Re: SUGGESTION: In game inflation, or limit on total funds based on flags, or wipes?

Started by nKe, 04-07-2014

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According to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R lore, stalkers are in the zone to pursue their fantasies of having a sexual relationship with a talking lesbian mutants instead of hoarding gear.
The books/games just gave us a bad image of why stalkers are in the zone.


Quote from: Nik3 on 04-07-2014
According to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R lore, stalkers are in the zone to pursue their fantasies of having a sexual relationship with a talking lesbian mutants instead of hoarding gear.
The books/games just gave us a bad image of why stalkers are in the zone.

ha-ha look at me misrepresenting the sane position by saying incoherent exaggerated bullshit that has never been part of the original claim or anything to do with the topic in first place

Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Okay heres what happens when a Gmod Server tries to make an economy, gonna use may may arrows to describe what happens. . . I've seen it litterally fucking everywhere which is why I'm advocating for its removal

>Server starts
>Admins pitch to players that its totally going to be radical and different when compared to (insert other community here or in HGNs case previous relaunches)
>Devs/Admins make a dumb hierarchy of gear JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER GOD DAMN SERVER.
>Admins think that in order for the "atmosphere" of the server to be good everyone needs to be dirt poor and have nothing, chastising players as script players and gear whores for trying to get better equipment even though they "built" the "economy" and game to be that way.
>Players try really hard to hoard gear especially since there is equipment that is arbitrarily better than the gear they have (See the tons of iterations SRP where the NATO guns where better at everything ever than the Warsaw guns for no real logical reasons)
>Admins try really hard to prevent them from having gear
>Players focus all their efforts on getting gear and not on developing a character
>Admins focus all their efforts on the economy
>RP gets really fucking stale and boring BECAUSE ITS ALL ABOUT THE ECONOMY AND GEAR
>Characters are cardboard cut outs or self-inserts of the players
>People get confused as to what IC and OOC is
>I lol because its all the same shit over and over and over and over and over again

Besides Nke if you want to play gear collecting simulator there are tons of other games that do that a whole lot better than any trite HGN or any other gmad community could possibly shit out. (See original stalker games, see FO games, see any fucking MMORPG in existence.)

Note: We're not advocating the removal of money IC only OOC.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Jake on 04-07-2014
Quote from: Nik3 on 04-07-2014
According to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R lore, stalkers are in the zone to pursue their fantasies of having a sexual relationship with a talking lesbian mutants instead of hoarding gear.
The books/games just gave us a bad image of why stalkers are in the zone.

ha-ha look at me misrepresenting the sane position by saying incoherent exaggerated bullshit that has never been part of the original claim or anything to do with the topic in first place

Are you denying that SRP is all about admiring Blakes 16 years old lesbian cyborg ninja?
I also find it amusing that you cannot produce a single line of text without wikipedia. Crawl back to war thunder forums, Jake.


Quote from: Jake on 04-07-2014
Quote from: Nik3 on 04-07-2014
According to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R lore, stalkers are in the zone to pursue their fantasies of having a sexual relationship with a talking lesbian mutants instead of hoarding gear.
The books/games just gave us a bad image of why stalkers are in the zone.

ha-ha look at me misrepresenting the sane position by saying incoherent exaggerated bullshit that has never been part of the original claim or anything to do with the topic in first place


You're right Nke, you can't possibly go to the zone for any other reason other than to hoard equipment. Anyone who makes a character that doesn't act like an NPC or like the player character from any of the games is doing it WRONG and should be banned for giving the stalker games a bad name. The zone is all about getting gear, how could I possibly of been sooooooo wrong to think anyone could be there because they are on the run from the law, or because they want to explore some place dangerous or be a freelance scientist. That never ever happened in the games. Also its super stupid to think that there are people there that are there to simply challenge the states monopoly on the zone, or to destroy it. Nope. Everyone has to be there for collect equipment like its a smaller version of borderlands. The zone is all about collecting equipment guys!
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


This type of 'debate' is why SRP hasn't gotten off the ground for months, because all of you penis-jousters are trying to dominate the discussion with however many logical fallacies you can find on Wikipedia and condescending retorts towards each other. Besides, isn't Stalker in essence supposed to be about collecting keys to a mythical vault to have a shitty remake of the boss fight from Opposing Force? Does Stalker exist? Can it be empirically verified? Is Stalker an example of the synthetic a priori? Do I exist?
Warning, this news report contains flashing images.


I'm sorry for being so mean to you guys :^))) Didnt mean to have a different opinion in the matter. It was so very, very mean from me to use thing that has happened in the past as an example what SRP would be like with everyone being a freelancer scientist from FBI  : ))
Quote from: Tom on 05-07-2014
Anyone who makes a character that doesn't act like an NPC or like the player character from any of the games is doing it WRONG



Yes. The server is definitely not up because us mean mean people are arguing, it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that silver is only doing this for the lulz and doesn't actually give a fuck about it, I was wrong we should just do everything the same as always, cause it doesn't always end up boring as fuck in the end with everyone achieving victory status (Except the autistic admins who think everyone should be poor) early on and it doesn't end all the same on all Gmod servers that do exactly the same shit you're suggesting or the same shit we've been doing for years (It also totally doesn't get ruined by abusive admins trying to run the economy, that NEVER happened ever never ever ever). Yes Nke I was totally advocating for everyone to create FBI agents! You totally read my mind ( I was referencing to clear sky when I said "Freelance Scientists" you fucking mongoloid but clear sky gives stalker a bad name cause they aren't there for the money so fuck them) :D:D:D:D:DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22




Quote from: SilverKnight on 05-07-2014
Removed derailling posts.

To Note: Removing the Economy and going with a second life system is not a option for SRP.

I'll enjoy watching it burn for the 59320957029385th time.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22




The problem with the economy has always been people not losing their items. Mainly due to issues of there not being many ways to lose items. There's never been enough actual danger in the server for people to lose items, by that I mean every time there is an influx of mutants on people always hid in trader camps or faction towns. Then if bandits tried to do their dirty work of mugging people half the server would show up to white knight. Money caps and making traders carry certain items won't stop the eventual super rich economy. It will only delay it by maybe a few months. And even then if you limit traders players will just build up tons of money until the trader has their item in stock but by that point there might be a line 50 people waiting to get the 1 item the trader has.

In my opinion focus needs to be put on danger within the server and not script ways to limit things. If you can find a way to make things dangerous enough for people to actually die when just wandering you can keep the economy down. But as always as with every idea ever suggested it will always only delay it. You may say you only drop your weapon when you die but you have to remember a lot of those weapons are very very expensive. Re-buying them constantly isn't cheap.

One more thing I would recommend is increasing the price of ammo. Everyone needs it why not make that scarce so its harder to get things done to make money. Obviously not like 500 rubles per box of 5.56, but if I remember properly 30 rounds of 5.56 only costed about 65 rubles. You have no issues wandering around when you are carrying about 600 rounds. At the same time I would keep ammo on the cheaper side for the major factions as long as they don't sell it to stalkers.

Finding a way to make sure players can't check if mutants or bandits are on in the scoreboard would also be nice.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Kay, bend over under that guillotine.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: ...
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Wait.
Sharrock: Homo
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Fuck.

Tom: Look at the roster
Doomburger: "110th Regiment Blood Company Reaper Squad Roster
Started by Doomburger"
Doomburger: get my name off
Doomburger: I beg you
Doomburger: I may have done some ridiculous things, but come on