WIP Delay Map [Screenshots]

Started by mrd, 28-12-2008

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Entrance to the bar

Random fucking Windmill

Village Building

Village Building

Village Building

Village Building

Shack thingy

Biggest Village building

Village building

Some interior of the biggest building [bad screenshot]

Village building

Peak at the windmill interior

Overview of the village

WIP Freedom base

Overview off the village

Entering view

I am still solving the fullbright problem with the fence. I think it is clipping at some point. Yes, I know the skybox sucks but that is one of the lowest priorities. I am doing all the buildings first. Then building the landscape and environment around them.

Enviorment Plans

Swamp Area
Lots of trees
Dark sky
Possible rain
Hella lot better lighting

Buildings: 30%
Environment: 0%
Skybox: 0%


I like it all! Looks awesome and should let people do their own rp and not all clusterfuck together.


Looks great

agree with wally
Don't mind my englisch im Dutch!

Silver Knight

sooo sleepy, some of the prefabs are nice.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Nice, although the "damaged" buildings look kinda whacky, it's not like there has been a WW3 going on or something.
Even if the Zone has been abandoned for 40 years, it won't wreck the houses like there has been carpet bombing
"The thing about the light you see before death, it ain't heaven son. It's the muzzleblast of an gun"