Massive Unseriousness

Started by Rohok, 14-12-2008

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Why is this going on? I hate to criticize anybody here, but it's very annoying. We get on trying to RP, and there's some massive rave party going on. I've got buddies from out of server coming to try out the server, and see if it's all it's hyped up to be, and all they see is "RAVE RAVE FAGGOTS RAVE" and bright lights and music.

Is this good for the server's image? Or does nobody care? =/


Well, i set up the checkpoint to create some rp.
But most of the ppl were just "Muhaah I t0ke MY BLueguneee an sLide teh fence aWay , s0 i aVoide Rp WIth MiliFAGS"

Yuri Fedorov

This is absurd. This kind of shit happens at least once a night. I have no idea why this server has the word ?serious? in it because we can?t go more than 1 hour without people freaking out and destroying everything.
Yuri Fedorov - Applicant to DUTY
Vitaly Tarasov - Explorer of the ZONE


If anyone has any names of Duty members participating, forward them to me please.


The problem is Guns and bloodsuckers.
The core of unseriousness itself.
We should make Bloodsucker events once a month. and guns should be very hard to get

Yuri Fedorov

I don?t want to point any fingers, but the problem is that there are admins who not only let this kind of thing go on, but actually participate in it.
Yuri Fedorov - Applicant to DUTY
Vitaly Tarasov - Explorer of the ZONE


Okay if you want me to ban or kick people, how's about you guys actually give me some names?


If you're talking about the rave today, that was because we were switching maps.

Basically it was a quick break before more rp.

Communist Panda

I agree, unseriousness is very annoying - new members always join in, see a Rave or DM at spawn, and leave - thats not people want to see.
Characters -
John 'Wolf' Rhinehart - Slightly leniant
Alexei 'Skulker' Tarsov - Complete jackass
Vanechka Koslovski - Rough but kind
Dmitri Aleshnikov - Trader, what do you think?


Quote from: Turnkey The problem is Guns and bloodsuckers.
The core of unseriousness itself.
We should make Bloodsucker events once a month. and guns should be very hard to get

This won't solve anything they will always find ways to get guns....

Silver Knight

It was a rave which took ages, blame Rubber Ducky for that, he found a bug at the last minute and had to recompile the whole map. So instead of a quick 5 mins, it turned into 20 minutes.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period