|CAIS| - Contracts, Assassination, Intelligence, Sabotage

Started by deluxulous, 04-08-2009

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...doing jobs all over the world before the combine takeover, they saw an opportunity for more fortune and infamy.
They did Contracts, Assassinated targets, stole and gathered intelligence, and sabotaged primary political and strategical structures and assets.
They remain secret, no-one knows any of their agents. Most CAIS agents do not even know eachother, unless it is vital to the mission for a meeting, linkup, or passing on information.
With the coming Anarchy and totalarianism government, CAIS hoped that they would be busy working for both sides, as the secret asset, the double agents.
They are neutral to both sides, as they say, it's only business.

Agents are rumored to have code-names, and false ID's in case of capture.


Applications are done IC. You must have ELITE roleplay skills, and you cannot have any past infractions of breaking the rules, anywhere in HGN. Don't put CAIS in your title. People M-Game all the time, plus we dont need that in this group for the sake of being discovered.




Really hoping this can work out, it'd be interesting to see how a merc group would do inside HL2.


Why would the Combine need a deniable asset like a neutral merc org such as this? They control the whole planet and in HL2 we see they have no qualms about being brutal. They don't need to deny what they do because no one can stop them. I think you might want to focus more on relations with the rebels.


Because the Combine usually can't infiltrate rebel organizations, and they can act as spies. And if off-duty CP's (which would probably be metagamed) were caught, they would probably be PK'd, and could get the civilian names of other units by interrogation.


Thom's Law
"Nothing can not produce something. If there was ever a time when there was nothing, there would STILL be nothing."


That idea crossed my mind as to what they would use this for as well but it seems to me like the Combine could easily go "Ok you" [points to random citizen in prison] "Infiltrate this org and report back to us or become a stalker." I don't see why'd they pay an org to do something they could do for free and they also wouldn't have to share any power/trust with humans who Combine high command obviously views as a lower lifeform. I mean if everyone else supports this great but I just don't understand the Combine's need for this.


It works both ways, if the Combine don't want to use them, they could just side with the Rebels, and I don't think they would want a professional organization against them, adding to the already active rebellious groups.


Uhm, I hate to post dissupport of one of pisto lkids Ideas...but here it goes...

1. Any trained military personnel as of the seven hour war would have already been indoctrinated or killed, or driven into hiding.

2. The Combine do not need to use unreliable, greedy, untrustworthy, inefficiant third party contractors when they have an Intelligence division that is solely devoted to this sort of thing. Well equipped and Combine trained infiltrators with suicide capsuls for capture, and clear brainwashing for directives.

3.  The combine would not tolerate any group that played both sides. IF in doubt, they would simply convert you into Overwatch.

4.  Supplies? Where would you get them? No offense, but I doubt you could have procured/smuggled in weapoons when their are extensive checks at the stations.

5. Communication? First of all how would you contact the Combine to offer your "Services" without themjust settin up a trap and killing you all.
      - On top of that, how would your members communicate? If they truly do not know eachothers Identities, i nthe new world of the combine how would they recieve orders from their leaders if they are constantly being forced to switch cities, as the Combine tdo CANONLY to prevent you from forming ties to other people.

6. Payment? How owuld the Combine pay you in a world where all currency is controlled by them? All it takes is marked bills, and you lead them directly to your store houses/members when you pay your dues. IF they pay you in equipment, all they have to do is bug the equipment and track it to your store houses/meeting house/ etc.

This would be a great group for any other type of roleplay. I wish it could work CANONly, it sounds fun, but if wee want to have a serious Half Life two roleplay, there's just to many holes in the Canon poked.


Quote from: Judas on 24-08-2009
Uhm, I hate to post dissupport of one of pisto lkids Ideas...but here it goes...

1. Any trained military personnel as of the seven hour war would have already been indoctrinated or killed, or driven into hiding.

2. The Combine do not need to use unreliable, greedy, untrustworthy, inefficiant third party contractors when they have an Intelligence division that is solely devoted to this sort of thing. Well equipped and Combine trained infiltrators with suicide capsuls for capture, and clear brainwashing for directives.

3.  The combine would not tolerate any group that played both sides. IF in doubt, they would simply convert you into Overwatch.

4.  Supplies? Where would you get them? No offense, but I doubt you could have procured/smuggled in weapoons when their are extensive checks at the stations.

5. Communication? First of all how would you contact the Combine to offer your "Services" without themjust settin up a trap and killing you all.
      - On top of that, how would your members communicate? If they truly do not know eachothers Identities, i nthe new world of the combine how would they recieve orders from their leaders if they are constantly being forced to switch cities, as the Combine tdo CANONLY to prevent you from forming ties to other people.

6. Payment? How owuld the Combine pay you in a world where all currency is controlled by them? All it takes is marked bills, and you lead them directly to your store houses/members when you pay your dues. IF they pay you in equipment, all they have to do is bug the equipment and track it to your store houses/meeting house/ etc.

This would be a great group for any other type of roleplay. I wish it could work CANONly, it sounds fun, but if wee want to have a serious Half Life two roleplay, there's just to many holes in the Canon poked.

Quoted for truth, you said that way better than I did.


I'm with Judas, They wouldn't hire a paramilitary group because such a group probably doesn't even exist anymore.


Yeah it doesn't really work. Hitman roleplay is fun but doesn't fit in.
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.