Summer gaming Goal

Started by Syn, 20-06-2008

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Every summer i try ang set a gaming goal for me to complete. last year i completed all the half life games in order on medium difficulty. so i wanted to set something fun for this year, but i am not exactly sure what i should do. post some ideas here, or tell me what you think of my ideas. so far i have have

Final fantasy games, i was thinking the best of the best ones, which in my mind i would play them in the order of 1, 3 (DS version), 7, 8, then 10. of course i have played and beaten every singe final fantasy in the past :).

another one i was thinking was the ninja gaiden challenge, and i would attempt Ninja gaiden (the original), Dragon sword on DS, and ninja gaiden 2 on the path of the warrior (medium) difficulty. this one seems hard seeing as i am having trouble with NG2 on easy at the end.

i was also concidering online goals such as getting lvl 10 prestige on CoD4 (im currently 3rd) or getting the highest rank on halo. or possibly setting an Xbox gamer score record. i am not sure, i need some good ideas for this summers goal :).

Silver Knight

Well i just got a ton of unlockables on TF2 free weekend which may i add was great ! but still i wouldn't pay 19.99 dollars for it.. :Knuckles: Now replaying Oblivion... trying to get more content and complete more quests for it... so yeah woopie flying mount in Oblivion.. lol :taz:

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Well, Pirates of the Caribbean Online is pretty fun, its free to download and has a basic package where you don't have to pay a subscription. You could try and go through the entire story mode, but I've already reached the point where advancing further in the story mode is impossible because it is now locked unless I get a subscription :(.

Got Fable? Try truely beating the entire game, without the gitches. I'm talking all 25 silver keys, all the legendary weapons, 1 of every equipment, own every single building in the world, have maxed out items, do all the side quests, etc. That takes a LONG time.

I have no ideas other than those at this time.

Silver Knight

Yeah i have played fable.. great game.. pretty old now.. waiting for the newer version now.. Lost chapters.. lol.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Agent Smith

Hey ! have you seen the new tourny thingy on psn? its ok.. but i dont see why sony release something thats half done... only like 4 games are supported by it.. pain, stardust thingy and warhawk.. the rest are.. crap games.. so i wont go far.. but its like achievements.. slightly like tf2's.. microsoft ripoff..


Quote from: Insurrektion Got Fable? Try truely beating the entire game, without the gitches. I'm talking all 25 silver keys, all the legendary weapons, 1 of every equipment, own every single building in the world, have maxed out items, do all the side quests, etc. That takes a LONG time.

i already did. me and my friend are like, tottaly addicted to fable last year when i bought it for him on PC. then he told me its awesome, and i tried it too. and we got tottaly addicted. i lost alot of sleep :P

Silver Knight

Oh come on syn.. its not that good... but it has its momments of greatness... it has ALOT of content and stuff to do but i got bored of it after a week.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period