What Roleplay Server Would You Like Us To Develop?

Started by Silver Knight, 14-10-2009

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What Other Roleplay Theme Interests You The Most?

Half-Life 2
1 (1.5%)
Warhammer 40k
9 (13.4%)
4 (6%)
5 (7.5%)
Realistic/Modern City
1 (1.5%)
Star Wars
5 (7.5%)
World War 2
5 (7.5%)
Zombie Roleplay
22 (32.8%)
0 (0%)
Other(State in Thread)
15 (22.4%)

Total Members Voted: 65

Silver Knight

What Roleplay Server Would You Like Us To Develop?

We are looking to do another Roleplay server, but we would like to know what you, the people of HGN would like us to develop along side STALKER. Please use the Poll to select what you are interested in, else discuss/propose other idea's.

Stay On Topic.
This is to get a idea, nothings final.
Don't suggest stupid things, expect a ban if you do.
Other(State in Thread, If valid, it will be added, you can change your vote at anytime)

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I adore Star Wars, and I would love Star Wars RP. Content is available, and it has a hell of a load of opportunities for RP.
The map(s) would be something to consider, along with weapons and entities and such, but I think it would attract a lot of people.
Whoever voted for WH40K RP- There's no content available.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


Zombies please.   Deadfall was fun.



City RP, or Modern RP would be cool. We could have computer stores, cars, etc. Plus there are maps and mods that already exist to make it better :D some are

Evo City: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=59150 (big, nice, and modern)

Nice RP cars!: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=76603



I would love it to be 40k, but i cant see the RP potential in that, people will be like "loliwanttobespacemarines".
I think zombie RP would be excelent, i got various ideas in mind.
Such as survivor factions.
I mean survivors are going to be in anarchy so there will be people trying to rob one another, and zombies could be donator/admin.

Leaf Runner

Warhammer 40k would be very interesting. I just don't want it to have those gigantic applications like all the other roleplay servers.

Zombie RPs are way too overdone.


Warhammer 40k.

But it would have to be done well, if not it would just be a deathmatch.

Main guys to include would have to be IG and Chaos (Not CSM, cultists and Daemons), that would be a good start I guess.


Well too many HL2 rp's already.

Fallout would be a STALKER RP in a new map and without artefacts.

Not even close to being interesting in Warhammer, seems like it would just bea TDM server with local chat.

Maybe Oblivion but I think it would fall into STALKER RP likeness.

I am very interested in Realistic, as I can't really find one like it.

WW2, MAYBE it would feel like a TDM map to me but it seems like it would be fun seeing how i'm a WW2 enthusiast. (Maybe WW1 instead? Trenches= not many palces to go= more rpness :P)

Did Star Wars on SL, it's okay. But it gets kinda old.

HELL YES ZOMBIES, but only if it's a sim type of survival thing. Like actual being overrunned instead of, let's go hunt zombehs and not eat for days and still be in top physical conditions. May I reccomend Max Brooks, Zombie Survival Guide for that if you do.
(Might I add I studied the living hell out of those books and what not so please come to be with any zombie Q's and I could most likely answer them scientificly *nods*)

Silver Knight

Quote from: Leaf Runner on 14-10-2009
Warhammer 40k would be very interesting. I just don't want it to have those gigantic applications like all the other roleplay servers.

Zombie RPs are way too overdone.

Tuff, thats how we role. APPs = Serious RP unless of course, it's closed server, in which case it might work, but thats not going to happen.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


WH40k - No real RP, I made a thread a while ago and I now realize that it would fail.

There's barely ANY content for it.

I personally would love to see a Fallout RP that isn't like that dumb RandomRoleplay server where everyone kills eachother.

Silver Knight

Quote from: PistolKid on 14-10-2009
WH40k - No real RP, I made a thread a while ago and I now realize that it would fail.

There's barely ANY content for it.

I personally would love to see a Fallout RP that isn't like that dumb RandomRoleplay server where everyone kills eachother.

There's actually quite a bit.. it has more content than starship troopers...

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Silver Knight on 14-10-2009
Quote from: PistolKid on 14-10-2009
WH40k - No real RP, I made a thread a while ago and I now realize that it would fail.

There's barely ANY content for it.

I personally would love to see a Fallout RP that isn't like that dumb RandomRoleplay server where everyone kills eachother.

There's actually quite a bit.. it has more content than starship troopers...
Not as much as Zombie RP.


Do the fucking Medieval RP/Oblivion. If we need models, then we need to get some competent modellers and make the crap from scratch ourself.


W40K and star wars both sound absolutely nerdgasmically awesome, but I'd have to take W40K.


I think a WoW RP server would be pretty tight to have. There are not any good ones what so ever and i think if given a real shot it could be good.


Half-Life 2     Over done, but fun. I like it personally, but its dry like most people say.
Warhammer 40k     Im not big into 40k But isnt it just Space marines blowing the shit out of orks?
Oblivion     Well, This would be GREAT but... Well Animations lack. Scripting would be basic for it though, good passive i believe, castles, guards, theifs, bandits, monsters, Magic, yea yea.
Realistic/Modern City  Kinda dry, however it COULD be fun.
Star Wars    Well, I am a star wars fan, <3 the idea, +Support
World War 2      Kinda, weird HOWEVER i can see it working as long as germans and Americans passive more lol
Zombie Roleplay     Meh, Same old thing HOWEVER (There is always a however) Can be fun if we get a good script, we would need thigns to keep us busy
Battlegrounds    wut?
N-E-WAYS... Yea they all have possibilities and i personaly would love to see any of these developed.


Had a WoW
Quote from: Wildman on 14-10-2009
I think a WoW RP server would be pretty tight to have. There are not any good ones what so ever and i think if given a real shot it could be good.
server, no one played it.

WH40k - No content though
Star Wars - Might be good
STALKER RP on Stalker - cool
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Warhammer 40k is NOT about Space Marines killing Orkz.

There are hundreds of books about it's backstory, all of which are good (Except for the books by C.S. Goto). I could go on all night about the Fluff, but I am too tired and I don't want to waste my precious sleep time.


Space Marines are like, one of the elites of the Imperium of man.

The Imperium also have the Imperial Navy which are space ships, air craft, etc.
The Imperial Guard which is tanks, infantry, etc which work with the navy.
The Inquisition which have several smaller divisions for specific areas, like dealing with aliens, heretics, etc.

Chaos Undivided (I think that's what they are referred to) are imperials that left the imperium to warship the gods of chaos.
The Traitor Guard are the equivalent of the Imperial Guard.
The Chaos Space Mariens = Space Mariens, obviously.
The only thing different here is that they don't have an Inquisition, a navy (they travel via Warp i'm sure), and they also have Daemons (demons) that aid them/are higher rank then most other units.

The Tau Empire are mostly of the Tau Race (they have a few other races conglomerated because they are an empire of many areas of space). They are high tech, plasma alien mech dudes.

The Eldar are like, the equivalent of elves, they are mid range specialists in the tabletop so i hear.

The Dark Eldar = dark elves. I think they rely on magic more so then the Eldar.

The Orkz = orcs. They arn't smart, they typically have very lulzy equipment. Think physical embodiment of 4chan's /b/.

The Necrons are like, immortal killer robots that want to kill everything living. They arn't very customizable though.

The Tyranids are like, zerg from star craft (they where based off of tyranids anyways). They are Aliens, that use bio weapons. They are pretty cool.

(You can see where my knowledge is most in, and then slowly decreases as you read down)
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At one time, there are only 1 million space marines. While there are at least 1 trillion Imperial Guardsmen.

Chaos came about when the Old Ones were trying to fight the C'tan and the Necrons (Or Tyranids, I can't remember), the warp was already there, but it was "Peaceful". The Old Ones then created the Chaos gods (Except Slaanesh) to hopefully combat the Necrons, but they were not sentient until about 1500 AD (Human time, the middle ages, this is happening about millions of years before humanity existed).

So, the Old Ones created the Orks, Eldar etc..., they did not work either. The old ones were wiped out, the Eldar created an empire while the orks were fucking shit up across the galaxy.

It is immature to refer to the Orkz as /B/. They are much more sophisticated than you make them seem, they are giant muscles basically. They are fungus, Orkz release spores all the time which develop into cocoons, then little Orkz pop out. In comparison to lets say a Necron (Who are immortal), the Necron would take about 30 Bolter rounds (.75 caliber exploding rounds that Space Marines use) before they start crawling on the ground towards their enemy. The Ork would take about 50 and say "Iz dat all ye got", Kill the Marine, then use the Power armor as crap metal to make an electric guitar then host a rock concert. Or make a car.

The last thing I am going to say about the orkz is that every ork has a tiny bit of psycic energy, so if enough orkz believe that something can work, it works. In fact, an Ork shoota defies all laws of physics, but it works because enough orkz think it should. Thats why when cars are painted red they go faster, and that the orkz can essentially travel through space in giant floating scraps of metal and survive.

The Emperor, the most powerful being in the universe. He was created by the old ones, but was not born yet. He was born in about 8000 BC, he is about 20-30 thousand years old. He can defy all the chaos gods with a simple gesture, when all the Primarchs (Genetic clones, but they were basically sons of the Emperor) were being sucked into the warp to be scattered, he flicked his wrist and stopped the portal. But he let them go because he wanted manly sons, not pussies growing up in the imperial palace.  When Horus rebelled, the Emperor let Horus: break his back, remove the skin from his face, chop off his arm, and sever his jugular before the Emperor said "Fuck this" and obliterated his soul from the warp as well as killed him. He know sits upon a life support system called The Golden Throne.

Horus was his favorite Primarch, but the Chaos gods were smart enough to realize that the Emperor was a threat to chaos, and they all joined together (Which is extremely rare, and powerful) to try and destroy him. When Horus was mortally wounded on a planet, a group of Chaos Cultists took him in and showed him the ways of Chaos, he then converted and gained the Favor of all 4 chaos gods. Through deception or direct intervention, he go around half of all the space marine legions to defect to Chaos. For instance, Magnus the Red was the Primarch of the Thousand Sons, and he knew of Horus's deception, so he used Sorcery to try and alert the Emperor of Horus'
s actions. But his sorcery accidentally opened a daemon gate right behind the golden throne, so the Emperor got pissed and sent Leman Russ (Primarch of the Space Wolves, essentially Viking wolf-men...in space) to say "Stop messing about with sorcery". So he got a bit overzealous and destroyed the Thousand Son's homeplanet.  Well, back on track, Horus sieged Terra (Earth) and got into a duel with the Emperor. The rest I said already.

Here are some pics of all these guys:

The Emperor:


The Chaos Gods:

There is so much more I could say but I won't cuz it's a lot to take in.


.75 cal isn't used by just spess mahrenz.

IG use .75, mostly as stationary, deployable or pinticle mounts, and also other various mass reactive rounds and what not. Same could be saida bout the navy.

Also to add to your list of things an Ork can do because they think it can, if they add magazines to any part of a gun, the gun will use that magazine.

i.e the Ork LMG equivalent having about 12 magazines stuck on every side of the gun (even on top).

They are fucking hilarious.
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Also, The Emperor is every religious figure we know now. Jesus, Abraham, Mohammad, Buddha etc...

The Emperor knew that Humanity would always be bound to religion (The emperor himself was a scientific genius, he singlehandedly invented space travel in the medieval times, he was also an atheist) so he took advantage of this fact so that humanity would not fall to chaos.

The last thing I'll say is that The Emperor was known for a time as St. George, and he actually did kill a dragon. That dragon was The Void Dragon, the most powerful of the C'tan (Remember them, the guys that enslaved the Necontyr who later became the Necrons...) and  imprisoned him on Mars, where The Void Dragon helped humanity by slipping dreams into the early colonists of Mars, giving them the information how to make superior technology. Of course, after the Horus Heresy, a ban on new technology was instated by the Ecclesiarchy (The religious leaders of the Imperium, ironically the Imperium is a very strict theocracy, so strict they destroy planets for having a single heretic on it, at least the backwater ones, the main ones they fight for and lose millions of lives over)... So it would suck to be a civilian, because either you are a farmer on a backwater planet, a factory worker on planets so polluted you have to wear rebreather masks for your entire life, or you are a savage tribesman on a Space Marine recruiting world. Life sucks, the best thing for you to do is join the guardsman where at least you'll die fast (Average lifespan of a guardsman is 15 hours)


Quote from: Lucidius on 14-10-2009
.75 cal isn't used by just spess mahrenz.

IG use .75, mostly as stationary, deployable or pinticle mounts, and also other various mass reactive rounds and what not. Same could be saida bout the navy.

Also to add to your list of things an Ork can do because they think it can, if they add magazines to any part of a gun, the gun will use that magazine.

i.e the Ork LMG equivalent having about 12 magazines stuck on every side of the gun (even on top).

They are fucking hilarious.

Well, the marines use bolters as their main weapons while the biggest hand held bolt weapon the IG has are bolt pistols for the Commissars.  A heavy bolter in the IG requires a team, A heavy bolter for the Marines requires 1 marine, who I might add doesn't have to deploy it.

I might add that NEVER, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD Space Marines be allowed to be played. They literally only get 15 minutes of free time a day. The rest of the day they either are praying, training, or in the case of the Space Wolves, getting drunk.

Space Wolves are my favorite, considering Leman Russ challenged the Emperor to a contest and won 2/3 of the events (Drinking, Eating. He lost the fighting part of course, in fact the Emperor punched him so hard, Leman got knocked out for a year.) But once, Leman got very drunk and Challenged another Primarch (I think it was Sanguinius) to a throwing contest. The contest was to see if either one of them could throw the Spear of Russ to the moon. Neither of them won, but Leman found it 3 days later on the other side of Earth.