Arma2 HGN RP server?

Started by Zstan, 23-02-2010

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Has anyone here ever tried the Chernarus RP on Arma2?

It's pretty fun, the game already has a shitload of vehicles and weapons.

So I was wondering..we should start thinking about making our very own RP server for Arma2

If you wanna check out Chernarus Life it's here


And then I realized this is in the wrong forum.


This would be awesome.

I've seen that you can get good roleplay out of Chernarus.
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


I would love it, I did some RP with Blake and custom maps till he ragequitted 'cause he was tired of making maps, lol. I'd make scenarioes for us if we wanted to play, I have most of the basics down.

Bl★ck Star

i can make maps .... if i would own the game :V


Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 26-02-2010
i can make maps .... if i would own the game :V



Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 26-02-2010
i can make maps .... if i would own the game :V
Its a bit more advanced then you think....
You dont make maps, you modify an existing GIGANTIC map.
You have to edit the AI, set relations, waypoints, too much shit for me to explain.


^That. I'm still not perfect but I can make playable scenarios.


I think it would be awesome to be honest. i've played some rp on this with commanthe and afro and it was pretty good actually.

+Support if it is to any use
"|HGN| G-Man: Dont know what loli is, but i'd lie if I said I havn't seen some of that hentai stuff."