The HGN 'AND THEN!?' Game.

Started by KillSlim, 22-10-2009

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*Chaos speeds up loading process for 500 minerals.

*Chaos gets ready for take-off.

*Bombs HGN's secret destroyers.


ISPYUDIE replicates the nano forge and issues what's left of his army with nano rifles, then loads the data into a missile

Then he searches for a shield jammer and preps the escape vehicles


* Afromana notices the sudden military activity on earth, and launches one of his most deadly weapons.
StarGate Atlantis VS Asurans
(Only the start of this clip is connected to this action)
Chaos' plane army is crippled
6 ISPYUDIE installations have been destroyed


** Warning, long range scanners have found 93 ships in FTL closing towards earth, ETA, 1 day **


ISPYUDIE is glad he was only using the one underground complex. He quickly begins firing off his nano missiles at Afro's munitions base which he found the co-ordinates to using a old computer

ISPYUDIE heads off somewhere unknown


*The Mothership of the Nikolazian Fleet comes out of hyperspace and has found a new planet setting off towards it*

"Spots several fleets and giant spacestations in space O_o"
Text Cyric the Archmage.


A rather large ship lands down to pick ISPYUDIE up and the landing zone. Then flies off to regroup with the rest of the fleet to jump into hyperspace


" The Mothership spots the large activity around the planet sending out a Negotiaton Team escorted by fighters."

Text Cyric the Archmage.


ISPYUDIE is dropped off at his Base of Ops and the ships stay in orbit to guard the planet


Locke's Titan ship moves out, crushing anyone in with intentions of harming HGN


PistolKid, discovering that Rage Against the Machine did not save the world, quickly fired them.


* Afromana does not get affected by this attack, this attack actually does him a favor, clearing out Earth for enemy forces.
* For those who didnt know, AFROMANA IS IN SPACE.


*Chaos quickly goes to his underground Palace, with Binladen


"Spotting the giant titan warship the small fighter group sends out the negotiator"

Text Cyric the Archmage.


(OOC) Man, you enjoy negotiating


* Two X-304 Class Deep Space Carrier intercepts the negotiation team in the middle of its path, and it is unable to contact either the target or their orgin.The Daedalus Animations
* The ships disable the negotiation team vessel, and takes control of the ship.


ISPYUDIE's long range scanners loose track of the ship heading for the titan and decides to send out a ship to see whats going on from the last known location and at the same time has sent a ship to scan earth for any survivors.

The scanner ship

The rescue ship


* Afromana's fleet thats in orbit around earth shoots down a strange kind of blue blocky cube down on the ground.

* The cube starts unpacking, getting larger and larger, almost like it..... replicates......
*Meanwhile, ISPYUIE's rescue ship is met by Nikolaz's negotiation ship and they engage in a fight


ISPYUDIE spots the cube and instantly launches a nano missile at it. Then prepares to pull out

The ship sent to rescue Nikolaiz ship disables it's shields as a swarm of what looks like missiles fire out and pass right through the shield of the other ship, smashing into the ship but not exploding. They seem to be Pods of some sort. The ship's shield comes back online but they have taken lots of damage in the process

ISPYUDIE's men take over the ship (Seeing it's empty of Afro's army) disable the remote control and take the ship back to the base of ops, making sure no tracking devices are on it.


The ship's self destruct sequence is now activated, ITS A TRAP.
All hatches are locked, the ship is in full lockdown, ISPYUDIE's men are trapped.


Most of his men pile into the pods they came in through and get the hell out of there.  The ship then explodes destroying two pods that weren't far enough away

Halo CE - Pillar Of Autumn - Escape

(Stop at 0:24)


Murlocantis is encased in a spherical shield as it floats through space.

Several Angler Starships come out of warp near the city and link up before towing it through space.


* Afromana's fleet of mass-produced ships have now arrived
Stargate Atlantis The ultimate space battles
(4:01 - 5:03)
The ships start bombarding earth, and destroys every ship in their way.


The recon ship reaches the base of ops and is sent to a repair hangar
Meanwhile, the scanner ship has picked up 245 survivors and begins to exit earth immediately due to Afro's incoming fleet.


Rises from the deeps of hell sending a large beam of hell fire at the ships and invadeing people.

The beam also contains little bat demons that can survive in space to attack the ships.


Runs back down to hell to rest as demons flee to hell also.

There should be quite alot of damage to earhtly areas and certain people near earth in space or on it.