Re: Password Application Thread

Started by Emunator, 23-10-2013

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Quote from: Emunator on 23-10-2013
{Denied:Please Expand your RP sections then reapply}

Done. (If possible delete this comment, so it doesn't get in the way :P )


You kids wanna buy some space?


Section 1:
Real Life Name: hunter
Roleplay Name:stresser
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server:asgatrave
Previous roleplay experience:played eve online for 4 years lots of roleplaying in a way
Why would you like to join our server:interested in trying out roleplaying
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?:sure
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:yes
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
I'm a lone wanderer I never have had anyone follow in my shadow with shoulders broad and strong I've always been alone. For years I was hounded by my enemies always hated as I hear the whispers I reach out throwing the covers to the side my hand grasps nothing but a wisp confused I observe closely the image of a family ,once happy and loving now angry and filled with a desire for revenge, smile as my hand passes through their neck. As the wisps scatter apart I hear one final whisper saying "soon you shall suffer" as they disappear I settle back into my bed hate from the dead was nothing new to me I close my eyes and ignore the screams I hear from a pit of hell itself as I rest for the solitary trip tomorrow

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
Heat, a searing heat shoots up my arm as a flatten the molten steel into the shape of a sword each hit with the hammer sending painful sparks across my arm. Being a blacksmith the town was of little consequence to me if things got bad I merely packed up and left. The warlords doing raising taxes in one town is nothing unheard of getting a order for 4 dozen katanas I begin working the steel into the shape.
After 2 weeks of working the rebels began harassing me for the weapons breaking my windows until eventually I had it. talking to the warlord I came to learn that the rebels merely told the public they were rebels they often harassed local shop owners and used their name to scare people everyone in town knew about it but I preferred to be away from people. I didn't want to lose the value of the swords so I offered to sell them to the warlord upon seeing my work he referred me to the shogun where I was offered a place to work in Himeji castle.
It was a month later when I met the shoguns fourth daughter a beautiful girl I thought she looked at me with upturned eyes and grew from avoidance to shock as she saw the scars covering my arms from working the steel. Worriedly she ran over and looked over my arm tracing her finger over the scar I had running straight up my arm she looked towards me and said her name was -
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
The trigger bright and stunning as they warned reminding me of my purpose. The witches spell was broken as the light reminds me of my purpose to destroy the witch that would dare to deny me entry to a hydras layer. Deep in the swamp of fire I regained purpose unsheathing my sword and pulling a rune coated in a blinding fire I kick down her door. Upon seeing me she lets out a deathly scream like a thousand bats rushing towards me I see her jump push left. A faint! she ducks right and brings her blade up hard to my ribs barely avoiding my lungs she falls back preparing to fire off her spell chanting her witchcraft an ancient broken dialect that roots from Germany I only hear the end "oh dunklen Lord vernichten Sie diese frechen Narren!" she chants the final phrase pulling back her hands I'm losing blood I close my eyes and smile. The chant is done pulling the rune back I hold my hand high while she pauses and laughs "you crazy fool! your already dead and your praying to god?" as she finishes a spear caught in golden light forms the rune given to me by a close friend breaks and scatters in a wind using my full force I throw the spear straight to her catching her in the gut as I pass out I hear her deathly squeal as her form breaks into a bloody heap scattering on the wall I hear the calls of dozens of people rushing to my aid who were caught in her spell I pass out thinking I'm dead yet holding on to a slight hope ill be saved.


Quote from: hicksu on 14-04-2014
Section 1:
Real Life Name: Frisk
Roleplay Name: Hicks
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: no one
Previous roleplay experience: Have played Minecraft Roleplay and Starmade Roleplay
Why would you like to join our server: To enjoy some good role playing, and have fun.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Give me a reason not to!
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes, if I got the time!
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:

Hicks' eyes went wide open and in a flash he was already sitting up in his comfortable bed. He yelled "someone there?" and it went silent. Without a respons he started to snugg down into the warm bed. After a minute or so the whisperings came back but this time Hicks was ready. He jumped out of his bed and took his sword which was standing by his bed and drew it. "Show yourself! If you're after my life then go ahead and take it, but with a fair duel man vs. man!" Once again it went quiet and after that the night past withiout any further disturbance.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:

Hicks, which is loayle to the warlord and the highly upstanding, goes straight to the warlord and tells him the rebels hide out with the hopes of approval and the glory to serve. To get what he needs to live a happy life of his own with a wife, a house and his own shop which would sell all kinda stuff. On his way there he thought about the job of collecting taxes from the towns people which isn't the type of "loalty services" he would have in mind. But in the end it ended with him taking the job though it was quite good paid. After the visit by the castle/palace/city HQ he went straight out to east of town to start collect taxes when suddenly he met some people talking about the rebels and something about a attack on the castle/palace/city HQ. After the news Hicks ran back to the castle and reported his news. Hicks was so excited about the news and what his reward would be but as he tried to spit out the words they just came out in the wrong order making the guards and the warlord suspicious. They couldn't take any chances and threw him out just in case of a assasination. Now Hicks was back to square one so he decided of taking his stuff at the inn he was staying at and travel away from town. After about 30 minutes walk he saw the smoke from the city which was now in flames and he heard screams. He couldn't bare to watch or see so he just started to run and also cry.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:

Hicks knocked on the door to see if anyone was home. No answer. Hicks entered the cabin. "Excuse me, is anyone home?" Hicks shouted. Hicks got an answer but not the answer he had in mind. A mighty grouling sound came from the other room of the cabin, Hicks snuck up to the wall and leered over the corner of the doorway. What Hicks saw wasn't just two or three colours, it was all colours in the whole universe and it made Hicks all weird and dissy. Suddenly he found himself standing by the doorway squinting straight into the chaos and he felt the power sucking him in towards it. Hicks paniced and drew his sword for some reason and began to flail around with it. It just made the sword swing to close to it and he dropped it on the floor. Suddenly it all stopped and a man stood now infront of him. The man greeted and thanked him and went out of the cabin. It turnes out Hicks dropped the word on the cursed amulet which held the man prison. By that he took a good look around and found nothing in the cabin and went onwards with his journey.

Please use the original coding.

There we go! :)


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Not Given, known as Kamimaia
Roleplay Name: Blind Lucile

Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: Very much almost everyone.
Previous roleplay experience: Har, har.
Why would you like to join our server: A year and such has gone by, Terraria's updating again, and generally speaking I'd like to give Terraria RP another shot.

Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Oh yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Mmhm.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Sure.

Section 4: (Courses of action will be as if Blind Lucile)
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:

Sleep the hell outside. Come morning, move on as quickly as possible.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord decides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumors spread that the warlord needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organized, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:

Stay away. If impossible, end up as one of the several hundred innocent casualties as the battle rapidly becomes a seething, looting mob.

You have been traveling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:

Given that Lucile is, in fact, blind, she wouldn't notice said flashes of light, nor would it occur to her to look through a window. Such things would likely result in her knocking on the door, and being turned into a frog.


Section 1:
Real Life Name:Noah
Roleplay Name:Zulimar
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server:Darwin Cromwell
Previous roleplay experience:this server
Why would you like to join our server:so i can have fun rping with people
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?:yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:yes
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:call upon the spirits to protect me
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:inform the resistance of their proximity to the town guard and advise them to retreat.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: Cast a protection spell to protect my self and flee.


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Chuck Norris
Roleplay Name: Saul
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: None
Previous roleplay experience: A few gmod servers
Why would you like to join our server: Well... I have never tried to roleplay in a 2D world. Looks fun, better than 3D.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yeah, all of them.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Uhm... yes.
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
I hear the footsteps out of the room. With stealth, I look through the window and I see them: the guards have found me, they know I am there and they won't have mercy this time. A while later, the guard enters the room, heads to my bed and finds "me" in the bed.
Did you think you could escape the law after murdering those villagers? Get ready to rot in hell. The guard whispers. Suddenly, removes the blanket and his sword stabs... a bunch of pillows. It was a trap.
Surprise, m*********er! are the last words he hears while I stab his neck from behind. In seconds, he is dead.
The other guards have surrounded the place, I have to escape. I turn the corpse into a zombie, remove his armor and make him run to the north. The guards, thinking that's me, chase him and give me a chance to escape disguised as a guard. I steal a horse and travel to the south.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
This could be an excelent chance for obtaining power from chaos. I need an army for my purposes, so I grab a scroll, write "You bastards are going to die", tie it to a brick and throw the brick to the guards' tavern. After that, I retreat and watch the show.
The guards find the "guilty" people, the rebels. Blood stains the floor and the guards leave the place. Looks like the rebels were not strong as alive people, but as undead people they will fight better. I enter the tavern and make the corpses rise against the guards, who die after a long fight and give me more undead "soldiers".
I am Saul the Summoner, and you all shall follow me!

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
These lights might be from a magician. Hoping he is peaceful, and without more choices, I knock the door. I explain I'm just a hungry and lost traveler who looks for the nearest town. Fortunately, he treats me well. Food, water, a bed... The next day, I grab the knife.
You have been nice with me. For your hospitality and help, I'll make this quick. And I stab him between his eyes, but he vanishes before I do it. Now he is behind me. I don't think so. And he teleports me to the town. Well, thanks, I guess.

Would you mind redoing the application? I'm not a big fan of the "sneak, stab, and ultimately fuck everyone up" Character. It represents a Mary-Sue of sorts. Start off with something normal, and don't have the first instinct to kill whatever you see.
All right then. I was suposed to be bad, and use minions to major fights instead of fighting by myself.
I come from hell to bring your doom!


I come from hell to bring your doom!


Looks decent enough to me, but I can't actually ok stuff. Just sayin'.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Quote from: Dungeon_Lord on 03-09-2014
Looks decent enough to me, but I can't actually ok stuff. Just sayin'.
I accept suggestions. For the moment I'm a backstabber necromancer summoner who helps you if you can repay him.
I come from hell to bring your doom!


When and if you get accepted, you probably will, you'll make a character sheet to help develop your character. So you aren't just a "backstabber necromancer summoner who helps if you repay him".
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Quote from: Dungeon_Lord on 03-09-2014
you'll make a character sheet to help develop your character
Also, who has to accept this apps? The purple ones?
I come from hell to bring your doom!


Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Gonna go ahead and accept this


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Chuck
Roleplay Name: Saul
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: None
Previous roleplay experience: A few gmod servers
Why would you like to join our server: Well... I have never tried to roleplay in a 2D world. Looks fun, better than 3D.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yeah, all of them.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Uhm... yes.
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
Is not normal when someone comes into your room at night, it could be a threat. For the moment I stay quiet, waiting. If he tries to kill me, I'll dodge him. If he tries to steal me, I'll attack him. If he tries to wake me up for nothing, I'll punch him in the face.
He is trying to open my bag. A thief then. So I get up with a knife in my hand and jump to stab... a cat?
I stop without hurting him. After all, it was a cat who was passing by. Poor animal, he's just hungry.
Wait there, little. And I look for some fish. Here, take this and farewell. And the cat leaves. I sleep again.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
I enter the guards' inn and speak to one of them.
-Call your boss.
-Get lost, prick.
-Tell him I have some vital information.
-Better you are right, for your neck.

Later he comes.
-What do you want?
-Well, I heard there is a small scale rebellion being organised against you.
-Tell me more.
-They are in a place in this town.
-I dont remember.
-I'm done with you, jerk.
-Buuuuut, maybe a few coins will make me remember where are they.
-For gods' sake.

After he pays me, I tell them where they are, and run away before the fireworks start.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
Whoa, looks like we have a party inside here, there are indoor fireworks. So I kick the door.
Helloooooooooooo everybodyyyyyyyyyy!
But I discover the flashes were not fireworks, but spells from a lonely wizard that was enchanting something. He turns arround and looks at me, presumably angry.
I point at the opossite wall, behind him.
Look out! A crocodile with a hat and an axe dancing ballet!
He turns back, and I get that chance to escape.
-Scrawler, I told you not to dance with the axe in your hands, you could hurt someone.
-Sorry, master.

I come from hell to bring your doom!


Personally, Smashing, I liked your first application better. (I don't have the power to accept, I'm just stating an opinion)
-Insert clever signature here-


Quote from: gcat64 on 04-09-2014
Personally, Smashing, I liked your first application better.
James didn't like it.
I come from hell to bring your doom!


I don't think James was trying to say your character figure was wrong he just wanted more depth. Characters can't just be a flat surface.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


I often have trouble figuring out what James actually means.


Quote from: Aetheren on 04-09-2014
I often have trouble figuring out what James actually means.

Don't we all
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.