Re: Trader Union Apps. **OPEN**

Started by ~Ness~, 23-04-2009

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IC name : Jonathon Stone

OOC name : Ness Tea

STEAMID : STEAM_0:0:527116

Backstory of character (Put effort into this, or receive a swift kick to the nuts) : It was a shadowy night. The lights were flickering. A lady was moaning in pain. You see a baby's head pop out of her... yeah. And a small cry starts in the room. Everyone starts to cheer. But not for long.
The boy worked with his father in a automobile company in Ukraine. He worked hard to earn a minimum wage paycheck. His father, working their longer, recieved about 2 time more than him. It wasn't much. But enough to keep the family going. One day a man, in a fancy suit approached me. He asked if I was interested in making some extra cash. I accepted of course. He told me to wait a few hours, so he can round him his inventory. When the time came, there was a huge truck full of guns, clothing, drugs, about anything you can think of. I was pretty suspicious. I still did my job and sold them all.
The man said I was a business man at heart. I chuckled and kept making my 25% of profit.
When I had enough money, I bought my first car. It was beautiful. I didn't last long in it. It was quickly totaled by an incoming van. Gladly, no one got hurt, except for my beautiful car. Well. Now I am in the Zone, trying to ignore that and start again with my business skills. My father was coming with me, but he decided to stay back home. He got a promotion to Manager...

Why should we choose you over the next guy: I believe I am loyal, I am trustworthy enough so you guys know that I won't giving guns for free or for a TOO reduced price.
R]P on the server:[/color] 3 weeks.

Which faction do you belong to currently
: My main character is in Military

time RPing total: About 3-4 years.

People whine and cry for guns, armor, missions and such, are you willing to put up with this?
: I will usually do what they tell me. For a price of course. I won't give them weaponry for free. I would try my best to make the coolest missions possible.

Who is the Head trader?: SniperHunter

Who are the Co-Heads?: Nails and NeoHazard.

Are you fat?: ya. thanks to the Big Ukraine Mac. I AM FAT NAO
Accepted - Welcome to the TU