
Started by mrd, 25-12-2008

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Quarantine licked the neck of the Ecologist as he gripped the man by the top of the skull. "You taste like my last wife..." he mutters as he draws his knife. "Dear god! What are you doing?!" screams the Ecologist in mortal fear of being tortured by this god forsaken psychopath. "Dinner!" screeches Quarantine as he takes a hard, forceful slash with his knife. Quarantine watches as the top of the man's skull is completely seperated from the man's head. The now dead Ecologist drops to the floor and Quarantine crushes the skull cap in his hand. He reaches down and pulls up the man "You look tasty," growls Quarantine as he reaches into the open skull caivity and pulls out a piece of the man's brain. He takes a bite and swallows it whole. He continues to eat until there is a banging on his lair's door. He looks in one of the twenty eye holes in the door. He sees it is a fully armed STALKER with a Bizon. "I will kill you, you sick fuck! You killed Master and Hunter!"

Quarantine unpins a hand grenade and then quickly crawls up to top of the door. He sits there, and after about 2 minutes, the STALKER rams the door down with a couple mighty shoves. "Where are you, you mistake of god?!" the STALKER screams. Quarantine laughs wickedly and lunges at the STALKER "I am right here!" Quarantine in a instant slashes open the STALKER's throat. Wide open. He kicks the STALKER in the head, sending it flying off and smashing against the nearest wall. Quarantine shoves the unpinned grenade into the open throat off the dead STALKER then jumps behind his metal desk for cover. The body explodes, covering the tiny, but tall room in gore and blood. Half of the heart lands in Quarantine's lap and he looks at it hungerily "Yummy..."


Quarantine was wearing loose brown robes now. A long, think serrated sword sat at his hip. He over looked the town with his blood shot eyes. The robe blew as a gust came through. He chuckled as he drew his sword "Time to go killing..." he mutters to himself as he licks his lips. "I will have a feast!" he screams as he rushes towards the town, filled with Rookie STALKERS. He loved being in this lawless land, he enjoyed killing.

When he reached the nearest STALKER he reared back the sword and cut the STALKER clean in half "Delicious!" he exclaimed with joy as some of the blood landed around his mouth. He licked it off as he charged a larger STALKER who was standing near a campfire. He picked the STALKER up and threw him into the campfire before squiring him like a pig, to the ground. The scream of pain and agony from the STALKER only told him to do it more. He drew a small knife and threw it at a STALKER who was drawing his Desert Eagle. The STALKER's hand was pinned to the wall of a nearby house. Quarantine walked over to the STALKER, without fear of being attacked. He had taken out anyone near the campfire. He pulled a small scapel from his back open and began to slowly cut the face skin of the man off. The man let out horrid screeches that would make gods and goddesses cry. It did not bother Quarantine a bit. After cutting nearly all of the man's face skin off. The STALKER had bled to death.

Quarantine rolled the face skin up into a wrap and took a bite. Blood spurted out from the other end of the "skin burrito." Quarantine quickly finished his snack and liked off the blood from his knives and sword to quench his thirst "One by one, this town's population will disappear," he mutters as he holsters his sword. He chuckles and quickly climbs into the upper level of a abandoned farm house. He sees there is a old bed and trunk in there, as if waiting for him. "Perfect..."


Name: Unknown
Nickname: Quarantine
Age: Unknown
Race: Unknown
ALL - Extremely Hostile

Quarantine is about 6' 6'' in height. He is considered extremely dangerous but under armed. There have been dozens of reports of tortured, mangled bodies showing up all around the Zone. It appears he is a cannibal and only feeds of the flesh of other human beings. He has jet black hair that is short cut and spiky. His eyes are blue but are tainted from being blood shot, possibly from drug use. He has sharpened his teeth for use in close quarters combat. He is not to be fought in close quarters, he will kill you. He has dozens of hidden blades and uses a sabre like sword. He is extremely strong and acrobatic.

He has a weakness for dogs. He is also almost unprotected from all gun fire and has no combat experience in firearms. He couldn't tell you what end shoots the bullet.


Quarantine had never gone this deep into the Zone. He did not have a firearm. Just his knives and sword. He had a satchel filled with enough dried "special" meat, to last him a couple days. He was passing through the Freedom base area. He was going to pay a Merc checkpoint a little visit but he decided to take a short cut through a village.

He walked over the tall hill that over looked the destroyed village. He smelt the air and his nostrils flared at the scent of fresh blood. He licks his lips and walks down the hill, his feet making a soft pat on the tall brown grass. He was near the center of the village, where the scent was almost the strongest. He turned around to see deformations of the environment floating by, as if distorting the environment and bending it into the shape of something.

He didn't know if it was a anomaly or one of the Zone's various plays on god. But then, he knew it was something else. It slowed to a stop and it seemed to turn in his direction. He blinked and sniffed the air. The scent was coming from that deformation. "RAAAAAAAAH!" it screeched as started to reveal it's true form. It was a tall ugly, gray creature. The mutant rushed at Quarantine who had no idea what he was dealing with. He got hit full force by the mutant but dodged it's scary tentacle mouth. He looked at the creature's mouth and muttered "If only I had a mouth like that, I could eat so much easier..." He ran into the nearest house and drew his saber like blade. He waited for the creature to get near. He was surprised to be tackled by the beast from behind. Quarantine was pinned to the ground by the beast and it started to put it's mouth closer to Quarantine's neck. He grabbed the monster by the neck with his one free hand and pushed, driving the monster off balance. He quickly got to his feet and regained his sword, which he had dropped in the struggle.

He brought the sword down on the mutant's arm. Chopping it clean off. The monster screamed in pain and started to have a seizure of shock and pain. Quarantine took another swing at the Bloodsucker, this time beheading it. He crushed the skull with his foot and walked out of the house. He held his blade tightly as a STALKER approached in a Freedom suit "Damn man, I heard the struggle. Seems like you killed the damn thing though! You okay man? You lo-" those were the last words the Freedomer said before Quarantine beheaded him with a slash to waist, cutting him in half.
"Hope Freedom tastes good smoked..."