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Other Forums => Scrapyard => Topic started by: Bagelz on 30-09-2009

Title: "My job..."
Post by: Bagelz on 30-09-2009
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Pripyat OST - Intro (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCR35gUFzNE&feature=channel_page#normal)

The Zone- what is it? I mean- why is it here? Why are we here? We ask these questions everyday. In our minds, or thoughts, with others. They question who we are. What we are- what are our 'lives' are. Perhaps one day, we all discover our true meanings in life. But I- I have discovered my meaning.  

"For so long, I have been lying to you all. I am not who you think I am... NO- I am not a criminal, a bandit, a renegade, oh no no...It is much more complicated than that. "

"For months now, you have all thought I'm the ruthless, rascal of a trader- Khaletskiy Lachance. This- although, is not the case. I may have been a trader for most of my life, but I am something many of you may not be able to comprehend. What I am about to tell you all, may put my life in danger. Some of you may become my enemies, and some of you may become my closest friends."

"I am Khaletskiy Lachance- Trader, and agent. While I may lead the Traders; as a powerful leader, there is much more to me than that."

*Khaletskiy lays his badge on the desk, copying its info, going into a more serious tone and manner. The badge bears a shimmering, Ukraine flag with 'USS' under it.*

"I am a what many despise. I am an agent, yes- that's right. I'm an agent employed by the Security Service of Ukraine, since 2009. My mission originally was to come to the Zone, from the western checkpoint, and undergo what you all know as 'Operation North'. At first, I was to go to the North with a small Military-Stalker group, and we could scout the territory to map the hazardous areas. Thereafter, we would use these maps, and the main military forces were supposed to be dispatched. The operation was a total failure, although. We lost a good dozen Military Stalkers, and we realised it was too dangerous to continue further to the North. We know one day we will undergo the operation, but for now- it is too dangerous."

"Originally, I was going to work with Agent Degtyaryov, and we would work together to map out the Zone. But he was stationed elsewhere, rendering me alone in this project"


"As an agent of the Ukraine Security Service *USS*, my job is too collect information on dangerous criminals, areas, and important items, and send them to the security department of investigation. While we haven;'t had too many dangerous criminals, there have been many reports on artifacts, anomalies, the North, and so forth-"

"Damnit... Oh shit- they found me. I have to go. The discussion of this topic ends here."

*A loud bang on the door is heard, followed with a second bang. Perhaps criminals?*

*Khaletskiy climbs up the ladder, onto the roof. Scouting for an area to hide*

"Ah shit-...Why did I trust them? Fucking Vaygay, fucking Valerian, fucking Ellie..."