Connor Xentos

Started by Connor 2.0, 26-12-2008

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Connor 2.0

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Vault 114

Biography: Connor grew up in Vault 114, He had a normal life just like the other kids
Soon when he grew up and Taken the G.O.A.T He had became a Security Officer, Soon after they had thought he was planning to Kill the Overseer. He knew he had to escape out of the Vault so he did.
Soon after he had picked up the Enclave Radio Signal on his Pip Boy 3000, He heard they were the Last of the US Goverment, Soon after he arrived in Megaton to grab a drink, He headed back out and Stumbled apon a Enclave Base. After being shot at he tried to join And soon after he awaited the decision.....(Will add later if app is accepted)

Disposition: Neutral

Favored Enemy: Brotherhood of Steel

Favored Weapon: AK-47

Current Task:
1. Join Enclave (Awaiting)
2. Retake the United States (On Going)
3. Epicly Draw Two Guns and waste Four Brotherhood Of Steel Surrounding him. (In Complete)

"United We Stand, Divided We Fall"

--------FALLOUT ROLEPLAY--------
Connor Xentos - Enclave Applied - Alive

--------MIDEVIL ROLEPLAY--------
Crescent - Elve Bowman - Alive
Connor Xentos - Human Swordsman - Alive

--------REAL LIFE ROLEPLAY--------
Connor Murphy - Police Applied - Alive