Bad Day... (Canon Orientated!)

Started by MattyK, 09-01-2009

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This is based on the Last Day of the King.

Bad Day

Markus woke up with a big *Yawn* and gazed out to the window of his Tower Room.
It was Cold outside, the Sun was just coming up from below the Horizon, indicating that it must be around Seven-ish.
He got out of bed, flinging the bedcover to one side, and then concentrating on it briefly to get it to neaten up while he sorted out his Robe.
It was a nice robe, he had to admit, a simple Deep-hooded White Robe with a single blue sash, no other adornments, as it went with his ways.
He walked out of his Tower Room to see the usual bustle of early-morning, the Blacksmiths working away, creating new swords, the Serfs hurrying
back and fourth from the kitchen and various storerooms, and a rather interesting Crow sitting atop the Bell. He whispered to it with his mind,
and quick as a flash, he had a new Familiar sitting on his Shoulder. He walked off across the courtyard, every Servant between the Castle and outer walls staring eagerly as he went by. As he entered the first floor of the Castle, the Crow flew off and landed itself ontop of one of the unlit braziers.
Markus entered the Kitchen to the usual bustle of Activity, the Head Chef yelling back and fourth at his Servants, slashing his Whip occasionally, and sometimes putting it down to sample the Morning Soup, and then yelling oncemore to add this, that, and the other...
Markus sat down at one of the empty tables, and literally called himself some Bread and Cheese. The two items floating eagerly over the heads of the many watching Servants. The Head Chef Tch'd "Showoff" as usual, and Markus just shrugged in the Chef's direction as he ate.
Afterwards Markus walked out of the Kitchen, flicking breadcrumbs off his robe, oncemore joined by the Crow, and entered the open-aired Throne Room. He stood as usual just to the left of the Throne, hood up. And there he stood for a good few hours, until about ten, when the King got out of bed, and settled himself in his Throne, from that part Markus spectered through any Intelligence brought fourth by the Spies, occasionally suggesting things to the King.

It was reaching about eleven in the Afternoon, when an Elf carrying a small item wrapped in black cloth came forth, he presented the item to Markus and fled straight to where he came from. Markus unwrapped the item, it was a small black pocketbook, with a skull and crossbones embroided on the cover. The King noticed, and scornfully snatched the handbook off Markus, flicked a few pages, and tossed it back to him. The King whispered "Top Priorioty" to Markus, this book was obviously something of Value. Around the same time a black-robed man entered the Castle, and headed straight for one of the Castle Towers. Markus whistled over an Orc Mercenary, and bribed him with a Ruby to go keep an eye on the suspicious man who just entered.
Markus then went back to his advising for a good half an hour, to when it was approaching the time of the Tribute Ceremony. Today a rather interesting piece of land was going to be offered to a wealthy Baron, which was likely to be fought over.
The Ceremonial Bell rang, and all the Servants and Nobles of the Castle came to the Courtyard Throne Room, waiting expectedly.
The Baron strolled in as usual, his face full of cocky pride and arrogance, and he knelt before the King. Markus got a sudden itch at that instant, and realised something was about to happen...
Markus quickly casted all his Concentration on "shielding" the King! But something pierced his dire Concentration, and he looked around in Horror... The King, was narrowly milliseconds away from a Crossbow bolt through the neck.
Markus focused in that complete timelapse on leaping aboard the Castle Walls, to counter the assailant, and make sure whoever committed this treason, suffered an endless, painful death.
Atop the walls, gasps could be heard below, as everybody realised what was happening, and the Guards cried in sudden reprise, and rushed for the walls, and for the Assailant.
Markus landed, to see that same black-robed man again, unhooded, and long scars covered his face. Markus now understood clearly, this man, was a Necromancer, and he wouldn't let the sinister bastard get away with what he just did!
Markus began to summon up his full strength, to toss a massive chunk of the castle wall at the Necromancer, but something broke his concentration, he was being assailed by the corpses of the corrupt guards!
After a good ten minutes of destroying the bodies with any means possible, they both stopped completeley, something bigger was in play here, Markus realised. They both looked deep into the distance, towards a small grey speck in the sky, to see a blinding flash of blue light.
Suddenly, Markus understood the bigger picture, this was all a DISTRACTION, and as the Necromancer started cackling madly and lept over the wall, Markus followed behind, completeley enraged. "YOU BASTARD! YOU GAVE THE ORDER THAT TRANSLOCATION SCROLL! I'LL MAKE SURE YOU BURN IN THE DEEPEST DEPTHS OF HELL!" Markus screamed, and he stopped suddenly, the Necromancer looked back, confused by why Markus stopped, and understood the bigger picture.
Markus unclothed the small black pocketbook, and the Necromancer broke into a trance like state, and started slowly walking, almost Zombified, towards Markus.
The Necromancer got soo close he was literally breathing on the book, and then Markus realised he was surrounded by the corrupt Guards of the Necromancer. "I'll let them pick up the pieces," Markus beckoned, before stomping the ground, and bringing up a massive Stalagmite to send the Necromancer hurtling into the air.
The guards panicked, and attempted to stupidly catch the flailing and falling Necro, and Markus casted his attention to where the blue flash was. He translocated himself and a metre wide chunk of the earth beneath him, to where the Magi Fortress once stod, now gone thanks to the petty Order of Merlin. But the Daern weren't soo easily beat, and a small chunk of their origonal base remained, the bookcase ramsacked.
Markus knew what had to be done now, the Order must be ended.

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