Rhaz 'Kane' Steinwolf.

Started by Nines, 26-12-2008

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Age: 37
Gender: Male

Birthplace: Unknown, possibly a small town in the northern parts of the Capitol Wasteland.

Biography: The birthplace of Kane is relatively unkown, believed to be anywhere from Big Town to Megaton. Not too much is known of this man nowadays, but it is rumored he is now the leader of a Slaver faction, known as the Flesh Co. Cruel is said to be his personality, he's even been known to carry a brahmin hide whip, with metal pieces attached, for extra pain. He does what it takes for his faction to prosper, but more importantly, for him to prosper.

Disposition: Evil, it takes a soulless man to imprison another human being.

Favored Enemy: Rhaz has a strong dislike for the Super Mutants, they get in the way of business, and so do the Brotherhood Of Steel, always trying to help the people, bah.

Favored Weapon: The hunting rifle, it seems to match his scenario quite well, he the hunter, Wasteland citizens as his prey. His favorite melee weapon would be his specially designed whip, but in his eyes, it's more of a tool, used to strike fear in the captured ones. He's been seen using it in battle, if his primary weapon is rendered unusable.

Current Task: Make a serious profit off of flesh, and make the Flesh Co. seriously powerful.

Picture: Picture not found. Rhaz is said to have a series of scars on his face, and green eyes, along with long dark grayish hair.

David Rilos organized a release for his brother, he managed to catch a glimpse of Kane, he drew what he saw: