|Ecologists| Applications - Old

Started by Dom, 29-12-2008

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A quick note about the Ecologists: All Ecologists were employed by the Ukrainian Government and received basic Military training. They are NOT S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs who got offered a job from another Ecologists in the zone, that would not happen. Ecologists are well trained scientists with advanced knowlage of Science, Chemistry and Biology, change your backstories to meet the lore.

I ripped this from the Freedom application board and changed it. I have no general preferance to how long you have been on the server but i will require you to send me a detailed paragraph or an ingame example of you on your character roleplaying just to give me an idea of how good you are.

Steam Friends Name:

In-Character Name:

Steam ID:

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?:

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?:

What is your characters backstory?:

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?:

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?:

Why should I pick
YOU as an Ecologist?

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying:


Steam Friends Name: Akira

In-Character Name: Thomas Meyer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:14737743

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:

I've played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl and I'm trying to play CSky but its crashing all the time <_<

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: I think so.

What is your characters backstory?:

Thomas was born 1969 in Germany. He lived on the western part of germany, which was seperated from the eastern side until the reunion 1990 . He had a happy and healthy childhood. When he was 18 he joined the german military. 1989, he joined the university of Greifswald, Germany. 2000 he became a professor for radiation. 6 years later he saw and advertisement of the military. They are searching for volunteers for discovering the zone.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?:

The Ecologists were send by the military to discover the zone, including the anomalies, artefacts and mutants.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?:

I think it's a good way to improve my roleplaying skills and have some fun.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying:

Well.... We were roleplaying but my game crashed and you blocked me at sf D:> (I hope you didn't recognize that was me..)


i don't think i did block you on SF i just have bad connection. I'n afraid i can only let you be a field scientist at the moment, eventually when the time is right i will grant you the normal scientist.

Get one of the admins to flag you.


Steam Friends Name: Nikolaz72

In-Character Name: Nikolaz Wilson

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:15852891 00:34 194 5

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Stalker SoC

Background story: Nikolaz was born 1972 on a little farm on the southrend side of Iceland. He started in school when he was about eight year's old and got out in 1988 and 1992 he joined the University of Rekjavik eight year's after when he was done. he started to study medicin dropped out 1994. And started to study Radiation at about 2002 his parrent's died in a car accident and he got their farm. Nikolaz didnt know much about farming but it was going okay until in 2006 he heard that there were lot's of money to be made in the Zone he sold the farm and used the money to buy a ticket to Russia.

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: I do think so yes.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: To study the zone and all the secret's within it

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: Becaouse i enjoy their passive status in the faction - war/'s. and i enjoy roleplaying with the people in the faction,

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: Well not many example's i like passive roleplaying and i rp'ed with some member's of the Ecologist's maybe im a bit slow on the trigger but i guess that doesnt matter.


I've roleplayed with you before and your quite good, ask an admin to flag you.
Text Cyric the Archmage.


Steam Friends Name: PWO-Hunter

In-Character Name: Vasili Koslov

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17540747

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes, I have recently played the first S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game, and have seen parts of the second.

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: Yes, the Ecologists are Scientific Soldiers, whos duty is to explore the unknowns of "The Zone" and record and research on findings, either artifacts, mutations, or other forms of radioactivity.

What is your characters backstory?: Vasili I. Koslov, born in 1966, in Western Russia. He studied the various scientific areas of biology, and chemistery on people, and animals. At the age of 26, He joined the Russian Military, and served for 12 years. Later on, Vasili discovered information regarding "The Zone", and the Ecologists, and decided that he would join.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: The Ecologists where sent to "The Zone" to gather information regarding its atmosphere, enviroment, mutations and artifacts, to bring back to labs, and research their compounds.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: I beileve the Ecologists are a fine organization, and would be a high ranking choice to further take part in.

Now, give me an example of your roleplaying: When I roleplay, I like to obbey my duties, rules, and commands. Unless startled on in a hostile mannor, I will rehitaliate in self-defense.

If this is a double-post, I am sorry, my internet is a little off.


One of the best backgrounds i've seen, get an Admin to flag you.


Steam Friends Name: Vaux

In-Character Name: Tyrok Wolfhead

Steam ID: 76561197970440311

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes the first one but ive had it for a few years.

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: Yes they are sent by the remains of the goverment to understand the diffrent wonders of the zone.

What is your characters backstory?: My charecter grew up longing for adventure and science he was only a normal Stalker but he wanted to be something better something more into science and the Zone.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: There purpose is to uncover, recover and discover diffrent Artefacts, Anomalys and Mutants in the Zone's Radioactive inviroment.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: When I first step on the soil of the Zone I knew that I would die in a number of secounds when going to a Anomoly ground so I wanted to be a Ecologist because they have a great resistence to the Zones enviroment.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: I keep my launguage clean. I like to have orders, duties, and commands. If iam every threatend I attempt to put up a solid defence fight and I honour any faction that my charecter would be in.


I just want to clarify that normal Stalkers wouldn't become an Ecologist as Ecologists are scientits sent by the Russian government into the zone.


Steam Friends Name:Cobra

In-Character Name: Johnston Erickson

Steam ID: Steam_0:1:15251953

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: I own both of them and beat both of them...

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: Yes

What is your characters backstory?: Johnston Erickson was born in the United States in a rural town in Kentucky and was the top of his class in high school. When he turned 18 he had heard about the zone and thought about going to collage to be a scientist or ecologist alike. When he graduated at 28 he soon moved to Ukraine in hopes of being sent into the zone to do research and see things no one else would see in there life times.(It's a little eiffy but I suck at writing bios so forgive me.)

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: The ecologists are scientists who came to the zone to study it and it's many of wonderful and destructive creations.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: I enjoy the passive atmosphere and being a non combatant faction not having to get into fights. And create role-play for other stalkers. And or missions for them.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: I will be creating role-play for stalkers and passive rp alike. I will treat every faction with respect when they come into Ecologist laboratory and such. (I enjoyed being a guide and rping with the Ecos today.)


I trust you are responsible and i've played with you a few times, get an Admin to flag you.


Steam Friends Name: Blake / Blake_haythornthwaite.
In-Character Name: David Star.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:19190275
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes. The first one - Completed.
Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: Indeed.
What is your characters backstory?:
  In early life he grew up in the North-West of England Lancashire. In high school David was a brainiac. He loved science, he was good at it. He studied In an English grammar school and he scraped an A* In Maths but aced his A* in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. He got mostly A's and B's in his other subjects.
He obviously went to college, there he studied; Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Politics at A Level for one year, and; Biology, Chemistry and Maths for the second year getting an AS level in Politics and A levels; in Biology, Chemistry and Maths. He moved on to Cambridge University where he studied Ph.D. in Research, in Bio-Chemistry. It was hard but he managed to get the Ph.D., his mother always said he was going to be a cleaver boy. Look at him now, Earning ?70, 000 a year researching Illnesses, diseases and mutations. Then a new Proposal was made to him.. He would be promised unimaginable amounts of money, isn't it strange how people act towards greed? The Ukrainian Military offered him an application, he sent it off, what will happen? That is for the Ukrainian Military to decide.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: To Study and discover new entities within the zone and to retrieve mutated bodies and examine them - or sell them to the Military.
Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: I wish to join the Ecologists because of the Unique Role-play that is being presented, i feel that others and I will benefit from this good and interesting role-play.
Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: My Role-play is very Passive and complex, I have the knowledge to do this Role-Play, I don't really like to fight in gunfights but i can fight if needed (Although this character has never fired a 'real' gun in his life). I would treat every faction with respect, especially the military - Freedomers alike due to their willing to sell artifacts/give artifacts. I would try to avoid DUTY if i could due to their beliefs. I feel that i am the right person for this role-play. I am posotive this faction and I will benefit from my Role-Playing ability.
I have Read this Factions Forum and got everything i can from it.
If you would like somone to back up my Abilitys im sure
Fyren And Rohok will be happy to tell you.

-Made a Few Edits with regards to Grammar.
-Made a Few more edits with regards to my back story and jazzed it up.

Accepted - Looking forward to seeing you in The Zone.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Ecologist Reactivation Request: Dr. Matthew Kvinch.
Specialization: Deep Zone Penetration Research/Adv. Engineering

You know me well enough to allow this.

Accepted - Welcome home.
Follow my Twitter HERE!

Bl★ck Star

Steam Friends Name:[HGN]Cloud   [GER]

In-Character Name: Joe Stuart

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:5273884

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: yes SoC.

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: Yes they are Scientists that are send from the Military to research the Zone.

What is your characters backstory?: Both Joe's parents were doctors so as he grew up he became fond of medicine and biological science. Through all of his school life Joe was a gem, never harming anyone, not even a fly. He got average grades and moved on to college and eventually University. While at University Joe had a suddon change of heart and decided to swap corses, instead of researching medicine he went on to take physics courses and aced them straight. When Joe had finnished University he found it hard to find work, he tried everywhere but just couldn't cope. Joe was always a bit of a physical kind of guy so at his tether's end he applied for the army. After doing the basic training he was fitted into a medic team where he studdied further medical science. When news of The Zone spread his government sent an application form to everyone with a degree stating whether they wanted to apply for The Zone and travel there as an "Ecologist" which would require extra training. Seeing as his life was going nowhere, Joe applied and was briskly accepted, he recieved the training and sat many harsh exams testing his mental capabilites, after 6 months of training he was eventually airlifted into The Zone with a group of new Military recruits.. What awaits his future?

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: Reasearching artifacts and doing some jobs for Loner.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: Because I like to be a scientist and a smart guy <:D.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying:I would be sitting in the Lab and reasearching some artifacts , then someone comes in with a new artifact. First I would go to Prof. Svolinsky and ask him to look at it before if its dangerous and it blows up the lab.

Added proper Grammar (i think) :whistling:

Accepted - I wrote you a new backstory.


Steam Friends Name: [HGN] Ganendor

In-Character Name:Taras Petrov

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:2793472

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes the first.

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: Sure do

What is your characters backstory?: Taras was always a smart kid. He lived in russia with his father, his mother passed away giving birth to him. While he was young his father worked as a doctor, he would study his father while he worked and admired him. By the time he was at high school he studied biology and chemistry and was always top of the class. After those years he passed with high grades and decided to go to university. He studied radiology and its effects. While he was there, the military came and was recruiting people as military scientists. He was moved by this and he decided to apply. After his last years in university he decided to move to ukraine and study the area around chernobyl. But he his curiousity lead him there to study first hand the effect that its has. Upon discovering the zone he became dedicated to study it and learn all about it. After a small period he was conviced that joining the ecologists was the way forward.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: To examine the effects the radiation has had on the area, the "Zone" and to study all the mutation that has happened.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: I would like to join the ecologists to have a different experiance of the game, and to see a new way of roleplaying and to help others roleplay which could be enjoyable

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: I would research an artifact and preform test on it untill i come across somthing strange. I would report it to Prof. Isaac Svolinsky about it and ask for further instuction on how to proceed


I am Soldier - Play Free Online Games


Steam Friends Name: Dark Assassin

In-Character Name: Yuri Korvek

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:10935743

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes, I have played both Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Silver Knighty.

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: Yes

What is your characters backstory?: Yuri was born in northern Ukraine on 1970 in a small town near the Russian border and had three brothers and two sisters. His father left his family shortly after his birth, leaving Yuri's mother to take care of him and his siblings. Yuri took interest in many fields of Science at a relatively young age. At age eleven he began reading books and studying chemistry. At age thirteen he was top of his class and excelled in all of his classes, and was able to Silver Knightip many of his junior high classes, advancing into high school by age fourteen. His mother was proud of him, as was his brothers and sisters. He advanced in his Biology classes and began taking advanced classes, he began bored from the teachers teaching him things he already knew, and chose to test out of his classes and go to college at the age of sixteen. Then, when in college, the CNPP exploded, causing its horrors and maSilver Knighting lands with its radiation. Yuri, now at the age of 41, having heard that The Zone was an extraordinary scientific anomaly, and that the military was recruiting scientists, he immediately began studying radiation, applying for a position as an ecologist.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: To examine and study the effects of the Zone and the effects the Radiation is causing within the Zone. Such as mutation, anomalies and the like.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: I have always taken an interest in science and I prefer to take more of a not-shooting-stuff-up, passive RP rather than running around with a gun. Also to advance RP for other players in more of a backgroundish part.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: I would search for anomalies and artifacts, if finding one, I would study the anomaly if it is a new one, then take the artifact back to the lab. Then testing its effects on a living creature or seeing what connection it has with an anomaly. I would then report my findings to Professor Issac, and await further instruction.

Accepted - Whats with the Silver Knight bit?

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Steam Friends Name: welek9001
In-Character Name: Kyle Eberstark

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:21709781

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes, SoC

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: Yes I understand. Ecoloists are Scientists with basic military training, they are sent into the zone to study the effects and other things. As listed below.

What is your characters backstory?: Jason was born in SaSilver Knightatoon, by the same parents of Michael and Aden, he was separated at birth from them, and adopted by a Russian family, and they flew over to pick him up, and took him back to Russia with them. He was a quiet kid, only speaking when spoken to.

    He did very well in elementary, and high school, he was getting ninety?s across the broad, on all class, but science, Jason loved science he would stay after school just to learn more about it. His teacher soon talked to his Parent?s about placing him in Advanced Science Jason stood by smiling and nodding his head, as to single yes, he even said it out loud. He soon passed high school, his teachers getting him to go into the best university in Russia. He also passed his classes, but had a harder time, his mind focusing on the ad he saw outside his house. It was something about joining the Russian army, as a military scientist or something, all he had to do was pass Chemistry and Biology with flying colours, he will be given basic military training, to Jason this was too good to pass up. He would be able to do his favourite thing, but with the military, he could not stop thinking about how advanced the stuff would be. He finished his classes and dropped out, quickly going to the nearest military recruitment center. The ad in hand, he ran out of breath at the counter, he shoved the flyer in the man?s face, the man only nodded and motioned him in the back door, overly filled with joy, and Jason followed, a tingly feeling in his spine. He was about to start his new life.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: The purpose of the Ecologists, is to study the affects of the zone, the mutation's and anomolies. And as we all know, Atrefacts.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: I wish to join Ecologists to expand this character's story, I would also like to join to enhance roleplay for everyone, It seems people like it when a Ecologist is on.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: I believe I've role-play with you, wait never mind, I fucked around in your lab OOCly.
Well, an example of me role-play would be to create passive, such as a few things, artefacts, employ S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs to do certain things. Stuff like that. I enjoy (sometimes) more of a militaristic way, to get away from freedoms way, so I won't have a hard time taking orders and such.

(Ukrainian? Fffffff just replace Russia)
(Change Jason to Kyle.)


Strelok Holmes

Steam Friends Name:Cole and his killer Pretzel

In-Character Name:Alexander Kaidvoski

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:19606309

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?:I own, and beaten both games.

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?:I belive so.

What is your characters backstory?: Alexander was born in a rural village north of Saint Petersburg in 1987. He had a rough, but profitable childhood. He learned to hunt small to large game, and his family was somewhat wealthy. When he was 18, he began his higher education as a student at the Ryazan Ecclesiastical Seminary, but then dropped out and enrolled in the University of Saint Petersburg to be closer to help the family. One year into his college the Chernobyl disaster that created the zone had happen, rumors pour out from the zone and he started to
Get interested in it. After he graduated with a PhD in engineering and physics he decided to hike out on his own and enter the zone.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: The ecologist purpose is to study what the zone is all about. From the mutants it?s created to the strange anomalies that happen and the artifacts they create. This is all for the efforts of the Ukrainian government of course (Or for personal reasons, to become famous in the scientific community)

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?:I believe it would be an interesting rp experience. The ecologist may not be that active, but nor are traders to hand out missions here and there. This would make a change of paste for not just be but maby...other players as well.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying:Well I have not played with you Akira. But I?ve RPed with a good amount of people since being here; I?ve had passive role-play, missions, events and even a few PvP firefights (Role-play was involved before hand, during and afterwards)

Accepted - I like your backstory.

Crussaria=Wiglaf Grimshaw(Grimshaw of the Iron Hand), The Corpse Brigade:Alive


Steam Friends Name:2Bchillin

In-Character Name:Andrew Larson

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:17564959

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Beat Both.

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: Yes, I do.

What is your characters backstory?: As a scientest, Andrew was interested in the zone. He knew that strange things can happen near radiation. HE wondered what was going on inside. He found the right group of people, and set off into the zone. When He arived, he was not liked much, but his skills in Biology were extraordany. Thats what kept him alive.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?:   Ecologists are well trained scientists with advanced knowlage of Science, Chemistry and Biology. They study the effects of the zone, Via Artifacts, Mutants, Ect.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: I belive it would expand my RP on this character. He wants to live a quiet life, doing what he does best... Reserching.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: I used a dead bloodsucker body, RPly dismembered it, and studyed the aspects of his brain.

Denied - You didn't fix it


Steam Friends Name:commanthe2

In-Character Name:Travis Johnson

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:4168532

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?:no

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?:yea

What is your characters backstory?: Travis was born in april 27 1965.As a child Travis always wanted to follow in his father's footsteps of becoming a scientist. His father helped the military by researching weapons. his father soon died while travis was in high school of a weapons test that went wrong and exploded. now Travis is a scientist and has been transferred to area 51. it is now 2012.Travis had to go to a Russian research base located east of the zone. He was on a the plane going past the zone when a malfunction happened and the plane crash landed. He was lucky enough to be in the back of the plane and he was the only survivor. Now he must use his knowledge to survive the zone and to study it at the same time.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?:Ecologists are scientists that study the nature and biology of the zone. They pay good money for artifacts located in the zone or bio anomaly's body's.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?:the help study the zone to better understand the area.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying:I am very realistic i always try to make it real like yelling out if a partner is killed or if your being tortured.

Good luck out there, buddy


Steam Friends Name: [email protected]

In-Character Name: Krivetzya Volvach

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:1788064

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: I own them both and have beaten them both.

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: I do fully, I used to be a Ecologist Leader myself.

What is your characters backstory?: Krivetzya was born in southern Ukraine and was often called "Krivy" as a nickname. Krivy always made an A in school and was usually picked on by other kids at the school. After finishing grade school Krivy went to college for 6 years getting several degrees then became a Biologist. A few months later the Chernobyl accident happened and him and his buddies began talking about what would happen to the area within the blast. It was considered far to dangerous to go there at the time so they planned a trip to go there 23 years later in which it could be considered explorable. Krivy and his buddies packed their bags and began their trip up north. While on the way they heard about people also going to find riches. They soon made it and began taking samples when a boar began to charge at them, the Military was close by and they were rescued. Krivy stayed for a month and then heard about a group of people supported by the Government and the Ukraine who researched The Zone then Krivy went to go apply....

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: The purpose of the Ecologists is to study The Zone and its wonders.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: I wish to join the Ecologists for a new type of roleplay and because I have been an Eco leader before.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: I was captured by Slavers and roleplayed my way out using my essential tools.

Here is something if it will help..


I am Jman234 by the way.

Accepted - I edited the picture to get space

Bjorn Trotsky

Steam Friends Name: Mandible10

In-Character Name: Florjan Nowak

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:12799988

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Own and absolutely love SoC. Beaten it 3 times  :2guns:

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: Yep, they are probably the most interesting faction in the game, bar maybe monolith, and I know their stuff fairly well

What is your Character's backstory: Florjan grew up in western Poland, coming from the family of a fairly affluent doctor. As a child he struggled in the early years of school, finding work difficult, but he was inspired by the success of his father, and eager to fulfil his family name. As years passed, Florjan overcame the difficulties of study through hard work and toil, and, in 1991, after a length stay in England, where his father had also studied, he gained his Masters in Biochemistry at University College London and returned home, ambitions somewhat sated.

After a few years working in research labs, a job which did little to satisfy his love of fieldwork, Florjan heard of a renewed research project into the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl power plant, and studies into the biology of this zone. His interest piqued, Florjan left his family behind him once more, and applied to the Ukrainian embassy, offering his services. At the age of 42, Florjan was accepted, and flew out to the zone to begin his work.

Florjan continues to pursue his work with abandon, and labours to become a name within the Ecologists.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: The Ecologists strive to understand the zone, through study of its environs and artifacts. They are supported and sponsored by the Military.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: Coming from a medical background myself, I enjoy RPing scientific events and endeavours. Also, they have a spiffy suit!  :gunsmilie: Finally, the first guy I met on the server was an Ecologist, and he gave me a knife that saved my life. (Danke Kevin)

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: A bloodsucker gave me an impromptu welcome to the zone, and knocking me unconscious, slightly ate my face. But, waking from my daze, I managed to wildly stab it with my knife, and escaped, to be helped by people in the bar. Now I wear a mask.



Steam Friends Name: TheRapeTrain (Was MattyK)

In-Character Name:Patrick Bateman

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11805875

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Ive played SoC, Havent came about to Clear Sky

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: Im pretty sure Ive got it down

What is your characters backstory?: Patrick Bateman comes from a wealthy family, and yet a Child of Divorce. Given that his life was set for him, Bateman became interested in Science. Bateman attended Phillips Exeter Academy for prep school. He graduated from Harvard University in Cellular Engineering. While Patrick Bateman seems to be the embodiment of the suave, attractive and successful scientist, beneath his polished exterior, his "Mask of Sanity" is about to slip. He appears to loathe himself as much as he does everyone else; he kills many of his victims because they make him feel un-important, usually by having better taste than he does. His friends mock him as the "boy next door." Bateman has no remorse for his killings and openly admits that he is a heartless monster. He often overreacts to minor problems, such as describing himself as "on the verge of tears" when he thinks he may not get a good restaurant table. Periodically, he matter-of-factly confesses his crimes to his friends, co-workers, and even complete strangers just to see if they are actually listening to him. They either are not, or think he is joking. Bateman is never arrested for the enormous number of murders he commits. Thus, He accepts this opening position as an opportunity to become what he really is, yet fears that adjusting to the Zone may let his mask fly straight off.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: Sent to the Zone to recover information describing the Biology, Mutations, and the Creations of "The Zone"

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: I enjoy the "Passive" RP Better than the Shoot em up War and Combat, but also to enhance the RP for the other Factions

Why should I pick YOU as an Ecologist? Why should you pick me? Well I plan to not only keep my character straight but also do my best to enhance the Story in which this RP will Follow

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: I will stick to the base of Passive RP but aswell create a Dynamic Character that tries to do his best in showing respect and staying out of harms way, As well as keeping a balance to Chat Based and Player-Action Based RP.

Pending - Are you a spy or is it just an accident that you're name is like on of an older HGN Member?..

Actually MattyK WAS my Steamname, I talked to Silverknight and changed it...Sorry for the inconvenience.


Steam Friends Name: [HGN] Neo Hazard

In-Character Name: Charig Vesgar

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5474816

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: No, been trying to get apirated copy so I can

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: From my understanding, they're basically a group of scientists sent to The Zone in order for the surrounding area to be better understood and dealt with accordingly, specifically regarding the radiation and artifacts.

What is your characters backstory?: Charig was a science freak through his earlier life, winning everything from the science fair to large science competitions. He continued to pursue his scientific education by isolating himself and studying all he could, until the explosion. He was driven to bunkering down to protect himself from pretty much everything. He had enough supplies to last him for a couple months, until he was rescued by an old friend of his, Dex Vach. Confused and scared, he was rushing to the nearest town to seek protection and continue his research.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: To research, experiment with, and study The Zone and gain an understanding of the radioactivity, artifacts, enviroment, and atmosphere.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: To extend my roleplay to include a more diverse roleplay experience

Why should I pick YOU as an Ecologist? I'm a great roleplayer, I've been RPing my entire life. I'm also good with the non-violent roles of RP and I do enjoy science in real life, which will influence my IC RP

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: see attachment (I'm Mich Dimeron)

Accepted - I've seen you RPing before
Dex Vach - Psychotic Cannibal
Mich Dimeron - Big ol' Barkeep - Co-leader Trader Union
Charig Vesgar - Science Freak
Cricket - Chirp Chirp.


Steam Friends Name: |Iced| Pvt. Waldo

In-Character Name: Mike Sorath

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:14452099

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: The first one

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: They were sent in by the military to research the zone and harness it's power

What is your characters backstory?: Mike Sorath was a natural american at a young age. He was born into a pre-russian family and learned to speak both english and russian. He wasn't a very good at getting grades untill he moved to Ukraine, shortly after he heard about the explosions at chernobyle. He was abled to be tutored by teahers that did want their students to have a future. By the time he started collage he was hearing about people moving into the zone and more explosions. In collage he majored in chemisty and minored in pilot lessons. After finnishing collaged he was drafted into the military and forced into gaurding the zone. Later he was reasigned to a small science team devoted to researching the zone. He finds himself constantly being a burden to the team and once even tryed suicide after a failed mission. One of his favorite thing he likes to do when hes confronted by an enemy is to let his rifle (or smg) speak for him.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: To ensure that the zone will be livable again and to study the zones affects.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: To ensure the zone will be livable soon and the well safety of the science crew.

Why should I pick YOU as an Ecologist? I'm an open learner and loyal to follow orders

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: I was captured by the bandits and Ecos, Loners, Duty, and Mercs freed me and I shortly after help them back by defending their homestead from the bandits and died.
I also find my self annoying others when I have nothing to do. (keep me busy with work, Lost Hybird bored the fuck out of me)

Hmm.. A new sort of an Eco, hopefully you'll include your military time in your RP, would be something new. Accepted.

Angel Flame

Steam Friends Name:[DS] Angel

In-Character Name: Trey Sythor

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:21925249

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: No, but, I know what they are about.

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: They're scientists who were sent by the military, yes in other words.

What is your characters back story?: Trey was living with his parents until the age of 11 when one of the anomalies killed his father. He lived with his mother up to age 17 where he moved from home to Russia (he always wanted to live there) and found himself a decent apartment. He visited the Russian Academy of Sciences and graduated with a masters degree in Biology and Chemistry. After graduating he overheard one of his classmates talking to another person about a place called The Zone. He heard him talking about Loners and about how they were stranded out in the zone. He also overheard them talking about DUTY and Freedom and about how they were always fighting. Afterward he heard something interesting, he said there were Ecologists which studied The Zone and studied strange artifacts with ominous glowing or strange composition. His classmate also mentioned they focused on the X16 which contained a Psi Emitter that could turn anyone near it into a mindless zombie. Trey went to talk to his professor who explained the details more clearly and said Trey should talk to a military unit about it more. Trey visited the military and they asked him if he wanted to study at The Zone and become an Ecologist. Trey was obliged and accepted right away.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: To Study the zone, find new sources of energy and learn more about the artifacts in the zone. To also study the biology of the mutants and studying teleportation, genome modification, and anti gravity.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: Because the idea of being a scientist in the zone and learning more about artifacts and studying the anomalies appeals to me as being enjoyable.

Why should I pick YOU as an Ecologist? I like role-playing and making my time on there as realistic as possible and I'd get to work with some other factions in co-operation.

Now, give me an example of you role-playing: I was playing with DUTY once and freedom (they were pretending to be S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S) brought us a S.T.A.L.K.E.R who they claimed to be a freedomer. I was told to take off the tape and he shouted "I'm rigged with C4!!!" We all jumped back and they detonated his C4. We caught one of the freedomers before they escaped and tortured him for information, but, we had to kill him in the end.

Quite good backstory, but the ending is kinda.. well... Nevermind - Accepted


Steam Friends Name: Plunger435

In-Character Name: Adrik Grigorev

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:13927190

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Both

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: Yes

What is your characters backstory?: He grew up in southern Ukraine in an urban neighborhood. He was educated well and grew a fairly normal life. He was one of the smarter children in his time at school getting only the best grades. There was something wrong with just majoring in science and math to him, but he did it anyways to make his parents proud. After finishing with school he applied for the most prestigious job allowed. Thus he became a scientist for the Ukrainian Government. He worked there for five years before his boss told him his work was, "Unsatisfactory", and that he had one option. His option was to begin research in The Zone. This was surprising news to him as he had only heard of it in the newspaper and on the news, but had not taken much interest in it until now. With no option he agreed to go to the zone.

He walked onto the roof as helicopters blades were heard roaring over the horizon. They presented him with a blue suit and told him to change quickly. The helicopter landed on the pad and two military soldiers stepped out guns in hand. Adrik walked over mounting the chopper and giving the okay signal. Then began his journey into the zone and new life as an Ecologist.
What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: To research The Zone and it's strange anomalies and other matter breaking entities. This includes, but is not limited to bodies, anomalies, and blowouts.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: I want to join the Ecologists for a new role-play experience that does not involve straight combat all the time, and for the experience of working as one of the most respected Zone factions.

Why should I pick YOU as an Ecologist? I've been with HGN for a number of months now and already have a trader, another noncombat faction, and your the only one who knows my weakness.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: On my Bounty Faction Leader I have asked for only appearances and not names or other such. Announcing over AD and not OOC. I've helped the ecologists with protection often as well.

Denied - You're a faggot and I know your weakness.

Nah, just kidding, Accepted.


I love how popular we're getting.


Steam Friends Name: Silent

In-Character Name: Nicklas Hovgaard

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9939655

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Got both. Completed both, around 5 times now :nuke:

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: I know they were in the zone to study it, trying to find the cure for many of the "real worlds" diseases and afflictions. They are pretty much the only humans in The Zone of Annihilation (The Zone has many names) that want to actually use it, instead of destroying it, or just making it a place for hippies and the like use it as a playground.

What is your characters backstory?: Nicklas was born in Denmark, in the year of 1970. 10 years before the first disaster struck. By the time Chernobyl blew up for the first time, he was not amazed, but rather frightened. A lot of things went through his head: "How? Why? How many dead? What can I do to help?"
In due time, he got one answer to one of his many questions. He knew what to do to help. He decided to start doing some research into radiation, to try and find a way to help those stuck in The Zone, and the nearby towns. 20 years later, he knew nearly everything a scientist knew, if not more. Time goes on, and he continued his research, totally forgetting about the fact he wanted to help. That is, until the second explosion occured. When he heard about the second explosion, his old goal came into mind: "How can I help them?"
With his mind still brimming with various data and information around radiation, he travelled to The Zone of Annihilation, or "The Zone" as it was later named.
With his little to no wisdom around the Russian language, he tried his best to talk english with those who could.
Now he's in The Zone, trying to find a way to use the skills he's learnt over the years, generally trying to survive, whilst still trying to collect as much field-data as he can.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: To research The Zone, and try to invent new items to help the "real world" with the knowledge they can find in this now, and deadly world.

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: Nicklas is not the everyday Loner. He's the guy who'd rather stay out of a fight, mainly due to the fact he doesn't even know how to fire a gun, and would rather rely on his wits.

Why should I pick YOU as an Ecologist? Well, for starters, I'm not the usual Loner type out there, and second, I actually know quite a lot about the subject of radiation, and try to get that as best as I possibly can into my roleplay.
And of course, the fact Nicklas is the super-cautious person, always thinking over what he is about to do.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: A couple of days ago, another Ecologist "hired" 5 loners, me included, to try and take down a bandit who had barricaded him inside a house. Through the whole time, Nicklas was more of a hindrance rather than a help, mainly because the fact he knows nothing about warfare, and he was shot in the leg due to inexperience.

Accepted - One of the best applications I've ever seen. But keep in mind: Ecologists are sent by the military to the zone, so, maybe you should just forget the time as "Nicklas the loner" and start the new one "Nicklas the Ecologist".
Daniel Espasito - Commander of Black Sky
- - - - - - - - - - -
Silent - Avid follower of The Monolith
- - - - - - - - - - -


Steam Friends Name: Sinbues

In-Character Name: Slovma Kharanov

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18276792

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: I've nevered really bothered to buy the games, but I have watched youtube videos and read some of the wiki to make up for it, I have a basic knowledge of the story. Let's think of it as enough to role-play by.

Do you understand the lore behind the Ecologists?: I understand they were sent into the zone to study it, they being hired by the military. By "legal" law apparently, they are the ones who are actually allowed into the zone without being killed or fired at by the military itself.

What is your characters backstory?: Slovma was born and raised in the northern tips of Ukraine, he being born in a "rural" area of this country. He started out in a small elementary school were he was interested in the subject of science and his languages he had to learn. His childhood went on, passing through the basic elementary grades getting almost straight A's and impressing his parents every quarter and every day. It turned out his liking of science got him into schools no other classmate of his could get into at such a young age, sadly his parents couldn't afford these very expensive schools of knowledge and he was forced into labor with his Father. Years go by, and he and his father continue with their wood cutting business getting the anual salarys and he looking off into the distance, looking at all the colleges and "smart" schools. His anticipation though had pulled him through, he eventually applied for one of these colleges and got accepted into them under a scholarship, his studys mainly focused on the usual science classes and computer tech, during his years of study the explosion at Chernobyl accursed the land, and he was drafted into the military and put inside this explosion field studying it. His work continued in the Zone, his heart beating hard during this time not really expecting what would happen, the zone expanded and he pulled back as it did, he knowing this danger that could kill him. And now he is back where he was, continuing his work inside the zone.

What is the purpose of the Ecologists?: To study the zone, find cures, find out everything involved, and other things for the military

Why do you wish to join the Ecologists?: More role-play.

Why should I pick YOU as an Ecologist?: I am a very swell role-player if I may say so myself, all though I'm not very good at writing I can make it up during in-game experiances.; I have also donated to the community, meaning I do have dedication to this site and this server.

Now, give me an example of you roleplaying: Like I said before I'm very horrible with these, and I CAN make it up for you in-game, I have people that I have met to vouch for me that I am indeed a very good role-play, I hope you can maybe accept me over others because I want to try everything that is being offered in this role-play server.

A cold breeze slipped through the cold steel doors of the Eco-base this morning, howling and moaning creeped inside as well, a normal day for me I guess. I turned myself around and faced the steel door, I began to walk to the keypad to open it up. I approached it with carelessness and I began to tap my fingers against the dusty pad numbers. The keypad began to beep when I punched in the code, I winced as it began to bellow into my ears. Suddenly, when I pressed the enter button, the loud screech of the door opening came alive, as it slowly moved to the right from the left, as the Zone apperance began to flash to my eyes as I looked outside. I looked around, seeing nothing but normal loners walking around, flipping rocks around and searching for anything worth of value, I sighed and hit the close button on the door as I headed out