Gatlin's Smuggling Operation

Started by mrd, 17-12-2008

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I thought of a way for the STALKERS and faction members of the Zone to recieve high grade weapons at a lower cost. And that is weapons smuggling. I have been given permission from SilverKnight to do this, so don't whine.

Gatlin has decided to start using his vast connections in the Zone to start smuggling weapons and supplies into the Zone for low prices. The weapons and supplies are coming in from secret location in Russia. People give him the orders, he calls it into the supplier. They are heli-dropped in once a week.

How it works
None of this can be done OOC or in the forums. You have to meet Gatlin in-character and place a order. He can smuggle anything into the Zone. If you are wondering about the prices. Just divide the current trader prices by 4. Once a order is placed, it will be written down and placed in this thread. You will have to wait 3 real days before the order comes in.

Public Sellings
Every Friday, Gatlin will come to town in a truck with excess supplies. He will sell supplies for 1/2 the normal price of traders. But not near as cheap ordering them. With him, he will bring many missions. I did this as a test on December 17th. And people loved it, I had set up unique missions that required team work. And one actually required thinking.

Placed Orders
[name] - [items] - [price] - [arrival date]
xzoen - Viper 5 - 600 - December 19, 2008
Freedom Faction - 15 Desert Eagles - 5,000 - December 19, 2008
Rohok - FN2000 and P99 - 5,600 - Special
Freedom Faction - 17 L85 Rifles - Peace Treaty - December 22, 2008


Awesome, I see myself placing some orders.


Well Gatlin, I don't think Bond will take liking to this...I got plans for the banditos :tt2:


Updated, I am expecting some conflict between the Traders Union and my smuggling operations :3


First thing: Helicopters and aircraft will be shot out of the sky without authorization and clearance to be in that airspace, by the military of course.

Second thing: Unless your dropping the weapons in a crate, how are you going to get a vehicle to carry the weapons? Also who says that me and my bandit group cant just raid it first and steal them?

Third thing: This will destroy the purpose of the Traders Union, unless you are going to give all the weapons that were dropped to the Traders Union.

Bad idea in general :/


For #2 I would say that we fight back with our better weapons, and win. #3 Placing orders is difficult, and must be done ICly. Not means to replace the traders union. I love the idea fragger, and its awesome to see a heli come in and drop the crates.


1. No one gives a fuck about logic, it is rp
2. No one gives a fuck about logic, it is rp
3. No one gives a fuck, most people don't want to wait 3 days for a weapon.


Quote from: Molested Rubber Ducky 1. No one gives a fuck about logic, it is rp
2. No one gives a fuck about logic, it is rp
3. No one gives a fuck, most people don't want to wait 3 days for a weapon.

No offence ducky, but I disagree.
It's because of RP that those three points have any validity.

If it were simply a game, anything goes, however it is RP within the Zone, you need to make it plausible at least.

Since this is pretty likely to make buying guns at the traders less desirable, you should consider making some connection with the traders, OR introducing some high risk process, whereby you must store the goods in some location for a long period of time ( such as an hour ) before you can distribute them, asif to emulate the storage/process times. Simply walking up the the table and pulling 50 mp5's out of your pockets isn't simply good enough.

Make it fun, not convenient. :P

I trust the missions are decent however. ( You can do it ducky. :P )
Imak Sherman - Loner.
Andre Galdare - Bandit.
Hans Bluneshk - Barkeep.