|Freedom| Inactivity thread.

Started by KillSlim, 09-08-2009

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


Sticky this please Tund. :)
Going away?
Fixing your computer?
Whatever the reason, reply here if you will be inactive for a while.

Character name:
Reason for inactivity:
Length of inactivity:

Your status on the Freedom roster will be updated as you reply.
Reply only if necessary!
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window



Character name: Ruf Benteski
Reason for inactivity: Presumed Dead
Length of inactivity: Until he comes back from the dead to feast on the flesh of the living!

Oh hai guys.