F-54147 Helicopter

Started by Adamant, 01-01-2009

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Quote from: Tunddruff
Quote from: Rohok Because that's not a fucking Ukrainian/Russian helicopter.

Find an MI-17 or 24.

Or a Hind

An MI-24 is a Hind.


Failcopter @ Page 1.
All it is, is three combined props from the Military Model Pack, with a VERY SHITTY(and of no origonality) hoverball system.

Seriously, if you want an epic Copter, ask me, gimme the prop, and give me a good ten minutes. And you'll have something that outclasses most contraptions these days.
Follow my Twitter HERE!


Quote from: MattyK Failcopter @ Page 1.
All it is, is three combined props from the Military Model Pack, with a VERY SHITTY(and of no origonality) hoverball system.

Seriously, if you want an epic Copter, ask me, gimme the prop, and give me a good ten minutes. And you'll have something that outclasses most contraptions these days.

You're definitely the number one builder on HGN. There's no doubt about that.


Still don't see what the big deal is about what helicopter. Pisses me off we don't have any American weapons.


It's actually two props. And what isn't shitty hover ball helicopters that we have now?


Quote from: Molested Rubber Ducky Still don't see what the big deal is about what helicopter. Pisses me off we don't have any American weapons.
It's true to the setting .


We can have american weapons, it's just that Silver won't listen to me everytime I suggest a weapon.


Quote from: rokema
Quote from: Creeding why cant super rich merc bring them into the zone?

Only rich mercs would have that helicopter then.....

And then be boret* off them by factions...for lots'a monies

*to buy somthing in the past tense
This message may or may not be endorsed by Creeding and he is by no means held to any comments, posts or any of the like made... Oh, and no. I dont like fancy pancy signatures.


The reason why members leave is because the server gets no flavor because picky asses like you refuse to accept the fact that people want to put american helicopters into the server, Rohok. And because you flame every other suggestion.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Quote from: Dark Assassin *facepalm*
The reason why members leave is because the server gets no flavor because picky asses like you refuse to accept the fact that people want to put american helicopters into the server, Rohok. And because you flame every other suggestion.
Well not all of us are like OMFG HELICOPTER ROFFLE LET"S PUT IT IN . Some of us want to use accuracy over convieince.


Yeah, but its just a helicopter, its not like its critically important like the map.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Quote from: Dark Assassin Yeah, but its just a helicopter, its not like its critically important like the map.

Flame every suggestion? I'm criticizing a retarded, moronic suggestion.

It's simple. You don't add an expensive, American military helicopter into a game that takes place in eastern Europe. Especially if it has United States emblems on it. It's just retarded. Just because we, the good RP'ers, want accuracy in our server doesn't mean we're picky assholes. We're just realists. We prefer our Role Play to contain both accurate and relevant material.

For one, we don't need a helicopter.

Two, we don't need an AMERICAN helicopter.

We already have an MI-17 added into the server. What the shit are we gonna do with ANOTHER transport helicopter? Let alone an American helicopter. We don't need anymore models to download, and we certainly don't want to waste bandwidth on an item that's not even relevant to the Role Play. Use your brain, and not your ass.


I was simply trying to defend my view *Creeding sighs
This message may or may not be endorsed by Creeding and he is by no means held to any comments, posts or any of the like made... Oh, and no. I dont like fancy pancy signatures.


Quote from: Creeding I was simply trying to defend my view *Creeding sighs

Don't take what I say personally, eh? I'm just bitter.

But, I was also defending my view. It wouldn't matter anyway, Silver won't add a giant helicopter. Been trying to get him to add new SWEPS for weeks.

Silver Knight

Im thinking about adding some kinda of transport helicoptor, but thats not what stalker is about...

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I have the s.t.a.l.k.e.r. clear sky military chopper,i can upload it if you want
_________________________________________________Edit: 18-02-2009_________________________________________________
I have the s.t.a.l.k.e.r. clear sky military chopper,i can upload it if you want
_________________________________________________Edit: 18-02-2009_________________________________________________
I have the s.t.a.l.k.e.r. clear sky military chopper,i can upload it if you want
_________________________________________________Edit: 18-02-2009_________________________________________________
Holy shit triple post D:
