Aceon Management Update and Future Plans

Started by DarkThunder2, 06-04-2016

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   Hello there, welcome to a (possibly) surprising situation. The old map is currently not being used, the server name has reverted to Aceon, and a new map is in place, with little explanation on the whole matter. Considering that I'm the writer of this, that happens to be my job. You see, due to a private matter (James moving to work on Terrarria), the previous Minecraft supervisor has stepped down. As some astute individuals might have noticed under my name on the left, I have gone ahead and taken that position with the support of Blake. This post here-other than to introduce myself-is intended to be used as a manual of the changes that I have, and soon will, enact. If any complaints about these changes arise in a posted reply then I shall quell those concerns, though I would prefer suggestions or constructive criticism. With that out of the way, here are the major changes.

-The server name is now Aceon (again)
-The previous map has been replaced
-Ore spawn has been reduced
-A temporary worldborder of 5000x5000 has been erected
-The current plan is to put Factions (or Clans) on the server for a period of time, and then (potentially) switch over to Towny
-I'm going to wipe the current whitelist and require everyone who was whitelisted re-apply to the Build-Trust Application

   To quell some of the possible confusion on these changes, I shall (briefly) go over them in a little bit more detail, though all future readers should look to my replies to questions for more information. For the name reversion, Aceon was the original server name, and it felt right to be able to finally go back to its roots-that, and for the sake of personal nostalgia. The map replacement was only done to deal with the upcoming topics of the worldborder and decreased ore spawn, but the map is still saved on Blake's computer if anyone wants a copy. Ore spawn is a bit of a touchy subject, but the best I'll explain it for now is that trading would become more valuable to roleplay if the ores themselves were quite difficult to obtain. The (temporary) worldborder is a little easier to explain, as everyone was so spread out that roleplay was nigh impossible to do, and communities were practically ghost towns because of this. Starting out with Factions (Or Clans) and switching to Towny later I might decide against later, but the current reason is so it's easier to establish towns and cities when the server goes into full swing, with a bit more room for conflict and such between towns. The whitelist wipe, as the last point (to this date), is solely so that I can get to know those who are already considered trusted a little better personally before letting them back on.

   That's all for the moment. If any further questions or complaints arise about my methods or the points made here, leave a reply letting me know, and any questions about my qualifications to this position should be forwarded to Blake. Have a good day or night, wherever you are.

So, did anyone else see a floating cactus today? Just me?
I better stop wearing glasses with stickers on them, I guess.



Never really said anything about working on terraria, just giving someone specific files.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.