Ye Olde HGN SRP - What was good, what could have been improved

Started by crusader :D, 20-07-2015

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You might as well ban all of us, because no one is going to play your rushed shitty SRP remake. People like Spades Neil and Blake are another reason not to show up here anymore, fucking disgusting.

P.S. Nice teen titans character fucking loser.

Purple Sockz

Quote from: Pawx on 20-07-2015P.S. Nice teen titans character fucking loser.

what the fuck ahaha

this isn't a playground, it's a moderated forum for sharing ideas. if you want to beat up your classmates then do it after school, not during productive hours. get it? i'm sure everyone has all sorts of nasty shit to say about people around here, but as someone who in particular does not know anyone here, looking at this sort of behavior makes me actually cringe in embarrassment.


take it easy

chill out

Quote from: Recreas on 21-07-2015Oh and keep a stricter control on the playerbase, half of us hate each others guts, including myself.
and what the hell is this? is this true?

if this is true then this thread isn't going to accomplish anything on its own.

i haven't played on any of HGN's incarnations of stalker, but it doesn't take a veteran of HGN to know that there is something inherently wrong with "half of us hate each other's guts."

stricter control of the player-base will fix the animosity problem, but only if you ban each and every toxic shit-bird. i think that kind of approach is a very weak one; in fact i think it's a cop-out response to a problem that could be worked out more easily without any administrative intervention.

wanna know how?

here, i'll let you know how.

here i go.
here it is.
[spoiler]stupid people waste their energy hating others.
stop making yourself unhappy all the time and just be kind. i don't give a fuck what the subject of your hate has done in the past, just get the fuck over it.
it's a video game.
grow the fuck up.[/spoiler]


Get out of here before I bash yer 'ead on in mate.


Quote from: Madcombat on 27-08-2015
Lets be honest with ourselves, everything could be improved.  This was never the be it all, it is all Stalker roleplay we all wanted.  Yes, without a doubt for a time it was fun, the place to be.  But over time, administration, lack of development, lack of ideas and a stale story let everything fall to pieces.  Not only that but the lore was raped, I mean we had Thy who was a Blood Sucker that could communicate and be a friendly bloodsucker, we had freaking tar man, Kranzer etc.  All be it, some of these things was fun and funny, it was also one of the most stupid and most dumb elements to the roleplay.  I'll be honest, I don't reckon even with a revival this could make a serious come-back and remain at the level.  To also contradict what the announcement thread said about admins.  Admins arnt the most important thing that needs deciding right now.

If anything is infustructure and gameplay elements, not the pay-check farming Stalker we used to have.   Anomalies should be spread out, extensively creating an actual Maze much like the depicted Zone.  Characters should actually have a sense of progression, the ability actually become Master Stalkers without the server claiming to be elite from the get go.  To handle that situation I'd present in-game character sheets that arnt roll-able but merely a way of determining a characters strengths and weaknesses through decision.   If theres anything I've learned, there needs to be a ample amount of risk of characters and that risk needs to be fatal.  PK fatal, jobs should be tiered.  This would also solve the constant "Borke economy" that people fail to understand how to fix or keep from happening.

PBG's should have the ability to become major AND compete with major factions, there should be privliges to actually joining a faction opposed to "I liek duty."

Lets be honest with ourselves, I don't think HGN will acheive what it wants to acheive, especially with the fact the community had some cancerous individuals in high positions only making things worse, what stops a repeat?  Nothing.

By all means, do not give up.  But I don't have hope and I honestly believe I can find better places, but I will for sure be keeping a eye open around here to see if I am proved wrong.

youre a faggot
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway