Moderator Application

Started by meldin, 30-05-2016

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I know that there isn't technically an opening for staff, but honestly no admins are ever really on, at least three of the rosterred admins are never on for one reason or another, and honestly I am the most qualified hopeful for another staff position. I'd just like somebody who is regularly on and can help new members with things like name and references for build apps.

Minecraft Name: Prinz_Schrei
Position Applying For: Mod/Admin
Time on Sever: ~4 years on and off (since the time of DEAP
Past Experience: I have moderator experience on a couple other server I used to frequent.
Recommendations: CP said he'd recommend me, but I forgot to screenshot it.
Why you think you should be on the Staff Roster: Because no admins are ever really on and I'm on here fairly regularly. I know the community well and I really wanna see this server thrive and not burn again.

Accepted, you are now a Moderator