Desin Vortuna

Started by streex, 20-12-2008

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Age: 34
Gender: Male

Birthplace: The Citadel

Biography: Desin was born within the walls of the citadel and at that point onwards...his parents expected great things from him.Unlike most children within the Brotherhood of Steel,Desin was brought up in all fields,be it the way of the scholar to close combat fighting.At the age of 30 Desin was given the rank of head paladin,the youngest paladin ever to recieve that rank...his parents expected great things from him....could there premonitions have come true?

Disposition: Lawful good

Favored Enemy: Super Mutants.

Favored Weapon: Laser rifle

Current Task: (OPTIONAL)To guide his fellow paladins and wipe the mutant scurge off the planet
