Temporary Admin Roster/Moderator Application Thread

Started by Syndraell, 27-01-2015

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Administrative Roster

Lead Administrator
James Almasy


Super Moderators


Trial Moderators

And here's the Application.

Real Name:
Gamer Alias:
Servers You Play On?:
Past Experience:
Why Should We Pick You?:
How long have you played on the server?:
What do you intend to do with your powers?:
Can you be active every day?:
Position Applying for (Forum/Ingame/Both):
People that referred you for this position(optional, screenshots only):

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


This question may seem a bit weird but..how old do you need to be to apply? Cause I'm probably one of the youngest people on this forum.
-Insert clever signature here-


Quote from: gcat64 on 28-01-2015
This question may seem a bit weird but..how old do you need to be to apply? Cause I'm probably one of the youngest people on this forum.

Age really doesn't matter, It's more of how you can handle things.
I think one of the youngest mods I had was 15-16. And he did rather well.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


I'm very interested in helping moderate this new server, anything to help really.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Real Name: Brehn Erskine
Age: 17
Gamer Alias: Jules Verne
Servers You Play On?: Iseyu
Past Experience: Caphori, SC2 Cortex Community
Why Should We Pick You?: I care about the future of HGN Terraria Roleplaying Community and want to see it thrive like it used to. I miss the roleplaying adventures that used to exist.
How long have you played on the server?: Since the beginning of Caphori, whenever that was. So some years ago.
What do you intend to do with your powers?: Keep general order and create things to enhance roleplaying on server.
Can you be active every day?: At least every other, but I should be able to be on everyday.
Position Applying for (Forum/Ingame/Both): Both
People that referred you for this position(optional, screenshots only): ~~~

Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Real Name: Jacob Myrick
Gamer Alias: Eirkash, Art, or Syl
Servers You Play On?: None currently, hoping to hop back into the rp community
Past Experience: Been playing on Caphori basically since the beginning and stayed with Iseyu till the end
Why Should We Pick You?: I've been a pretty dedicated mod on the server before, hope to just help with the revival and see how it goes
How long have you played on the server?: A few years? I lost track
What do you intend to do with your powers?: Help in any way I can, moderate, help with events, get new players situated, all that good stuff
Can you be active every day?: I can be on every night, though during the week days I cannot be on until later at night
Position Applying for (Forum/Ingame/Both): Both
People that referred you for this position(optional, screenshots only): None



Real Name:Kris
Gamer Alias: Riageki
Servers You Play On?: none at present
Past Experience: I did something once on a terraria server
Why Should We Pick You?: Because I'm not abby stone
How long have you played on the server?:a long time
What do you intend to do with your powers?: Firstly I would close our borders to keep out illegals, then I would raise taxes SKY HIGH!
Can you be active every day?: Ye
Position Applying for (Forum/Ingame/Both): all of the above
People that referred you for this position(optional, screenshots only):Davos-
r u avin a giggle ther m8, il bash ye fookin ead in i swar on me mum