Michael Ravera

Started by MichaelGuevera, 21-12-2008

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Age: 30 Something.
Gender: Male

Birthplace: Grew up in Little Lamp, eventually moved out to Big Town.

Biography: Michael grew up in Little Lamp with all of his friends. Eventually turning 18, he was forced to move out. All Little Lamp kids go to Big Town and live there. Big Town is a very unsafe down that is ransacked my mutants every day. Michael's friends never came to Big Town.. Now Michael is in a faction named "The Brotherhood of Steel"

Disposition: Neutral

Favored Enemy: (OPTIONAL) Mutants, and Enclave

Favored Weapon: (OPTIONAL) Sniper Rifle, Regular SMG

Current Task: (OPTIONAL) To go back home, and see his family.

I need quotes...