[Waiting] The Hashishan.

Started by Wiggles, 08-01-2009

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The Hashishan



They came from hundreds of miles away, in the far eastern regions of the world. Their lands were not covered with the lush grass of Crussaria but with the desolate sands of the ages. Tall, barren mountains dotted their landscape that held evil beyond the comprehension of many. Harsh winds blew a gale, creating storms of sand that ravaged travellers and merchants who moved from village to village. The overlooked and precious commodity of fresh water was rare here. Huge cities, with buildings made from the sands on which they stood were spread about the lands. Towns and villages in this place traded goods freely with eachother, creating a great network of merchants through the deserts.

The people who dwelled in this hot and uncomfortable region of the world were an extremely resilient group. They payed very little attention to outsiders, who, very rarely ventured into their territory for fear of death or inprisonment. From a young age, these people were taught the many ways of their forefathers, who had come before them. They were taught how to fight, how to talk and how to survive the harshness that was their reality. Though not very tall or physically strong, They were agile and smart.

Standing tall and proud in the middle of their capital was the castle in which their ruler resided. Their society was one of strict class and designation.  One did not become a warrior if they were not born to be one in this Empire. The lower class of people worked hard through the heat of the day and the upper classes stayed cool in their abodes. It was a land of oppression but also a land of promise. After hundreds of years, a warrior class emerged. These warriors stood in a middle ground between the two polar opposites, Upper and Lower. They were trained to use brain over brawn, speed over strength and above all else, how to survive. The Warriors of this land were sent far and wide to gather information for their Empire who was always looking for ways to expand its control.

These people were the Hashishan and they called the deserts of the the far east home...

Arrival In Crussaria

A sleek ship, made of wood and cloth, glided smoothly through the rough chop of the sea. It was covered in adornments of many sizes and was painted jet black. Against the Half moon sky, this ship looked like nothing but the waves in which it travelled. The only marker on this ship was a small symbol, It consisted of several half moons arranged in a pattern.

This was the symbol of the Hashishan.

After many months of travel, The ship made landfall under the cover of darkness. In a small cove, dotted by rocky outcroppings and small shrubs. It lay nestled safely, hidden away from prying eyes. A man stood on the beach facing many more dressed similar to him. They wore hoods and masks accross their face which they had used back home to protect themselves from the harsh desert winds. Earthen coloured clothing covered their body from head to toe. Underneath their clothes, they wore light chainmail to protect themselves from any danger that lay ahead for them. Small swords and daggers sat softly at their sides. These men were apart of the Warrior class of the Hashishan.

The man spoke softly to those around him, telling them of their mission. A mission of knowledge, but not in the normal sense. These men were here to learn all they could about the land they stood on, of its people, of it armies and of its rulers. They were seeking knowledge to send back home, to guide the upper class on the worthiness of an invasion of this land.

This land was Crussaria...

The Knowledge

Three of them, clad in Earthen clothing, with masks over their faces, slinked into the small village under the cover of nightfall. They moved swiftly through the streets, keeping backs against walls and eye's on the lookout for anyone who dare question their presence. A door lay ahead, leading into the small thatch roofed building. Shadows could be seen moving about inside. One of the three slowly opened the door, revealing the mere source of the shadows. A dirty man, lay asleep in a bed with a small candle by his side. He was tossing and turning, as if having a bad dream. The three began to examine the many various pieces of pottery, books and other small items that lay about this mans home. The leader of the group pocketed a several books and the group made off, into the night.

Several nights passed and once again, The three men made their way back towards the small village. This time not under the cover of night. They strode into town, receiving weird looks from many people, as if to say "Who are you?". Walking through the Village these three Hashishan took in everything they saw. The architecture, the people, weapons and anything else they could hope to gain. Conversing with the people took much effort as they were very unreceptive to their questions. They once again left the Village and made off towards their camp.

Walking through the forest, the smoke from their campfire came into sight, but so did something else. A lone man, in the camp, searching for things to take. The lead Hashishan glanced at his men and made a quick hand signal causing the two others to break off to his left and right. They moved closer to the camp, silently, from the front and the flanks. Mere meters from the Lone man, The leader issued a quick whistle and the Three Hashishan sprung the man. After a second long scuffle, The intruder had a blade to his throat and was being questioned. "I swear, i was just looking for food." He wimpered. The lead Hashishan issued but a stern and precise warning. "If i see you again, ill make sure i never see you again.". The Lone man was let free and he ran back towards the town in fear for his life. "Not good." Breathed the Leader, "We are attracting attention already.".

In Game

Role In Game

Essentially the Hashishan's motive in Crussaria is Intelligence gathering. They wish to learn about the Pro's and Con's of an Invansion to take Crussaria by force. The group is willing to attain said information by any means necessary. They are willing to help other factions only if it suits them and furthers their goals. I'm still kinda tossing up what i would like their role to be but they are essentially on an intelligence gathering mission, even if the road to that knowledge results in people dead. They are not assassins, rogues or mercenaries. Nothing of the sort. Quite often they are seen throughout the many villages of Crussaria as they are trying to learn as much as possible about the place. The Hashishan try to keep to themselves and will very rarely ask for help unless the goal is out of their reach. The Hashishan are in no position, numbers wise, to be able to lead full on assaults. They work through subterfuge before working with their weapons.

Behaviour / Punishment In Game

The Hashishan are extremely strict on unauthorised acts / missions. Meaning that if someone apart of the Hashishan were to go and murder someone out of cold blood and for a reason that does not further their cause, then punishment will be harsh. The Hashishan are small in numbers and do not wish to get themselves killed or attract to much attention to themselves for fear of putting their mission in jeapourdy. Generally they will stay out of people's way and mingle around their own base / camp. People entering their camp without authorization will be dealt with severely, ranging from torture to a simple slap on the wrist. Usually any operation will have to be authorized by a person commanding considerable rank within the Hashishan. Breach of the Hashishan code is dealt with extremely harshly with punishments ranging from jail time and torture to complete removal from the Hashishan.

The Hashishan Code

  • Problems within and outside the Hashishan are settled with words before blood.
  • Family before Hashishan. Hashishan before everyone else.
  • The Mission is utmost priority.
  • Subterfuge before Mortal Wounds.


  • Hashani (Leader)
  • Kudhari (Officer)
  • Jawari (Soldier)
  • Owari (Recruit)

Entry Into The Hashishan

Entry into the Hashishan will require a new character because the Hashishan do not accept those who are not born and bred as Hashishan. You will have to have roleplayed with me but the majority of the application will be via the forum. It will follow the pretty stock standard application but the twist will be that you might have to answer some questions based on my canon. Backstory's will have to be written based on the Hashishan canon i've written and the Crussaria canon too.

Further Notes

Please share any thoughts / suggestions about this faction. What you think, whether i'm half decent at writing shit, whatever. Any criticisms will be taken on board so dont be afraid to speak up. Hope you all enjoy the read. Its based of a kind of middle eastern tribe idea i had going. I also plan on changing the Hashishan's motive later in the timeline of the game (few months or so) from mere intelligence gathering to the possibility of trying to incite revolution in an attempt to destabilize Crussaria, making it easier to invade.