Operation Hollow Point: Offical Thread

Started by Silver Knight, 08-06-2008

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Silver Knight

This is the Official Operation Hollow Point Trailer  :D


Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


"Only faggots will quote themselves in their own signature!" - Swinzly

Silver Knight

Wow thats sexy ! It's the front cover !

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Mr. Bigglesworth

jeez, am i happy we finally got this out!

Silver Knight

I would have the Starship Troopers Trailer out.. but no ones ready to do any machinea tonight.. and im awaiting the Robocrab model...

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Mr. Bigglesworth

steam is being retarded, I am not getting ne messages until the person has already left and gotten pissed at me... namely silver... I am getting pissed at steam! Ne way, I am going to make some concept screenshots for Operation: Hollow Point.

Silver Knight

Yeah steam gave me rather random error messages that i have never seen before...

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Mr. Bigglesworth

COME ON GUYS!!! we need to get working on our operation: Hollow Point machinima more, lol altho half of it is my fault... any way, I am currently putting up recon. photos in the machinima forums, so check frequently

Silver Knight

Moved to Machinea.. cause its about Machinea.. wooooh ! yeah... ok.. Looking forward to your work Biggles

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Silver Knight

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Mr. Bigglesworth

Lol sry bout that =) forgot to make it here.

   I am also going to move our "recon photos" here

Mr. Bigglesworth

This is the first photo we have recieved back from our recon/sabotage mission in Point Flux labs. We will present these pictures as we recieve them.


Mr. Bigglesworth

This is the second photo we have gotten back from our boys underground. As you can see the situation down there is a lot more serious than we thought. This is one of the armed personnell at Point Flux. We found him pinned to the wall by an eight meter pole. But by whom or what this was done, we still know nothing about.  


   *Both Pictures are now fixed as requested by Gordon13*

Silver Knight

Very nice footage, This gives me a few idea's to create a webpage for OHP Machinea ;D

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


hmm well its a nice idea having the screenshots presented that way but i wish the pictures were bigger so we could properly see whats going on :P if you could get rid of that massive white frame around the images it would definately look better.
one thing thats kinda bugging me about the trailer though is the camera movements.. its way too obvious its just another player running around . maybe if the movements were smoother and more perpuseful it would be more immersive to watch.

Silver Knight

Click the link bellow the picture to enlarge it Gordon13 :o

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Mr. Bigglesworth

Just click the picture to make it bigger Mr. Freeman =) (Gordon13)

Silver Knight

Thanks for that Mr BigglesWorth.. ill note to install that Karma and Star Mod to give you a Gold one ;D

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


im not a retard! :P for some reason there was a big ass border around the image when i clicked.. seems to be fixed now

Mr. Bigglesworth

This is the third photo we have recieved back from the mission. Aparently, something is going on down there. Something out of the ordinary. Point Flux labs was working on bio-weaponry. It looks like thier own technology has turned agains them and made these bizarre mutations. We can only hope that this is as bad as it will get.


Mr. Bigglesworth

Quote from: gordon13 im not a retard! :P for some reason there was a big ass border around the image when i clicked.. seems to be fixed now

I know u arent, but yes I did fix the border problem, and lol sry silver i didnt see that u already posted the clicky thing. ;D

Silver Knight

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Mr. Bigglesworth

This is the fourth photo we have gotten back. There is something other than mutated scientists down there. We suspect that this may have been the creature that attacked one of the armed personnell, as shown in a previous picture. It is only a small glimpse, but whatever it is, it is very large and most likely very dangerous.


Agent Smith

Wow cool whens the movie coming out? loved the trailer ! ;)


nice vid cant wait till u release it ! seems abit like hl1 ant it? and whats up with da concept art?