Thanks for the Shipment

Started by Psycrowtik03385, 22-12-2008

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I appreciate what you've done for me. I won't forget it. We will lend any assistance possible when you need it. Let Union know that I'm also grateful for him getting me out of the lion's den when I was out cold.

Regarding new recruits, each new member that joins Freedom will have a trial period. If they screw up too much or decide to betray us, they will be booted from Freedom or executed.

I was unable to find anything out about the traitor's location when I was disguised yesterday, but I was able to find a group of Freedomers that had been in Freedom for many years and weren't rookies. I find the chance of them betraying Freedom very slim. Each of them have fought and killed many Duty.

I believe it is safe for me to use my name again.

The names of the traitors are Justin Bailey and Ryan Salisbury. If you find any information on any of them, please let me know.

May the Zone bestow her gifts upon you, my friend.

- Konstantin