Dragons and Dragon History

Started by DasHeadCrap, 13-05-2016

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"You've likely heard the legends, the stories, the myths. But these creatures are so much more than that. Intelligent as a wizard and as fierce as a small army with breath that turns stone to magma." - Kaiser Manard, 1st Reich 22BCE

Dragon History
Dragons are most likely the oldest intelligent beings on the planet with origins that predate Man, Elf, or Dwarf. While once beast their intelligence grew around the time of ancient Man's first civilizations over 5,000 years ago. By 3,000 BCE Dragons were the rulers of the Earth with vast empires made of Man, Elf, and Dwarf alike. These were the dark ages in which the world was slave to Dragon kind.

It's widely thought that Dragons chose to enslave the other races due to their own weaknesses. Most of which in the form of fine tuning and breeding. While a Dragon has no issue carving his own nest out of rock with the use of his breath and tongue, Dragons still have trouble having babies and then finding room for said babies. With a desire to dominate and leave a legacy Dragons were naturally drawn to the ancient cities of Man, Elf, and Dwarf alike. Seeking to rule them and keep them as their own while being revered as gods.

Around 1,500 BCE things took a turn for the worse however. Elves under the Dagoth Empire (Dagoth being a Dragon) in secret made the discovery of magic, a powerful and extremely hard to master form of energy. With this new found strength the Elves killed Dagoth in his slumber with powerful spells and declared themselves free (This event also lead to the stereotype of Elves being well versed in magic). The other Dragon empires and free roaming Dragons disliked this and set out against the new Elven empire which crowned itself the "Ruby Sun". The Ruby Sun raised their own armies of Elves and along with their mages set out in a terrible war. As the war waged the Dragon Empires that ruled Man and Dwarf soon rebelled although without magic the results were disastrous. However the Dragons had grown lazy and were quickly thrown into confusion and dismay as they found themselves faced by millions of foes with more and more learning magic, the word of the Dragons.

After 40 years of fighting Dragon kind was nearly extinguished with the remaining fleeing to the undiscovered land of Aceon. Man, Elf, and Dwarf were free.

Almost 1,400 years passed when the second Dragon war erupted. By now Ruby Sun was long since gone and magic was a fleeting subject understood less and less. Without room to breed and cities to rule over the Dragons of Aceon were few and far but still existent. They laid their eyes on the Dragon cults with the cult of Dagoth being the most powerful. Using magic and their size altering abilities the Dragons influenced a war between the nations and the Dragons cults. The war ruined the lands and destroyed the great cities. Many empires fell but by 73 BCE the Dragons and the cult were defeated and all was dark. Generations of knowledge were losed in many areas of the world and a second dark age came over in many parts of the world. One of the few nations to survive were the 1st Reich of Arid ruled by Kaiser Manard. Manard moved the Reich in the pursuit of the destruction of the cults in the North Western World while similar rulers like Xang of the East set out to destroy the cults of the East. By the time of Manard's death in 20BCE the Dragon cults were extinguished and knowledge of Dragonkind faded.

General abilities
Dragons are smart above all else. They have uncanny abilities to influence Man, Elf, and Dwarf alike. Most likely due to their heavy relationship with magic, something that all but the most rare of other species struggle greatly with.

Dragons also have the ability to shrink. While they cannot grow above their basic size (usually 15 feet tall and around 30 to 40 feet long) they can shrink to the size of a man, abet with reduced abilities.

Dragons of course also have the ability to breath fire and ice. Many such ice spikes made from Dragons still dot the snowy regions of Aceon to this day, refusing to melt due to their magical properties. Dragon fire is unusually hot and can melt basic stone into magma with ease. However such fire can only be used sparingly so Dragons usually use less intense flames against targets.

The tongue of a Dragon is extremely dexterous and heat resistant. It's one of the few parts that doesn't burn away when a Dragon dies. A Dragons tongue is akin to a mans arms and is used with fire and ice to carve out nesting grounds.

Dragons Today
With the resettlement of Aceon around mid 10th century CE there's been minor resurgences of Dragon Cults and even Dragon sightings. Most Dragons died out thousands of years ago with the most powerful opening their own rifts via magic and choosing to live in the End. However at least one Dragon still roams Aceon and has been sighted in the Jerral Mountains. Most nations hold hard aggression to Dragon worshipers and hold no mercy to them.

Ender Dragons

The Dragon of Aceon

Listen, man, humanity dreams of the stars for one reason and one reason only. Hot xeno ass. Don't fail us now.