virus may not play for few days

Started by Allmostfunny, 29-07-2009

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Had virus. fucked the computer up... everything... gone
may just be installing the thousand progms that i had all over again and all the gmod shit :< Saad Notsofunny :<
tired. dont wanna wait 14 hours Right NOW to download so tired wait few days :< ok.


That sucks...hate when a virus brakes the computer.
"I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude diquised as another dude!"

The myth says that Radek has two arms, the myth also says that the devil has two arms. Coincidence? I think not.


I'm very paranoid about viruses so I'm always acting against them, never getting one.


That must suck I hate reinstalling everything. For example just today Vista got screwed again and I had to reinstall and I couldn't restore the Windows.old folder files. So basically I lost a bunch of save files and I have to reinstall a ton of programs, but I was able to salvage Steam. I can not wait 'till Windows 7 comes out! Hopefully I will actually have administrator access on my own PC!


I dont mind reinstalling windows, i have my drive partitioned and store all my games on my D: so i never loose anything relevant. I store pics and files on my external drive. I dont mind installing windows. . . cept getting drivers... grr.... Luckly for me, vista has my network driver. Xp does not.


Well I'm going to be getting a second drive cause 226GB just doesn't cut it.


"I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude diquised as another dude!"

The myth says that Radek has two arms, the myth also says that the devil has two arms. Coincidence? I think not.


Quote from: Wellington on 30-07-2009
Well I'm going to be getting a second drive cause 226GB just doesn't cut it.

I have a 250 split into a 40 and a 200. Plus 1tb external. It works well.


How fast are external drives anyways? Are they any good?


Got one 564 Gb :< but  imissing textures and missing Skills put into the Downloadpack sucks ass so i cant see textures on the Stalker map :<<< huhuhuuu


Quote from: Wellington on 01-08-2009
How fast are external drives anyways? Are they any good?

Depends, Mine has USB and eSATA. If i had an eSATA port, it would be awesome. But it only goes at its usual 300 (or something) kb/s instead of the 3gig it could