*DEAD* Colonel Rohok Jackson Teyar

Started by Rohok, 21-12-2008

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Rohok Jackson Teyar

First Name: Rohok

M.I: J

Last Name: Teyar

Age: 37

Sex: Male

Rank: Ex U.S Army Captain, A Colonel in the Duty faction now

Prior Occupation: U.S Army. Special Forces Detachment Commander. 1st SFG, Delta Company, 4th ODA.

Current Occupation: Duty leader

Personality: One of the most kind, and caring men. He certainly wasn't built for combat. Though he usually hesitates in taking another life, he will never hesitate if it is to save the life of an innocent. His motto "For every life I take, another dozen are preserved." Though he's a controlling, and often paranoid type of man, he's often very romantic and caring. He tends to fall for a certain type of woman, and his friends say that this type of woman sort of reflects his own personality. Though oddly enough, he is not compatible with this type. Along with his control-freak nature, and his heavy paranoia, he tends to get too attached. These are traits that save the lives of his men every day, but end his relationships in a heartbeat. His love life is one of the most accurate judges of his character: He's committed, determined, loyal, and compassionate. Despite his faults, he's a competent and charismatic leader.

Description: Short brown hair, cleanly shaven face. About 5' 11' in height, and 150 LB in weight. Slightly muscular, strong enough to make it in the Zone. His face is well structured, with high-cheek bones and one beautiful brown eye. However, during his final mission as a U.S Army Green Beret, an IED had exploded five feet from his face, sending shrapnel and flame toward his face. The entire left side of his face is covered in scars from shrapnel slicing into him, and his left eye is completely gone. His left hand, and left forearm is covered in burn scars. Despite his new appearance, his voice still carries a friendly, yet a battle-hardened, veteran sound.

Background: Rohok was born in Dallas, Texas into an ordinary family. With the normal family problems and the financial issues that usually ensue in a middle class household. However normal his childhood  was, he seemed to keep to himself very often. He was never the type to share his weekend stories, or talk about his time over Summer break. He just enjoyed doing solitary activities, and writing down his opinions and emotions. He was not a loner, but was just a quiet kid with really nothing to say to his friends, or peers. He had an impatience for stupidity, and steered clear of people because of this.

When he was close to graduation, he applied to go to the West Point Army Academy. After he was accepted, he spent his years there to become an officer, and get a good college education. He majored in European Literature, and Military History. After college, he was selected to join the Army Special Forces. He was put into the 1st SFG, Delta Company, 4th ODA. After his enlistment and selection in the U.S Army Special forces, not much is known about his actual service. The majority of the things he did were classified, or he just chooses not to talk about it. One thing that's not known by anybody is that he was dishonorably discharged for failure to comply with a direct order. However, he paid for this in more ways than one. During his defiance of the order, an IED had gone off near his face, nearly taking off his entire head.

After being discharged from the Military, Rohok's beloved wife, Shayla, had divorced him and took their child with her. A 5 year old boy by the name of Jackson Teyar. Ever since then, Rohok's life has come to complete halt. He felt like life was filled with too much pain to continue, and so moved far from the United States. During his travels in Europe, he gained an incredible, obsessive interest with "The Zone", and thus managed to get smuggled inside. Ever since then, Teyar has been making a name for himself as a simple Duty volunteer, eventually rising through the ranks to lead the faction itself.

Armament: (These are the weapons my character uses ICly, however, I only start with an OOC AK-74 and Makarov PM)

OTs-14 Groza/7.62mm GROZA
-Red Dot Scope
-Laser Sight
-Flash Light
-20 Round Box Magazine

Walther P99/9x21mm IMI
-Sound Suppressor
-Laser Sight
-16 Round Box magazine

Other: Was married twice, and divorced both times.