Scrap Souls

Started by tmh47, 22-12-2008

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The Scrap Souls. A relatively small loner group dedicated to building bases, houses and just cozy areas for people who do not yet have TT or the patience to build anything (Though i doubt that'll happen). We wish to be friends with everybody and only serious harrasment IC'ly can make us become enemies, like continous raiding/robbing/looting. We want experienced roleplayers or people who would classify themselves of knowing the basics (Remembering capital letters, NLR, no metagame etc...). Also we wish to have fun (Obvious :D) and wish to remain in passive RP as that's where no (I mean, no.) discussions turn up. We can scavenge for weapons, or join in gun fights but only if we feel the need to or if we believe it's for out own good. If people should attack/ruin any of our base he/she will or may be billed by IC acts, if we find out who it is before NLR applies of course. All RP rules should always be remembered, and if people act as bad RP'ers while in our group he/she might get kicked out, depending on what it is. :angel:

"Two people was sitting down a ruined house, the first one said "Damn, we really need to use those support beams up there." and the second one standed up and crawled out of the cellar. A minute later he came with a metal sheet, and they both began placing it to create a first floor. A third one joined as as the house rose and became a defended point, they got attacked by the mercenary group "The Crusaders" they raided, looted and destroyed the house over and over, as soon as it was rebuilt, they destroyed it. But the group could fight back as they had bought a supply of Abakans and Fort 12's from a nearby military checkpoint, the military soldier had been selling it really cheap. They fought back and eventually they became relatively undisturbed once again and could continue their resting, now four man high."

Colour Code:
Blue = Friendly
Yellow = Neutral
Red = Bad

Faction Relations
Duty - Neutral
Freedom - Neutral
Other Loners - Neutral
Bandits - Neutral-Bad
Military - Bad
Mercenary - Neutral-Bad

Applications can be done IC'ly and OOC'ly on the forums, prefered if it is IC. Founders of the group is Revara Manus, Nikolaz Willson, Zane (Wait for the last name >.<)
OOC Name:
IC Name:
Steam Friends Name/Steam Logon Name:
How would you classify your RP?:
Why do you want to join Scrap Souls?:


Sorry, i cant join (im in freedom).
This message may or may not be endorsed by Creeding and he is by no means held to any comments, posts or any of the like made... Oh, and no. I dont like fancy pancy signatures.


Fair enough Creeding, but seeing as me and Nik almost just joined Freedom ourselves as there was alot of inbalance, but hey, maybe just make this a Freedom/Loner group?


hmmm, maybe it would be a freedom wing? il get in touch with Psycrowtik.

EDIT:btw its Zane Grace, and Nik has alreddy joined freedom. ^^
This message may or may not be endorsed by Creeding and he is by no means held to any comments, posts or any of the like made... Oh, and no. I dont like fancy pancy signatures.