Cobras rant.(Warning Major flaming)

Started by Cobra, 22-12-2008

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This is utter bullshit. Let me start out what happened I left because the amount of bullshit that was filling up was outstandingly high. We go talk to duty to allied each other. Then we go to fight the Military side by side and DUTY is shooting at military. While this is happening the Military RUN OUT OF THERE BASES AND GO RAMBO RUNNING AND GUNNING KILLING EVERYONE IN COVER. Then they move towards the spawn killing everyone left and right. I have no screen shots to prove this but shit I bet many stalkers that where one will testify to this happening. And I know you fuckers will come on trying to say YOU DID THAT YOU DID THIS. Well so sue me I used an exosuit off someone else I was no aware of a rule. Anyways back to the main point... Military kill everyone running and gunning then I spawn go to the Town and all of a sudden duty is wonderful allies with the Military again and another merc is there. Then idiots scream out Meta gaming when no one was meta gaming and trying to distract everyone from the fact they are dming and shit (The military faggots).... I have always had problems with Zone rp even when hybrid ran it there was always idiots who fucked shit up. (And the admin still do nothing about them running and gunning but yet have enough time to fuck with everyone else) (ALSO JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE ADMIN DOEST GIVE YOU LIBERTY TO BRAKE THE OWN RULES YOU ENFORCE)

I am going to continue with this THEN IT GOES ONE WITH FLOATING ROBOTS... (No offense matty) This is not even possible and don't spoon feed me it's 2012 bullshit no we wont achieve anti gravity technology by then. Then we got people calling other people idiots (Vityaz/Aka Conlich Massive troll) This shit really pisses me off. Everyone TREATS EACH OTHER LIKE SHIT. I TRY TO BE NICE AND HOSPITABLE BUT THATS NOT THE CASE WITH THESE PEOPLE. And it takes a lot to piss me off so you can imagine what shit I must see to make me angry. Also if SOMEONE IS BETTER EQUIPPED AND HAS A EXOSUIT DON'T FUCKING TAKE IT AWAY THEY EARNED IT. BOOO HOO IF SOMEONE IS BETTER EQUIPPED THATS LIFE LIVE WITH IT STOP WHINING LIKE A BUNCH OF LITTLE FUCKING GIRLS ABOUT BALANCE. IF YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T WIN THE FIGHT DON'T FIGHT THE FIGHT. This community is falling apart from the same group of idiots that ran the last server. (Silver your actually good and I mean the players and a very few admin)
(Fuck off with oh your grammar sucks and it's misspell or out of order I made this in two minutes and in anger. Also please understand what I am saying not just LOL U ARE FLAMING AND TRYING TO COMPLAIN TO HELP BETTER COMMUNITY "Ban't") And that concludes my rant. :Doom-Lost-Soul:

Also note any innocent stalkers getting slaughtered on the server please speak out and add to this rant.

Connor 2.0

Fucking agree'd I earned that Exo Suit in battle and Look I shared it with Cobra yeah and the admins came up to me and said No more so i didnt do it anymore then next I see Duty getting shot by military
We help and there All like RAMBO TIEM LOLZ!!!! And While we behind a rock they RUN up and ar like LOLZ U DIE NAO! PEW PEW PEW and we all die And Next The admin comes up to me and hes like OMGZ GIVE ME EXO SUIT U ABUSED The same admin that said ill let it go dont do it again even though i didnt do it again And they say i broke NLR? Give me a fucking break! How many times did u guys Come back to your base and are" LIKE LETS PWN DAH NUBCAKES LOLZOLZOZLOZL " And the admins You think your GOD! Listen even if you have powers, They arn't supposed to be used for Threats like If somebody kills you BAN! I mean EVEN IF ITS RP'ed! BAN! Also As cobra said Theres these things called "Ghosts" i wasnt aware of I mean they can go under fucking ground and are invisible! AND THEY CAN FLY God damn are we in "Star Trek" Now? Didnt realize Monolith we're star fleet.
"United We Stand, Divided We Fall"

--------FALLOUT ROLEPLAY--------
Connor Xentos - Enclave Applied - Alive

--------MIDEVIL ROLEPLAY--------
Crescent - Elve Bowman - Alive
Connor Xentos - Human Swordsman - Alive

--------REAL LIFE ROLEPLAY--------
Connor Murphy - Police Applied - Alive


Military always do this shit, They break NLR all the fucking time and Kill people and then say they are Metagaming, This shit isnt right Also admins Learn to do your job i mean the only good admins are "Streex,Sickness,Silver"

i was with connor this morning when he earned the exo from battle .
i saw several admins abusing there bloodsuker today they where prop shooting they made thereself invisible and that kind of stuff

don't blaim my englisch im dutch
Don't mind my englisch im Dutch!


Quote from: cobra This is utter bullshit. Let me start out what happened I left because the amount of bullshit that was filling up was outstandingly high. We go talk to duty to allied each other. Then we go to fight the Military side by side and DUTY is shooting at military. While this is happening the Military RUN OUT OF THERE BASES AND GO RAMBO RUNNING AND GUNNING KILLING EVERYONE IN COVER. Then they move towards the spawn killing everyone left and right. I have no screen shots to prove this but shit I bet many stalkers that where one will testify to this happening. And I know you fuckers will come on trying to say YOU DID THAT YOU DID THIS. Well so sue me I used an exosuit off someone else I was no aware of a rule. Anyways back to the main point... Military kill everyone running and gunning then I spawn go to the Town and all of a sudden duty is wonderful allies with the Military again and another merc is there. Then idiots scream out Meta gaming when no one was meta gaming and trying to distract everyone from the fact they are dming and shit (The military faggots).... I have always had problems with Zone rp even when hybrid ran it there was always idiots who fucked shit up. (And the admin still do nothing about them running and gunning but yet have enough time to fuck with everyone else) (ALSO JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE ADMIN DOEST GIVE YOU LIBERTY TO BRAKE THE OWN RULES YOU ENFORCE)

I am going to continue with this THEN IT GOES ONE WITH FLOATING ROBOTS... (No offense matty) This is not even possible and don't spoon feed me it's 2012 bullshit no we wont achieve anti gravity technology by then. Then we got people calling other people idiots (Vityaz/Aka Conlich Massive troll) This shit really pisses me off. Everyone TREATS EACH OTHER LIKE SHIT. I TRY TO BE NICE AND HOSPITABLE BUT THATS NOT THE CASE WITH THESE PEOPLE. And it takes a lot to piss me off so you can imagine what shit I must see to make me angry. Also if SOMEONE IS BETTER EQUIPPED AND HAS A EXOSUIT DON'T FUCKING TAKE IT AWAY THEY EARNED IT. BOOO HOO IF SOMEONE IS BETTER EQUIPPED THATS LIFE LIVE WITH IT STOP WHINING LIKE A BUNCH OF LITTLE FUCKING GIRLS ABOUT BALANCE. IF YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T WIN THE FIGHT DON'T FIGHT THE FIGHT. This community is falling apart from the same group of idiots that ran the last server. (Silver your actually good and I mean the players and a very few admin)
(Fuck off with oh your grammar sucks and it's misspell or out of order I made this in two minutes and in anger. Also please understand what I am saying not just LOL U ARE FLAMING AND TRYING TO COMPLAIN TO HELP BETTER COMMUNITY "Ban't") And that concludes my rant. :Doom-Lost-Soul:

Also note any innocent stalkers getting slaughtered on the server please speak out and add to this rant.

Firstly, you went to the centre of Neutral territory, and raided a NEUTRAL MONOLITH BASE/BAR TEN METRES FROM SPAWN, and ripped the suits off my dead body. Secondly, disregarding all warnings, you committed an act of global warfare on every major faction, and bitched through it, and finally, when cornered and at gunpoint, your members Disconnected to prevent themselves from being PK'd.
Your argument is invalid, as it was handled by the respected members of this community.
Follow my Twitter HERE!


We're doing all we can to improve the new community. Silver is doing what he can, and everybody else is trying to assist. A lot of the stuff you've said I agree with, though, and I'll definitely keep your rants in mind.

Guys, stop ragging on Military. You guys always pick on the new factions in the Zone. Duty collected so much shit from the community when I first took charge of it. Stop putting the blame on an ENTIRE faction.


Quote from: MattyK
Quote from: cobra This is utter bullshit. Let me start out what happened I left because the amount of bullshit that was filling up was outstandingly high. We go talk to duty to allied each other. Then we go to fight the Military side by side and DUTY is shooting at military. While this is happening the Military RUN OUT OF THERE BASES AND GO RAMBO RUNNING AND GUNNING KILLING EVERYONE IN COVER. Then they move towards the spawn killing everyone left and right. I have no screen shots to prove this but shit I bet many stalkers that where one will testify to this happening. And I know you fuckers will come on trying to say YOU DID THAT YOU DID THIS. Well so sue me I used an exosuit off someone else I was no aware of a rule. Anyways back to the main point... Military kill everyone running and gunning then I spawn go to the Town and all of a sudden duty is wonderful allies with the Military again and another merc is there. Then idiots scream out Meta gaming when no one was meta gaming and trying to distract everyone from the fact they are dming and shit (The military faggots).... I have always had problems with Zone rp even when hybrid ran it there was always idiots who fucked shit up. (And the admin still do nothing about them running and gunning but yet have enough time to fuck with everyone else) (ALSO JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE ADMIN DOEST GIVE YOU LIBERTY TO BRAKE THE OWN RULES YOU ENFORCE)

I am going to continue with this THEN IT GOES ONE WITH FLOATING ROBOTS... (No offense matty) This is not even possible and don't spoon feed me it's 2012 bullshit no we wont achieve anti gravity technology by then. Then we got people calling other people idiots (Vityaz/Aka Conlich Massive troll) This shit really pisses me off.  Everyone TREATS EACH OTHER LIKE SHIT. I TRY TO BE NICE AND HOSPITABLE BUT THATS NOT THE CASE WITH THESE PEOPLE. And it takes a lot to piss me off so you can imagine what shit I must see to make me angry. Also if SOMEONE IS BETTER EQUIPPED AND HAS A EXOSUIT DON'T FUCKING TAKE IT AWAY THEY EARNED IT. BOOO HOO IF SOMEONE IS BETTER EQUIPPED THATS LIFE LIVE WITH IT STOP WHINING LIKE A BUNCH OF LITTLE FUCKING GIRLS ABOUT BALANCE. IF YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T WIN THE FIGHT DON'T FIGHT THE FIGHT. This community is falling apart from the same group of idiots that ran the last server. (Silver your actually good and I mean the players and a very few admin)
(Fuck off with oh your grammar sucks and it's misspell or out of order I made this in two minutes and in anger. Also please understand what I am saying not just LOL U ARE FLAMING AND TRYING TO COMPLAIN TO HELP BETTER COMMUNITY "Ban't") And that concludes my rant.  :Doom-Lost-Soul:

Also note any innocent stalkers getting slaughtered on the server please speak out and add to this rant.

Firstly, you went to the centre of Neutral territory, and raided a NEUTRAL MONOLITH BASE/BAR TEN METRES FROM SPAWN, and ripped the suits off my dead body. Secondly, disregarding all warnings, you committed an act of global warfare on every major faction, and bitched through it, and finally, when cornered and at gunpoint, your members Disconnected to prevent themselves from being PK'd.
Your argument is invalid, as it was handled by the respected members of this community.

MATTY Duty fought along us and we where hired to attack the military to stop them from shooting stalkers. HELL EVEN DUTY WAS FIGHTING AMONGST US AND THEN AFTER WE ALL DIE THEY COME BACK AND ARE BEST FRIENDS AGAIN...



Quote from: Rohok We're doing all we can to improve the new community. Silver is doing what he can, and everybody else is trying to assist. A lot of the stuff you've said I agree with, though, and I'll definitely keep your rants in mind.

Guys, stop ragging on Military. You guys always pick on the new factions in the Zone. Duty collected so much shit from the community when I first took charge of it. Stop putting the blame on an ENTIRE faction.
Right after we fight together you guys after you responded come back and say they are allies with each other again. what the fuck... (Note I left before they even announced a pk I WAS SICK OF THE FUCKING BULLSHIT GOING ON AND NO ONE WAS DOING SHIT.) (ALSO MATTY CUT THE SHIT)



Quote from: Vityaz Just because I attacked your group doesnt mean I'm a troll. Thanks.

1. quit raging

2. quit raging

3. quit raging, it doesnt fix anything

As far as I hear, you and some other people were spawnkilling, abusing and ruining lots of rp. Why would you do that?


Quote from: Vityaz Just because I attacked your group doesnt mean I'm a troll. Thanks.

1. quit raging

2. quit raging

3. quit raging, it doesnt fix anything



Quote from: cobra Shut it Vityaz

Dont flame. We can settle this in the best manner possible with no flaming.


And i wasn't there at last fight so not all members dc'd

i was only there this morning

and secondary

u can call me new to this rp because i only play it 4 day's

but there are so many minge's

who are allone and when 4 ak armed merc's stand infront of them asking for ru
they all say i have non or start bunnyhopping away

u fire some shots next to them to make them stop

they bunnyhop on and on

u hit them and fire miss .. idem

u kill them

they start yelling in ooc oooh somebody random dm'd me

well to all these fuckfaces

it's serious rp

if you care more for some ru or a gun
then for your life

just stop playing stalker rp.. ?
Don't mind my englisch im Dutch!


Quote from: wallyroberto
Quote from: cobra Shut it Vityaz

Dont flame. We can settle this in the best manner possible with no flaming.

I apologize I am just fired up.


Cobra shut up now you guys gave everyone an exo which is bannable. You also flamed alot. We went out there because you had Exo's and were strafing outside our base unloading on it.

Your dead the Crusaders are dead now shut the fuck up.

We gave about 6 warnings to STALKERS and you but you ignored them

And Vityaz from Fyren. And Fyren from Silver. And really, it goes on. It's like a giant homo sex train

-Rohok Teyar


Also Silver is ok with what happened so thats that.

And Vityaz from Fyren. And Fyren from Silver. And really, it goes on. It's like a giant homo sex train

-Rohok Teyar


There is an obvious lack of communication here, and one of the sides is telling a lie. If someone can confess that they did it, or if someone has screenshots of this event it would be greatly appreciated.


Quote from: Carnage Cobra shut up now you guys gave everyone an exo which is bannable. You also flamed alot. We went out there because you had Exo's and were strafing outside our base unloading on it.

Your dead the Crusaders are dead now shut the fuck up.

We gave about 6 warnings to STALKERS and you but you ignored them



I'm sorry I dealed with this shit even back in Hybrids server congratulations you lost a serious rper you may not care much for it but ow well. I don't want to deal with it again


Quote from: Vityaz Stop the caps.
I don't care how about that?


The caps dont count for anything, but telling him to stop the caps and not answer him is not very helpful. I need the full story from a non-corrupted third party.


Heres my opinion, Make Connor an admin. He will sort all this shit out.


Quote from: Exetric Heres my opinion, Make Connor an admin. He will sort all this shit out.

Haha no.

And Vityaz from Fyren. And Fyren from Silver. And really, it goes on. It's like a giant homo sex train

-Rohok Teyar



I think we just need to full story from the accused's side. Anyone willing to take the blame?