Templar's Of The Black Order Faction App

Started by 2power, 19-07-2009

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The cold air blew on my face as i stood there on the grassy hill on a mid summer morning. As i watched the the explosion on the facility known as chernoble. I lit a smoke I turned to speak to my associate Alex Do you feel like we might be doing some thing  that might upset every thing  in the zone or maybe the whole country said *Alex* Dont be silly said *Yakov* As we turned around breathing nervously as the facility Walls of chernoble are crumbling away Yakov yelled  GOD ITS NOT GETTING DESTROYED ITS GOING TO CAUSE AN EMISSION*said Yakov*. WHY DIDNT IT DESTROY THE FACILITY*said Alex* THE RADIATION MUST BE TAMPERING WITH THE EXPLOSIVES! *said Yakov* As soon as the emission happened The scientist ran to a nearby bunker as they awoke some of them were mutated they were hostile they attacked the mutants immediately. The scientist soon figured out what they did and realized they could research the zone like never before but they also sought to destroy the mess they created so they formed the Templar's of the black order they wish to destroy the zone and study it

BACKROUND: We were the owners of the chenoble. We blew it up once we knew it would bring hell. But we did not know it would make all the mutants. We are the The Templar's Of The Black Order. The Time we found out it would bring hell We shut the factory down and eventuly blew it up. The mutant Snorks are the People who did the radiationel Testing. Controllers are the scientist who did testing on animals and now have phy powers of the Animals they tested on. All the zombies are the people just out side the chenoble walls and farther. we... are here...... to keep the zone safe.

Freedom friends
Eco friends
Military[all kinds] Enemy's!
duty Neutral
Tu Neutral
Chernobyl Shadows-Neutral
Armored unit We feel nothing about this faction  :'(
Bandits unfriendly

Owners [Yakov Verninski 2power steam id STEAMID :STEAM_666:88:666   0 00:16  176    0]  Alex ----- forgot last name ES]British supa troopa ︻┳デ═一 he will show his Id later ] Yalov verninski pimpmasterj STEAM_0:0:17088385

Faction Symbol
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖘 𝖇𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖔𝖌𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖋𝖋𝖘


Are you joking please tell me you are.
Freedom For life



Not only all the people that are in the group and minges and bad rpers, but your a god damn trader.A TRADER IS SUDDENLY A SCIENTIST ?

"Where ground is soft most often grows, arise! Arise! Arouse! A rose!...a rosy rose ?


There are no owners of Chernobyl NPP,the owner is dead already and the owner is called Soviet Union.
As much as I understand,you blew the NPP away when there are over 9000 Monolithians defending it.
It doesn't make any sense you see.
Quote from: itsjustguy on 20-07-2009
Not only all the people that are in the group and minges and bad rpers, but your a god damn trader.A TRADER IS SUDDENLY A SCIENTIST ?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


I love how people don't think.It make me give out epic quotes.
No Templar's
They don't exist(Well they do, but in the 13th century) and you don't own Chernobyl
"Where ground is soft most often grows, arise! Arise! Arouse! A rose!...a rosy rose ?


hey give him a break, he made an mistake so what.


True, but this is a massive mistake.
"Where ground is soft most often grows, arise! Arise! Arouse! A rose!...a rosy rose ?


Ya but the whole faction was based on a massive mistake.
Freedom For life


It's funny cos he's trying to change the whole story of the RP/Game
"Where ground is soft most often grows, arise! Arise! Arouse! A rose!...a rosy rose ?


Wat is dis silly crap? Is dis joke said *Admins*

This group must be a joke, someone mercy kill it.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"



This faction is being shut down because it is a joke.