
Started by Afromana, 06-11-2009

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I basicly won't make another gaming server for this community again before EVERY SINGLE SERVER IS POPULATED BY ATLEAST 1 PLAYER.

You guys have begged for all sorts of game servers, L4D, TF2, Flood, DOD:S, HL2:DM, AND NONE OF THEM ARE BEING USED.
Its starting to piss me off
So, only when i see you guys work to actually make the servers populated, i will continue making servers for you people.
But until then....... No new servers in any FPS game.
Note to silver: I think you understand what i meant.


Really the only ones used are the Battlegrounds and SRP servers


and killing floor.

Note: You should take down un-populated servers and replace them or just not have them up.


Not to sound like an ass but CSS servers are only EVER populated at all is if they have a niche, or if there is a clan that uses the server, to keep the numbers up so random pubs join up.

I don't know the numbers but I can guarentee the amount of player you get ina 24/7 dust server without most/full community support will be very limited.

Day of Defeat: Same issue as above

Natural Selection may see a bit more action due to the lack of servers/players but not enough to garrison a decent amount at any time.

Neo-Tokyo, Same issue as above

TF2, same issue as above, although i'de be willing to play TF2 every now and then, when i'm not busy playing Killing Floor.

L4D servers seem to be ether private, or random happenstance that it get's populated, seeing as how most everyone just uses "SEARCH FOR DEDICATED SERVER RANDOMLY" options.

The Flood server has No hint as to how to do anything, I literally hung out in that server making my own boat for about an hour and a half, then I attached hover balls to try and float out of the dry dock, couldn't find a way out of it, and the deat water is just annoying.

Suggestions for increased community activities:

More people in the steam groups:
Srsly, there is no reason everyone on this forum who is active SHOULDN'T be in ANY of the HGN groups.

More admins in said groups
To announce gaming events, i.e playing on un-populated servers, so that others know without needing to add EVERYONE in the community to their steam friends list.

Not to sound like an ass but I don't know most of you here to add you to my SF list, and also don't have enough in common with a few aswell, and I also hate asking for SF without a reason.

End Post

P.S: I know how you feel, and i've expressed this in other threads but I don't think people appretiate what you do enough Afro :P.


Join Steam Community, stop being un-appretiative assholes, play servers other then SRP (so you can grind moniez)
Please check out my other suggestions for PS2. Click 'Like' if you agree!

!IMPORTANT! Empire Specific Fighters and the Empire Specific Weapons. Overview, tweeks and nerfs! BIG POST

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Dark Angel

I was playing KF , TF 2 and NS but none els played >_<


I only ever see people begging to take servers down, not put them up!
I only see SRP, Killing Floor, and TF2 (Rarely) used.
And, Afro? Not to be a nuisance but .. have you only just noticed that these servers aren't used?
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