The HGN 'AND THEN!?' Game.

Started by KillSlim, 22-10-2009

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A Forum RP game. Very easy to figure out; just don't do anything over the top like:
'So and so pulls a Nuke-launcer out of his arse, and blows up HGN'

How to play:

-Every action which considers killing and anything alike requires attempting it.
-Nothing too dramatic or OTT.
-Be creative.

Let the madness begin.

*KillSlim's rather high post-count gives his plane a rather high altitude, and begins bombing the shit out of HGN with a Hydrogen bomb

And then?
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


* Afromana with his high rank in HGN activates the HGN Shield station, protecting all of HGN,

* While his Ion Cannon aims for Killslims plane and fires towards it

(What happens with the plane, is for you to decide :V)


*Chaos kicks HGN's balls.

SK ^^
Now does it hurt or not?


*KillSlim's plane is heavily damaged, but he manages to land it in Africa, whilst running down a group of natives.

*Luckily, KillSlim has an underground base where he crash landed, thanks to his moderately high post count. He is given a moderately good base with moderately good stuff.

*Research: Completed: Plasma Rockets. New construction options available.*

*KillSlim then begins building a shitload of Plasma Rockets (Wat), he's been saving his resources up since the day he joined HGN ....
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window

Bl★ck Star

*Cloud builds up an Underground Zombie Army in his Underground train station lair*


Quote from: Cloud on 23-10-2009
*Cloud builds up an Underground Zombie Army in his Underground train station lair*
Pics? :(

Who will try and stop KillSlim on the road to HGN?
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


* Plunger uses scanner powers on KillSlim.


* Locke  requires additional pylons


Quote from: Locke on 23-10-2009
* Locke Locke requires additional pylons

GOD DAMNIT! I wanted to use that!

Chaos: Hehe, got you now, Locke.

SCV: I can't build there, something's in the way.
Chaos has lost connection to


And then, Tis Guy sent forward his unrelenting army.

Bl★ck Star

Zombie Army starts to eat Locke


* Locke Locke breaks out his life's work, and starts duplicating himself.


*Raises his awlimighty ban hammer and screams"BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN" and starts to ban people in HGN*


**And the angels sang out in emmaculate chorus. And down from the heavens, descended Chuck Norris, who delivered a kick, which could shatter bones, into the crotch of Indiana Jones KillSlim.


ISPYUDIE Uses his donator pass to infiltrate the HGN headquarters, taking out several guards.

ISPYUDIE realises he brought the wrong ID card


ISPYUDIE ignores his fail and starts planting Duped CSS C4 on afro's shield generator in the north



Cortez Faggot


-No, have a nice day-


*Fluffy uses his powers and summons a duel to the death of Rock, Paper, Scissors.*


Comes out of no where giveing everyone swine flu


Rav used all of his energyz so he could use his epic swine flu power to attack you all to cleanse so HGN could be at peace once and for all.

Rav died in the proccess being consumed by it  :(

Hopefully the pilot gets swine flu and crashes.

Hopefully in the dark cold artic.

Ham and bacon you should try them.
Swine sure taste fine.
Lets talk about pork.


* Plunger summons governmental vaccine.


Luckly those already infected have become zombies to eat all non-infected.

Soon we will unleash power to fuck you up.

Rav's body comes back to life into a uber zombie.

This is Ravangers last stand if he dies he is dead for sure.
But you got to kill his zombie bitches alsoz.


* Afromana gathers all of HGN's elite in a bunker, and turns himself into a supercomputer called "Skynet".
* Thousands of nukes launches towards all DarkRP servers and Troll communities all over the globe, destroying mankind as we know it with it.

Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines : Ending
* Afromana have also made a robot army out of HGN's resources in secret.
* The army starts gathering all humans from around the globe to the mainframe building, to brainwash them and bend them to his will

Terminator Salvation (4) * HD * EXCLUSIVE CLIP long Trailer

* Mankind is at the werge of extingtion, whats your next move?
OOC - And, everyone in HGN survived somehow, find a logical way how it happend. and fight back! Ravanger and Cloud's zombeh armeh is majorly weakened.

I know this is at the werge of breaking the games rules, but i just had to do it


** Panda forces a HGN member to have sex with a genetically enhanced monkey to make an army of flesh-eating monkeys but they fail and go on a cat diet.  ** **


** KillSlim was protected because his base is deep underground, so the impact of Afro's nukes was softened by the huge amount of soil between Kill's base and the surface.

**KillSlim then launches his plasma missiles towards Afro's base, and readies his personal Soviet bomber....
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


ISPYUDIE is stuck up north after realising the explosives were crappy CSS models. He is pinned down by terminators and zombies but somehow he's holding out....

"Wait... How'd he get that?"

"Guys! Your meant to be guarding the epic armory of the best weapons in history"