Major Faction Leader, Are you interested?

Started by Blake.H, 07-07-2014

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Do you have what it takes to lead a faction in SRP? Let us know!

There is no pre-defined structure for this app. You make it what you want, make us want you - sell yourself!

After discussion with Exile, the following apply:

  • Freedom & Duty will be capped at Squad Size (1 Leader / 6 members) and will not be implemented until the server is stable enough to support them.

  • Military will also be capped for first opening weeks at a squad size (1 Leader / 6 Members) but this is set to increase and we will have military on the server from the word go.

  • Monolith are not implemented as of yet.

So, if you think you're good enough to lead one of the factions *PM* your application to me.

Applications close 13/07/14 and all applications will be posted for discussion prior to being chosen.

Doing it this way as to stop any form of plagiarism or idea snatching. This is YOUR application, YOUR way.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"