Aceon: Whitelist Applications

Started by Syndraell, 29-03-2016

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HGN Aceon: Whitelist Applications

Welcome to HGN Aceon Roleplay! If this is your first time in joining the server, please use the format provided below in your application. Staff will then check it and leave feedback.

[b]MC Username[/b]:
[b]How did you hear about HGN Aceon?[/b]:

[i]By posting this, I the applicant, agree to stick by a good moral code and understand that unacceptable behaviour will result in me losing my right to play on this server.[/i]

  • Please do not edit the Format.
  • You don't need to answer the Rhetoric.
  • Steam ID/Profile Link is Optional, it just allows us to connect easier.
  • If your application is Denied make a New reply to Resubmit an application.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


MC Username:Prinz_Schrei
Timezone:PST -8:00
How did you hear about HGN Aceon?:Ive been on this thing for like 7 years.

By posting this, I the applicant, agree to stick by a good moral code and understand that unacceptable behaviour will result in me loosing my right to play on this server.
Accepted. You will be added once Aceon is ready.


MC Username: Gameadict001
Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time
How did you hear about HGN Aceon?: Played on original Aceon, was away from hgn for a while, but heard Aceon was reopening from Dasheadcrap

By posting this, I the applicant, agree to stick by a good moral code and understand that unacceptable behaviour will result in me loosing my right to play on this server.
Accepted. You will be added once Aceon is ready.
- What if I told you I'm your mother!? o-O


MC Username:nobleblademaster
How did you hear about HGN Aceon?: I heard about it from DarkThunder2

By posting this, I the applicant, agree to stick by a good moral code and understand that unacceptable behaviour will result in me loosing my right to play on this server. yes

Accepted. You will be added once Aceon is ready.


MC Username: MileySakiko
SteamURL/ID*: Eh, the people here who I know and trust already have it. =3=;
Timezone: Eastern US
How did you hear about HGN Aceon?: Well, a long long time ago, back when iseyu wasn't....gone. tl;dr ~ James Almasy

By posting this, I the applicant, agree to stick by a good moral code and understand that unacceptable behaviour will result in me losing my right to play on this server.

Accepted. You will be added once Aceon is ready.


MC Username: 2ktaco
Timezone: Central Time
How did you hear about HGN Aceon?: Found it through google a bunch of maybe three years ago.

By posting this, I the applicant, agree to stick by a good moral code and understand that unacceptable behaviour will result in me losing my right to play on this server.

Accepted. Welcome back, you will be added once Aceon is ready.


MC Username:Jemmerl
How did you hear about HGN Aceon?:From DarkThunder2

By posting this, I the applicant, agree to stick by a good moral code and understand that unacceptable behavior will result in me losing my right to play on this server. I'm Jemmerl, and I approve this message.

Accepted. Welcome back, you will be added once Aceon is ready. (No bias obviously shh)
"Man who runs in front of car gets tired. Man who runs behind car gets exhausted." -Confucius

I am also in a strange mood. Give me resources or I kill myself.


MC Username: geccoy
SteamURL/ID*: tentationem
Timezone: EST
How did you hear about HGN Aceon?: i used to be the whitelister xD

By posting this, I the applicant, agree to stick by a good moral code and understand that unacceptable behaviour will result in me losing my right to play on this server.

Accepted. Sorry about taking so long to see this
A girls' tears are only to show to the person you love when you're truly happy, like when your father ridicules me or hits me with just enough force, I get so excited I cry tears of joy.


MC Username: Feerman2010
Timezone: CST
How did you hear about HGN Aceon?: google about five years ago

By posting this, I the applicant, agree to suck eggs and understand that unacceptable behaviour will result in me losing my right to play on this server.
