Zashell Cyar

Started by Royz, 21-12-2008

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Age: 42


Birthplace: Deep in Washington D.C. (before the bomb hit)


Childhood: In Zashell's childhood it was basically the best time of his life. His friends still existed along with his school and the park along with it. Occasionally he would stare in the sky day in and out after the many warnings on the television about the high chances of a bomb coming. His parents worried about him when they would look out the window to see there son, alone, just staring blankly in the sky as if to find something. Zashell would actually find himself wanting the bomb to fall as he know of how the day is the same thing. "Wake up, School, Eat, Sleep and repeat..." was a phrase he would tell himself everyday he awakes early for school.

Age of 18: The construction of a fallout shelter was being built inside of a gas station. With it being long into the years with no difference life became slower. October 20, 2077 was when the fallout shelter became complete, many people started to reserve rooms in the shelter through fear. Within the two days that came before the bomb the military began to move in and create barriers, walking looking out among a barricade. Zashell walks towards his house along the busy streets until a scream was heard and someone pointed to the sky. He turned to look above him; above him was a large figure, free falling in his direction. With that thought he started to sprint to the shelter in knowledge of it being the only safe place there was. Cars began to crash in the streets creating hazards and casualties, Zashell has never been so scared or ran so fast in his life. The shelter was ahead and the door was closing slowly allowing other people a chance to still get in. He dashed into the shelter and  hit the wall. The now make-outable missile was getting closer and through selfishness he slammed down the lever to speed up the closing process. Two more people attempted to get in but were unfortunate enough to have gotten caught in between the closing ridges that the door fits into. Their screams of pain burned into his head along with their own blood stained on his shirt.
Everything went black...

Age 42: It was a long time since the incident happened and many people went hostile while others were determined to collect the past. Zashell now resided in the Citadel, deep inside the ruins of Washington D.C. Zashell was never the same again as for he was in a Coma for 3 years after the bomb hit and cause him to lose parts of his past like dropping puzzles pieces and his memories come back like when you find the pieces you needed 2 years after you needed it. He wishes to use the Brotherhood as a way to feel more useful and help him figure out his own self....

Disposition: Good (in his own way)

Favored Enemy: Anything highly affected by radiation.

Favored Weapon: Laser Technology weapons

Current Task: To find out more about himself.

(exotic name for my black character  :cool2:)