Locations of Safehaven | Official Races List

Started by Syndraell, 09-08-2016

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Sometimes, you can't beat the classics. Take the modern everyday human for example. Hardy, clever, and persistent; Humans are a force to be reckoned with, and are usually only restricted by their own morals.
None, unless they decide something is immoral or beneath them. they can train themselves to be strong, wise, or even agile... all depending on where they grow up and what they do. Quite a unique racial trait.


Quite literally "Deer Elves". Graceful, but rather friendlier than expected... Despite most of them being easy to scare. They run fairly fast, prefer nature over technology, and have a bit of a distaste for fire and axes.
Restrictions: Natural weapons and magicks suit them best, as well as plant harvesting and potion-making. They can use light weaponry and throwing items; as long as it doesn't mess up their dexterity and agility.

None of these fit you? Want to suggest a race? Well, we'll be adding more races soon. (and have a Race suggestion thread too, so keep your eyes peeled.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.