.R's you will need to learn how to act in this event. If this event occurs simply grab your microphone and type '/bc *Ecologist Speakers* This is <insert your characters name here> speaking I request all Mercs outside The Base to defend from an attack !. The Mercs will go outside guns out and attack the invaders intil they are pushed back. During the fight close the blinds turn off the lights close the door and remain on the top level of our compound. Barricade the door if possible to keep safe. If the enemy pushes into our base be it by (blowing our gate open) then you will grab what ever you can to defend yourself, that or surrender. Also remember NEVER AND I MEAN EVER GO OUTSIDE THE COMPOUND DURING A FIREFIGHT YOU WILL HAVE TO ROLEPLAY FEAR CLOSE THE BLINDS ACT FEARFUL KEEP YOUR PISTOL AT HAND AND HIDE UNDER A DESK.

Now that we have covered what to do in the event that the base is captured we will learn what to do in the event that a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Merc would come in for work. Since the government of Ukraine has reluctantly withheld some loans for our Institute stationed in The Zone Of Alienation we will have to live off of The Zone. This includes protection since The Military aren't that active we will have to make due with The Zones STALKERS and Merc Groups. I repeat you are to advertise jobs e.g. (/bc *Ecologist Speakers* STALKERS, Do you want a job ? Come to the Ecologist Compound in Sector 1 near warehouse.). STALKERS will come you will give them something to do they go and do it return with the task completed you reward them. You are allowed to reward STALKERS with weapons , ammo , food , supply's , but not suits (yes that includes ecologist suits). We have to pay them with what ever we have if we have no funds we pay them with supply's. Now for Mercs that's a different story you will give them a contract The Mercs Group Leader marked in a Sliver Exo Skeleton. Speak to them they sign a contract you give them the first months payment (in money or supplys) and they guard our base provide us with protection or escort us places.

Now , That we have covered what to do when giving jobs to STALKERS or Mercs we will move on to how you should act as a generic Scientist or Ecologist. Here is a brief outline on what you are suppose to do here in the Kiev Institute.

  • * You are to research the Zone Of Alienation's wildlife buy and capture specimens for research and artifacts.
  • * Never leave the Compound without a Armed Escort (I.E Mercs / Stalkers)
  • * Never go into a firefight you are a scientist not some Spetsnaz Fighter
  • * ways act serious take your job serious and don't slack off.
  • * We expect supply shipments every week so please roleplay that
  • * If we are under attack refer to Paragraph 2 in this report
  • * Please , If you wish to leave the compound for any reason (i.e going to freedom) ask your team leader or highest ranking member before going.
  • * Don't give your members stupid jobs like sweep the floor THERE SCIENTISTS NOT JANITORS!
  • * If a MERC or STALKER requires a job refer to paragraph 3 in this report.

Now that we have finshed the outline of what you are expected to do as a ecologist. We will cover the grounds of research. We all have limits and so does research this includes events and ideas. I will have a topic on what we have already researched and have done. You are expected to be creative and productive in the world of Ecologists. You have to create Events and Ideas. Create Roleplays if a player is being a mingebag you simply type /ar Admin , <insert guys name here> Is being a minge please teleport to me to investigate.
When hes gone you will continue the event. When researching you will be required to send in a one paragraph report (one for members two for team leaders). It will have to be sent to my inbox on my desk (pm me it) by a set date set by me. Of course I will do research and I will have to write a three paragraph report. One more then leaders and two more then members. This is how you should act in researching. Please remember these great times in this outline

  • * Never do anything stupid in research (i.e. 'Unrealstic,Stupid,Uncanon).
  • * You can make stuff up as you go (we all are not Albert Einstein) its ok but keep it in the lines of realistic and canon you can slack off on canon a bit but not to much.
  • * Please keep it in detail and keep it organized please refer to our events topic (Ecologists - Event Thread)


Good guide,
QuoteDon't give your members stupid jobs like sweep the floor THERE SCIENTISTS NOT JANITORS !
OH thank god!


Quote from: Alexander Degtyarev on 23-05-2010
Good guide,
QuoteDon't give your members stupid jobs like sweep the floor THERE SCIENTISTS NOT JANITORS !
OH thank god!

Read the report fully Turk.


I feel I was fired form the entire Eco. feild unjustly, I had a simple misunderstanding where when the Eco. base was being shot at I went outside to get a look, aparently Flash told me not to and I never heard it.

P.S.: Nice job on this handbook thing whatever...wish it was around when I was still an Ecologist so I could have some baisic guidelines to follow... Id be glad to re-apply and I understand its hard running an entrie faction but accoring to another fourm posts linked below it says you will recive a warning...I never got a warning, and if you want to say well it applies of now I understand, I can just re-apply its no biggie. I also realize some of this handbook comes from my mistakes and I just wanted to say your welcome! :D

Link: !-annoucement-!


Quote from: NikkoBlob on 23-05-2010
I feel I was fired form the entire Eco. feild unjustly, I had a simple misunderstanding where when the Eco. base was being shot at I went outside to get a look, aparently Flash told me not to and I never heard it.

P.S.: Nice job on this handbook thing whatever...wish it was around when I was still an Ecologist so I could have some baisic guidelines to follow... Id be glad to re-apply and I understand its hard running an entrie faction but accoring to another fourm posts linked below it says you will recive a warning...I never got a warning, and if you want to say well it applies of now I understand, I can just re-apply its no biggie. I also realize some of this handbook comes from my mistakes and I just wanted to say your welcome! :D

Link: http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/ecologists/important!-annoucement-!/

Your character was taken VIA heli and is out of the zone.


Quote from: Alexander Degtyarev on 23-05-2010
Quote from: NikkoBlob on 23-05-2010
I feel I was fired form the entire Eco. feild unjustly, I had a simple misunderstanding where when the Eco. base was being shot at I went outside to get a look, aparently Flash told me not to and I never heard it.

P.S.: Nice job on this handbook thing whatever...wish it was around when I was still an Ecologist so I could have some baisic guidelines to follow... Id be glad to re-apply and I understand its hard running an entrie faction but accoring to another fourm posts linked below it says you will recive a warning...I never got a warning, and if you want to say well it applies of now I understand, I can just re-apply its no biggie. I also realize some of this handbook comes from my mistakes and I just wanted to say your welcome! :D

Link: http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/ecologists/important!-annoucement-!/

Your character was taken VIA heli and is out of the zone.

Yes I know but if you acctually paid any attention you would see that it was OOC, if it was ICly then I would have placed it in the PDA message area...