Re: Andrei Petrojvic

Started by jaik, 30-07-2014

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I don't deem it necessary to nit-pick on grammar structure or better wording, but I thought I'd make a slightly unrelated comment here.

You don't specifically state in which condition he arrives in the Zone, but I think that it would be more or less plausible for an oligarch to have access to reserve funds, which he'd likely use to escape and outfit himself for the Zone way better than what your average rookie, which he is, has in the Zone.

Personally I would find it to be more appropriate from a writing perspective to add a dependency on his wealth to balance out his inexperience in the Zone. I mean, the chances that some physically untrained (as you mention that yourself) 20-year-old would survive in the Zone are pretty low, you have to admit. Now, to counter-act his lack of skill, he would have high-tier equipment that he would not really know how to use (at first, but he'd not get become an expert or anything), but it would save him from being outright killed. It would be interesting to see, because everyone views people (including themselves) with high-tier equipment as some gear gods who can be heroic and do everything, and your story would make for a good twist from the perspective of this stereotype.

In my opinion, that approach to a character's flaws is far more original than your (not you specifically) typical cookie-cutter <insert psychological trauma-related personality disorder> and the edgy view on the world, which are not actual flaws or hindrances but arbitrary place-holders for such.

Now, the thing is, in the current direction that SK wants SRP to go, as it had for 6 years now and totally never failed us before, you will not be able to properly represent what I had described simply due to an illusionary requirement of setting up a self-destructive ~economy~ that makes sure to strangle the remaining creativity that remains in GMod out of the nearly dead carcass of roleplay.

Let's not forget absolutely horrendous administration, but that's a bit off-topic.

Either way, I hope that enlightened you a little bit.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway

Steven :D