HyperGaming Network

Other Forums => Scrapyard => Topic started by: Blake.H on 03-11-2015

Title: Aceon: Build-Trust Applications
Post by: Blake.H on 03-11-2015
HGN Aceon: Build-Trust Applications & Roster.
Below you can apply for the Right to Build on our Server. Please read this thread carefully before applying.

Know Before Applying

If you fail to adhere to the above rules before posting, You will be unable to re-apply for 90 days.

* A "Staff Support" can be used as a Community Support. RETURNING members (with old forum account) do not need proof of support unless otherwise instructed.

Application Format

[b]Minecraft Account[/b]:
[b]Steam Name (If avaliable)[/b]:
[b]Length of Time Spent on HGN[/b]:
[b]Length of time on Aceon[/b]:
[b]Proof of "Staff Support"[/b]:
[b]Proof of "Community Support"[/b]:
[b]What shall you do with your Build-Trust?[/b]:
[b]Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?[/b]:
[b]Other Comments:[/b]

[i]By posting this, I the applicant, agree to the terms set out in this thread and understand that Build-Trust is a privilege, not a right.[/i]

Terms of Agreement:
By applying for Build Trust; you agree that you assume full responsibility for your building permission and any actions you may proceed to carry out with it. At any time, any and all Administrators or "Admins" have the unrestricted right to remove your build access when/if they see fit, and without warning. A user who has had their Builder Access removed may petition the Project Manager if they thought the removal was unfit or otherwise seen as undeserved. These petitions are limited to one per case and person.
Title: Aceon: Build-Trust Applications
Post by: DarqFox on 13-06-2016
Minecraft Account: DarqFox
Steam Name (If avaliable): N/A
Length of Time Spent on HGN: ~4 days
Length of time on Aceon: ~4 days
Proof of "Staff Support": (https://forums.hypergamer.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi64.tinypic.com%2Fwlbukk.png&hash=ed0b9968e7ba720040fb7c63e38c13f04a65954a)
Proof of "Community Support": (https://forums.hypergamer.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi65.tinypic.com%2F312v9s0.png&hash=036b181b7b6009bb078d531ccd3c0b573840e614)
What shall you do with your Build-Trust?: Build dungeons and other content for the server to be worked into lore (if the admins so wish)
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: No current affiliations.
Other Comments: N/A

By posting this, I the applicant, agree to the terms set out in this thread and understand that Build-Trust is a privilege, not a right.

Title: Aceon: Build-Trust Applications
Post by: CoolFeerman on 22-02-2018
Minecraft Account: austrani
Steam Name (If avaliable): fuck off
Length of Time Spent on HGN: years
Length of time on Aceon: all of it
Proof of "Staff Support": this is a formality
Proof of "Community Support": i am literally the most popular person on aceon
What shall you do with your Build-Trust?: build?
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: romans
Other Comments:

portkins is lazy

By posting this, I the applicant, agree to the terms set out in this thread and understand that Build-Trust is a privilege, not a right.