Ecologist Leader Applications

Started by KillSlim, 11-06-2015

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Steam Name:

GMT +1


Time with HGN:
Since 2010 (on and off though).

Time Roleplaying:
Since 2010, HGN is where it all started.

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?:
All of them.

In your own words, briefly describe the ecologist core values:
The ecologists are researchers in the zone, working for the ukranian government. They do although value cooperation with anyone, and would rather stick with loners and mercenaries than bigger factions like Duty and Freedom.
Their main goal is of course to find use of the powers within the zone, and give them to mankind.
They are one of several factions in the zone who believes in the greater good, but they are the only faction who accomplishes this through lawful means.

What makes you suitable to the job?:
I get my joys from roleplaying by helping others. This means I love creating jobs, events, and an atmosphere for others to enjoy.
I am also enthusiastic about STALKER, and I believe I would be suitable as I am a friendly, open-minded person, who is also able to take criticism close to heart.
I will also have a lot of time on my hands, as I really do nothing but play videogames and study. But as there are no videogames to play, this leaves a lot of time available for SRP.


Steam Name: KillSlim

Timezone: GMT +0

Age: 22

Time with HGN: Joined 27-06-2009

Time Roleplaying: Since Gmod 9.0.4, I RP'ed in other mediums since 1 year prior.

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: Yes, all 3.

In your own words, briefly describe the ecologist core values: The Ecologists exist to propel mankind forwards by unlocking the secrets of the Zone. By conducting externally funded research performed on-site upon mutant specimens, and anomalies & artifacts, the Ecologists are at the forefront of modern medical and quantum mechanical research. The Ecologists remain strictly neutral but welcome assistance from all factions across the zone with few exceptions, as the Ukrainian Military lack fluidity or the freedom of movement.

What makes you suitable to the job?: I thoroughly enjoy the setting and RP in general, and I've found that RP'ing for the benefit of other people is something I have learned to enjoy over time. When I look back on the best memories of RP in HGN it's almost always with the phenomenal characters of other people, and this is something I would want to employ and continue. Community-wise I have been a member of every Stalker RP faction in HGN over it's multiple servers, I've learned from and observed the mistakes made by many past leaders of different factions. I've also lead Freedom, my own Loner group (forgotten it's name since forum clean up), and Military Merc group ('Squad Whiskey'). As of my past leadership experiences from old groups in HGN and similar positions in other servers, I'm able to put the lessons I've learned into practice to create a well-lubricated machine. I also have plenty of free time available which allows for me to be active in the server.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

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