Password Application Thread

Started by JRParadox, 14-10-2013

0 Members and 5 Guests are viewing this topic.


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Hunter Phillips
Roleplay Name: Stresser
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: Asgatrave
Previous roleplay experience: Eve 4 years
Why would you like to join our server: Friend plays it and sounds interesting
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: yes
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: I'm a lone wanderer I never have had anyone follow in my shadow with shoulders broad and strong I've always been alone. For years I was hounded by my enemies always hated as I hear the whispers I reach out throwing the covers to the side my hand grasps nothing but a wisp confused I observe closely the image of a family once happy and loving now angry and filled with a desire for revenge smile as my hand passes through their neck. As the wisps scatter apart I hear one final whisper saying "soon you shall suffer" as they disappear I settle back into my bed hate from the dead was nothing new to me I close my eyes and ignore the screams I hear from a pit of hell itself as I rest for the solitary trip tomorrow
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord decides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumors spread that the warlord needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organized, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:Knowing my solitary nature I wish not to be involved in the warring resistance since I have no desire to live there planning ahead I pack up and begin by using my savings to buy a cart and horse I begin my journey from the village filled with hate and suffering and set off as a travelling merchant desiring to visit the world entering the forests surrounding the village I run into a young woman running from the wheat fields (this is based off the anime spice and wolf anyone who's interested in me continuing my story feel free to ask)
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: The trigger bright and stunning as they warned reminding me of my purpose the witches spell was broken as the light reminds me of my purpose to destroy the witch that would dare to deny me entry to a hydras layer in the swamp of fire unsheathing my sword and pulling a rune coated in a blinding fire I kick down her door upon seeing me she lets out a deathly scream like a thousand bats rushing towards me I see her jump push left. A faint! she ducks right and brings her blade up hard to my ribs barely avoiding my shoulder she falls back preparing to fire off her spell chanting her witchcraft a ancient broken dialect that roots from Germany she chants the final phrase pulling back her hands I'm losing blood I close my eyes and smile. The chant is done pulling the rune back I hold my hand high while she pauses and laughs "you crazy fool! your already dead and your praying to god?" as she finishes a spear caught in golden light forms the rune given to me by a close friend breaks and scatters in a wind using my full force I throw the spear straight to her catching her in the gut as I pass out I hear her deathly squeal as her form breaks into a bloody heap scattering on the wall I hear the calls of dozens of people rushing to my aid who were caught in her spell I pass out thinking I'm dead yet holding on to a slight hope ill be saved.

Please Redo. Seems good but missing...basic but trivial Items.


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Hunter.
Roleplay Name: Stresser.
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: Asgatrave.
Previous roleplay experience: Eve online 4 years straight heavy roleplaying.
Why would you like to join our server: Seemed interesting and fun.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yep.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Sure.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Ok I guess.
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:

I'm a lone wanderer.  I've never had anyone follow in my shadow.  With shoulders broad and strong, I've always been alone.  For years, I was hounded by my enemies, always hated.  As I hear the whispers I reach out, throwing the covers to the side; my hand grasps nothing but a wisp.  Confused, I observe closely the image of a family.  Once happy and loving but now angry and filled with a desire for revenge, I smile as my hand passes through the father's neck.  I remember him... a man I killed during the war.  As the wisps scatter apart, I hear one final whisper saying, "Soon you shall suffer."  As they disappear, I settle back into my bed.  Hate from the dead was nothing new to me.  I close my eyes and ignore the screams I hear from a pit of hell as I rest for the solitary trip tomorrow.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord decides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumors spread that the warlord needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organized, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:

  Heat.  A searing heat shoots up my arm as I flatten the molten steel into the shape of a sword; each hit with the hammer sending painful sparks across my arm. Being a blacksmith, the town was of little consequence to me.  If things got bad I merely packed up and left.  The warlords raising taxes in one town is nothing unheard of, and civil war is always raging somewhere.  It doesn't matter to me, as long as I'm getting work and getting paid... And I have an order for 4 dozen katanas.  It's time to begin working this steel into shape.
    After 2 weeks of working, the rebels began harassing me for the weapons; breaking my windows until eventually I had it.  Talking to the warlord, I came to learn that the rebels merely told the public they were rebels.  They often harassed local shop owners and used their name to scare people.  Everyone in town knew about it but I preferred to be away from people.  I didn't want to lose the value of the swords so I offered to sell them to the warlord.  Upon seeing my work, he referred me to the shogun where I was offered a place to work in Himeji castle.
    It was a month later when I met the shogun's fourth daughter.  A beautiful girl, I thought she looked at me with upturned eyes and grew from avoidance to shock as she saw the scars covering my arms from working the steel. Worriedly, she ran over and looked over my arm, tracing her finger over the scar I had.  Running her hand straight up my arm she looked towards me and said her name was...

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:

The trigger, bright and stunning, warned and reminded me of my purpose. The witch's spell was broken as the light reminds me of my purpose to destroy the witch that would dare to deny me entry into a hydra's lair.  Deep in the swamp of fire, my will grew strong with a renewed sense of purpose.  Unsheathing my sword and pulling a rune coated in a blinding fire, I kick down her door. Upon seeing me she lets out a deathly scream like a thousand bats!  She rushes toward me and jumps; her foot pushing her body to the left.  A feint!  She ducks right and brings her blade up hard to my ribs, barely avoiding my lungs.  She falls back, preparing to fire off her spell, chanting her witchcraft in an ancient, broken dialect that roots from Germany.  I only hear the end, "oh dunklen Lord vernichten Sie diese frechen Narren!"  She chants the final phrase, pulling back her hands.  I'm losing blood, but I close my eyes and smile.  The chant is done.  Pulling the rune back I hold my hand high while she pauses and laughs. "You crazy fool!  You're already dead and you're praying to god?"  As she finishes her taunt, a spear caught in golden light forms.   The rune given to me by a close friend breaks and scatters in a sudden gust of wind.  Using my full force, I throw the spear straight at her, piercing her in the gut as I pass out.  I hear her deathly squeal as her form breaks into a bloody heap; her blood and guts scattering on the walls.  I hear the calls of dozens of people rushing to my aid whom were caught in her spell.  I pass out, thinking I'm dead yet holding onto a slight hope that I'll be saved...

{Accepted-Please PM a mod for the server password.}


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Frisk
Roleplay Name: Hicks
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: no one
Previous roleplay experience: Have played Minecraft Roleplay and Starmade Roleplay
Why would you like to join our server: To enjoy some good role playing, and have fun.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Give me a reason not to!
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes, if I got the time!
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:

Hicks' eyes went wide open and in a flash he was already sitting up in his comfortable bed. He yelled "someone there?" and it went silent. Without a respons he started to snugg down into the warm bed. After a minute or so the whisperings came back but this time Hicks was ready. He jumped out of his bed and took his sword which was standing by his bed and drew it. "Show yourself! If you're after my life then go ahead and take it, but with a fair duel man vs. man!" Once again it went quiet and after that the night past withiout any further disturbance.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:

Hicks, which is loayle to the warlord and the highly upstanding, goes straight to the warlord and tells him the rebels hide out with the hopes of approval and the glory to serve. To get what he needs to live a happy life of his own with a wife, a house and his own shop which would sell all kinda stuff. On his way there he thought about the job of collecting taxes from the towns people which isn't the type of "loalty services" he would have in mind. But in the end it ended with him taking the job though it was quite good paid. After the visit by the castle/palace/city HQ he went straight out to east of town to start collect taxes when suddenly he met some people talking about the rebels and something about a attack on the castle/palace/city HQ. After the news Hicks ran back to the castle and reported his news. Hicks was so excited about the news and what his reward would be but as he tried to spit out the words they just came out in the wrong order making the guards and the warlord suspicious. They couldn't take any chances and threw him out just in case of a assasination. Now Hicks was back to square one so he decided of taking his stuff at the inn he was staying at and travel away from town. After about 30 minutes walk he saw the smoke from the city which was now in flames and he heard screams. He couldn't bare to watch or see so he just started to run and also cry.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:

Hicks knocked on the door to see if anyone was home. No answer. Hicks entered the cabin. "Excuse me, is anyone home?" Hicks shouted. Hicks got an answer but not the answer he had in mind. A mighty grouling sound came from the other room of the cabin, Hicks snuck up to the wall and leered over the corner of the doorway. What Hicks saw wasn't just two or three colours, it was all colours in the whole universe and it made Hicks all weird and dissy. Suddenly he found himself standing by the doorway squinting straight into the chaos and he felt the power sucking him in towards it. Hicks paniced and drew his sword for some reason and began to flail around with it. It just made the sword swing to close to it and he dropped it on the floor. Suddenly it all stopped and a man stood now infront of him. The man greeted and thanked him and went out of the cabin. It turnes out Hicks dropped the word on the cursed amulet which held the man prison. By that he took a good look around and found nothing in the cabin and went onwards with his journey.

Please use the original coding.


Quote from: hicksu on 14-04-2014
Section 1:
Real Life Name: Frisk
Roleplay Name: Hicks
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: no one
Previous roleplay experience: Have played Minecraft Roleplay and Starmade Roleplay
Why would you like to join our server: To enjoy some good role playing, and have fun.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Give me a reason not to!
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes, if I got the time!
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:

Hicks' eyes went wide open and in a flash he was already sitting up in his comfortable bed. He yelled "someone there?" and it went silent. Without a respons he started to snugg down into the warm bed. After a minute or so the whisperings came back but this time Hicks was ready. He jumped out of his bed and took his sword which was standing by his bed and drew it. "Show yourself! If you're after my life then go ahead and take it, but with a fair duel man vs. man!" Once again it went quiet and after that the night past withiout any further disturbance.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:

Hicks, which is loayle to the warlord and the highly upstanding, goes straight to the warlord and tells him the rebels hide out with the hopes of approval and the glory to serve. To get what he needs to live a happy life of his own with a wife, a house and his own shop which would sell all kinda stuff. On his way there he thought about the job of collecting taxes from the towns people which isn't the type of "loalty services" he would have in mind. But in the end it ended with him taking the job though it was quite good paid. After the visit by the castle/palace/city HQ he went straight out to east of town to start collect taxes when suddenly he met some people talking about the rebels and something about a attack on the castle/palace/city HQ. After the news Hicks ran back to the castle and reported his news. Hicks was so excited about the news and what his reward would be but as he tried to spit out the words they just came out in the wrong order making the guards and the warlord suspicious. They couldn't take any chances and threw him out just in case of a assasination. Now Hicks was back to square one so he decided of taking his stuff at the inn he was staying at and travel away from town. After about 30 minutes walk he saw the smoke from the city which was now in flames and he heard screams. He couldn't bare to watch or see so he just started to run and also cry.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:

Hicks knocked on the door to see if anyone was home. No answer. Hicks entered the cabin. "Excuse me, is anyone home?" Hicks shouted. Hicks got an answer but not the answer he had in mind. A mighty grouling sound came from the other room of the cabin, Hicks snuck up to the wall and leered over the corner of the doorway. What Hicks saw wasn't just two or three colours, it was all colours in the whole universe and it made Hicks all weird and dissy. Suddenly he found himself standing by the doorway squinting straight into the chaos and he felt the power sucking him in towards it. Hicks paniced and drew his sword for some reason and began to flail around with it. It just made the sword swing to close to it and he dropped it on the floor. Suddenly it all stopped and a man stood now infront of him. The man greeted and thanked him and went out of the cabin. It turnes out Hicks dropped the word on the cursed amulet which held the man prison. By that he took a good look around and found nothing in the cabin and went onwards with his journey.

Please use the original coding.

There we go! :)

{HAAROU! Accepted pm a mod for the password}


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Gene
Roleplay Name: Maleficus
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: None
Previous roleplay experience: None
Why would you like to join our server: To enter a world of endless wonder
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: Maleficus, a master of the shadows whips out of his restful slumber and draws his dagger. As he waits for his foe to approach. He silently vanishes from his room to investigate, only to find that the creaking echo that had abruptly awoken him was the Devil himself. Mesmerized by the Devil's nipples Maleficus had foolishly let his defenses down. At that very moment in time he was staring into the eyes of a soulless fiend, who then sucked the soul from his flesh filled corpse. After the whole ordeal was over the Devil had proceeded to swallow Maleficus's body like a serpent.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord decides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlord needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organized, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: Malecifus
enters the tavern looking to lend a helping hand to the warlord when, suddenly he realizes he wants neither to help the warlord nor the rebels. He wants to rule the town for his own, and in that moment he raises his dagger, and dashes towards the warlord with such a ferocity that he took him by surprise. To his own dismay the warlord is quick to react slashing and swinging like a madman when without warning the warlord shouts "striking shadow snake" and Maleficus lies dead.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: Maleficus unnerved and armed gazes upon the unholiest of artifacts. The Necromancer of the marshlands falls to his knees in an evil chant. Maleficus shudders at the presence of fear as the bright flashes morph into the Lord of the Dead. Completely unaware of the power the Lord the of dead holds, Maleficus charges into the cabin when suddenly he is swept into the grasp of the Lords cold lifeless hands. Locking eyes with the foul beast, Maleficus knows this is the end of days.

Accepted, PM a mod for the password


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Bill Gatre
Roleplay Name: Tak'liok.
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: Redbark.
Previous roleplay experience: I've been roleplaying for about 10 years. (I am currently 18.) It began with D&D in the garage with my brother, to me begin the DM with about 4 friends. I enjoy creating worlds and seeing people live them out. I currently roleplay on a server called Uthrandir, have done some roleplay in Garrys Mod (Clockwork). But yeah, not much.
Why would you like to join our server: Terraria has been one of my favorite games to play with friends, now that is replaced by Starbound and separate other games. And I never role played on a 2D screen.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Oui, or yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:Yes.
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
(Doing this as a different character than my RP name)
Brynith Balehearth tightens his breath. After examining the room more he spots his satchel filled with coins on a nice table next to his bed. He notices a sharp butter knife. Unarmed, he picks up the knife, tightens his grip, and lets out a small prayer. As the whispers become louder he readies himself, lets out a small breath, and stands. The door flies open, revealing a large shadowy black figure, a rotting skull topping it off with chains floating around his body. Stricken with fear Brynith stares, unable to find the urge to fight. The black shadow flings a chain towards his legs, he falls. His head lets out a large crack against the floorboard as he drops his knife. He lets out a large howl, (NO... He is not a werewolf) he struggles to get up to his feet as another chains whips at his back. And another, and another. He lays limp on the ground as it floats over. A rotting arm grabs him by the skull, then chucks him to the wall. Brynith spots his knife before he begins to black out. He stands up. The creature allows. He stumbles over, crying. The creature flings a hefty chain to his head. He falls in agony. Guards finally approach upstairs, but all they see is a badly beaten corpse.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord decides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlord needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
(Before his death) Brynith Balehearth. A large burly blacksmith, renowned in town to be a gifted blacksmith. He works for the warlords, currently. Before the taxes he received a decent pay, lived a fair life with a wife and two daughters. However the taxes made him to become in debt. One of his daughters were killed in a riot, the other wounded. At this very moment it was obvious who he would supply with weapons. But he knew the warlord would find HIM and kill his current living family. Then proceed to torture Brynith until death. However he went with the rebels with an obvious reason

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
Balehearth cries out, he drops the reins to his wagon filled to the brim with steel. He falls to his bum, dazed. After a couple of seconds he looks through the window. The cabin broken on the inside, chairs and tables broken, floorboards raised, and a few skulls litter the room. Balehearth stands away, grabs his wagon and retreats. Panting in fear.

More information about me, or works that I have done

Custom Skink Race.
Still in the making character profile.
I made an application that I think is well received (On a different community), however I think this is enough semi-advertising for a community. Sorry about that.

NOTES: I execute RP very well. In other servers when I log and I get into a fight I will always consent to death. However the person I am usually roleplaying with say that they do not want to kill my character because they enjoy them, and are a fan of my roleplay.

People say I play fear RP really well (A trait which roleplayers commonly lack.)

People say I limit my characters, for example on one server I play a skink. A lizard like creature, small but agile who cannot speak common. I cannot go to IC events due to this.

I NEVER want to play OP characters.
Example: Werewolf vampire demon princesses that has control of a whole army. I will limit myself to, Person who controls an unorganized, army.

French is also my native language, that is how I met Redbark when he moved to France. I taught him.

{Accepted Pm a Mod for the server password.I'll be the judge of how well you RP bub}


I EXCEED the amount of respect I have for Hogger (Mostly because he is my fiancee's brother, and now my future brother in law) mostly because in WoW we party a lot, he roleplays fluently in English, and out of every single person I think he was the most enjoyable to roleplay with. No offense but that includes everyone I have met in this community. When you roleplay with him he creates an aura of creativity, then proceeds to kill your ego.


Is K I have no ego, it was thoroughly destroyed in Middle School.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Section 1:
Real Life Name:
Roleplay Name:
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server:
Previous roleplay experience:
Relatively new to it but would like to get started in a game I enjoy.
Why would you like to join our server:
I want to find a place where i can RP and have fun with good people.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:
Do you agree to follow the rules?:
Yes sir.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:
I fully agree.
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: Zyten sits waiting for another sound. Yet none to be heard.  He cries out into the dark, "Hello? Anybody there?" He hears no noise still. He quietly rises from his spot and quietly moves towards the door. Suddenly he screams out, "Whoever is there better be careful. Else someone may end up without a head." he says as he opens the door quickly to nothingness. He says pondered, "My imagination is running wild i guess." Zyten then returns to his bed for the night to rest for the next day.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: Zyten is a man who enjoys to watch chaos ensue starts formulating a plan. After waiting around and thinking, the plan comes to him. He waits for a good time to jump in and instigates trouble. Zyten finds the man who looks like he's the leader of the rebel force. He says to him, "Excuse me sir but i've heard that next door the tax collectors believe that you will never have the guts to perform anything against the warlord." The rebel leader replies sternly, "Oh really now? It seems i will have to get my hands dirty today after all." Zyten and the rebel leader head over to the tavern next door. The leader asks Zyten, "Now which one was it boy?" He replied, "It was that man in the back there chugging down that mug of ale." The leader pats Zyten on the back and he walks to the guard. During all this the other rebels tagged along behind, waiting outside. The rebel leader walks up to the man and he swiftly grabs the mug and punches the guard straight into the face with full force. He says, "That'll teach you to insult me." Then suddenly the tavern is quiet and the other guards start to surround the leader. But as they were about to commence the attack onto him the other rebels charged in and started an enormous brawl. While all the chaos was happening Zyten slipped away to sit back and watch. He says with a grin, "Ahhhh this is one of my more fine work if i do say so myself." That day most of the rebels were arrested along with the leader.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: Zyten is intrigued by the strange lights so he peeks through the window. Not only to see some type of ritual happening with a man in a black cloak and a corpse on the ground. (My god what sorcery is this?) He tries to listen in but cant hear a sound from within. (Damn! This is getting strange though but i must keep watching) As Zyten continues to watch, the corpse has strange wisps flying into it. Then the corpse which was lying still not a minute ago gets up and is standing there waiting for orders. Zyten says loudly, "What the hell?!" The man in black turns quickly to the window and yells, "AN OUTSIDER! QUICKLY KILL HIM NOW YOU BEHEMOTH!" The corpse responds by smashing through the wall where Zyten was siting. The man yells again, "FOOL! YOU'VE DESTROYED MY HOME!" The corpse is unaffected as it lugs toward Zyten, who lays on the ground terrified. It grabs him by the waste and Zyten come back to his senses. He then yells, "LET ME DOWN DAMNIT!" Zyten then remembered about his small dagger he brought with and stabbed the walking corpse in the eye. It screamed out in pain, dropping Zyten. He then sprints away from the cabin to hide. As he is running the man yells, "I WILL FIND YOU! AND WHEN I DO YOU'LL REGRET PEEPING ON ME!" Zyten just keeps running as he believes he is far enough to get away. (My god i have to get to the next town.) He then goes off to tell someone of his tale yet nobody believes him. (Seems as this will just have to be kept to myself.) 

Please fix your coding.

Still gotta fix that coding


Section 1:
Real Life Name:

Roleplay Name:

Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server:

Previous roleplay experience:
Lots, roleplayed on WoW a lot on a private server, I was in a roleplaying guild. I played a couple other games and roleplayed on them  as well, one including Starbound.

Why would you like to join our server:
I would like something to do when I am bored! :D

Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:
Yes, I have

Do you agree to follow the rules?:
Of course

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:
If I need to

Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
Harold sat on his bed and watched the door patiently. He gripped his trident firmly in his left hand. He couldn't help but think back to his small house on the edge of the sea, and the simpler times. He knew he was in danger as soon as he left on this journey, but continued nonetheless. It seems that danger has caught up to him. But Harold wasn't afraid, in fact, he was confident.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlord needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
Harold remained in his house by the sea, content on being a neutral party. He preferred to be out of sight, and out of harms way, and besides, he made plenty of money hunting the sharks for ingredients. He agreed to himself that if danger was present he would take appropriate action, but until then he will relax and take it easy.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
Harold isn't a man who takes risks, and upon seeing that bright flashes, his mind instantly jolted to one word: magic. He bolted out of there, continuing on past the cabin. Determined to find a safer place to spend the night, he continued on through the marshland, confident that he will soon find humanity.

Maybe - The RP is very third person orientated, we like to get a feel of how you do dialog wise. Other than that it looks good, just edit your examples a bit.
You should include direct dialogue in one of the questions if you expect us to do something that isn't directed... I'll post again anyways though.
Also, I made it third person oriented on purpose, do you prefer first person? Because I can easily do any.


Section 1:
Real Life Name:

Roleplay Name:

Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server:

Previous roleplay experience:
Lots, roleplayed on WoW a lot on a private server, I was in a roleplaying guild. I played a couple other games and roleplayed on them  as well, one including Starbound.

Why would you like to join our server:
I would like something to do when I am bored! :D

Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:
Yes, I have

Do you agree to follow the rules?:
Of course

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:
If I need to

Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
Harold sat on his bed and watched the door patiently. He gripped his trident firmly in his left hand. He couldn't help but think back to his small house on the edge of the sea, and the simpler times. He knew he was in danger as soon as he left on this journey, but continued nonetheless. It seems that danger has caught up to him. But Harold wasn't afraid, in fact, he was confident. The whispers continued, and somewhat confused Harold. If something was going to happen, it should have already happened. Frustrated, Harold rose from the bed with his trident, storming over to the door. He began yelling as he opened the door, "You have 5 second to tell me what you wan--...", but realized he was talking to no one. There was no one outside the door, and Harold let out a hesitant chuckle. He knew it wasn't his imagination, but shrugged it off and decided if he heard it again, then he would do something about it.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlord needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
Harold remained in his house by the sea, content on being a neutral party. He preferred to be out of sight, and out of harms way, and besides, he made plenty of money hunting the sharks for ingredients. He agreed to himself that if danger was present he would take appropriate action, but until then he will relax and take it easy. However, one of Harold's friends from the town guard knocked on Harold's door as he was just settling in to read a good book. As soon as Harold opened the door, he knew what he was going to hear. The guard asked Harold to join him at the tavern to discuss the possible rebellion. Harold sighed, and then explained, "I am not the type of man to choose sides. Both have reasonable explanations for their actions, and I held no part in either of them, and will remain that way." The guard, dismayed, left Harold's house to search for other villagers who are willing to take up arms against this rebellion.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
Harold isn't a man who takes risks, and upon seeing that bright flashes, his mind instantly jolted to one word: magic. He bolted out of there, continuing on past the cabin. Determined to find a safer place to spend the night, he continued on through the marshland, confident that he will soon find humanity. The cabin was almost out of view when Harold heard a loud pitched scream come from its direction. The scream sounded as if it came from a child, so Harold quickly turned around and raced back to the cabin. In front of the cabin stood a small girl, who could have been no older than seven. Harold approached the girl and got down on a knee to face her.  "Are you okay, little girl?" Harold asked. The girl turned to face Harold, and in his horror he realized the girls eye color was a deep red. He knew that it wasn't natural and with the strange world Harold lives in, this little girl could have some serious power. The girl continued to stare at him blankly, making Harold feel uncomfortable. Suddenly, she began screaming again right in front of Harold. He took notice of her hands, as her nails were growing longer and sharper. Harold understood what was happening here- a transformation. As much as Harold cares about people who cannot defend themselves, he knew there was nothing he could do for this little girl, and took off running  in the opposite direction, afraid of what she will become when she fully transforms.

Accepted-PM a mod for the password


Returning. Lost my old account, as my email did not pull anything up.

Accepted - Don't worry other mods this is a returning guy.


Section 1:
Real Life Name:


Roleplay Name:


Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server:


Previous roleplay experience:

UO:Baja - Queen Sheeba's Alliance [QSA]
UO:Sanctuary - dat shard.
WoW:RPvP - The Midnight Reveries
And a bunch of randoms...TSW had some decent RP.

Why would you like to join our server:

Looking for a good RP server.

Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:


Do you agree to follow the rules?:


Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:


Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:

I slip out of bed, loose my sword from a nearby hanging belt and drift quietly towards the door...

The squeaking comes to an abrupt stop as the whispers fade -- light licks at the edges of the hallway, dancing about a figure in the dark.
It appears to be a man slouched over a candle, the farmer, possibly comatose in transit from the drunkenness of the previous evening.

I place a hand on his shoulder to wake him as the body crumples to the ground.  A spattering of blood glints off the walls, his candle dancing at the disturbance.
The blood has been brushed into symbols and shapes, the smell of burning iron in the air... I slowly back away, watching the shadows for any movement, any sign that whatever did this, might still be lurking nearby.

With careful steps backwards i grasp for the exit.  Finding the doorway I take one last look at the figure, turn, and run for the forest.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord decides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumors spread that the warlord needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:

Two guards stand outside the 'Broken Flail' - One greeting a variety of possible recruits, the other careful reading a parchment stamped by Royal Seal.
The seal is meant to be gold, in reality it is gold paint flecking off red wax; the parchment has been washed for reuse and the ribbon has begun to fray.
The greeter places his hand on my shoulder laughing.  He is proud, jovial even.  I am told to have a seat inside, the recruitment would begin after a short announcement.
The other guard never looks up.

The meeting begins. The greeter now stands in the middle of the room.  He is telling people of glory, victory and vision, the need for stronger guards with the will to strengthen the kingdom.
The first guard quietly watches form the back.

As the meeting comes to an end I approach the front, ask to join and where and when to go for training.  What supplies I will need.  The greeter is overjoyed that I have decided to join.
He is more than helpful.

Two days later I show up at the training area -- No other recruits are to be seen.
The first guard is there, he folds up the same piece of parchment he had been reading before.  As I arrive he begins walking towards me.

I bow my head in greeting as I feel the blade pierce my ribs.
There is blood in my mouth and on my hands, all I see is him walking away.

This is my last report to the Rebellion,
In Trust, Victory and Death,

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:

Caste presses his sword into the door frame.  A slow press on the hilt and its hinges finally groan in release.
There, in the center of  the small cabin, a child sits.  Their eyes closed, a small stone atop their head.

Orange, purple, purple, orange, purple, orange, orange - the stone flashes.

The child's eyes are closed, skin and hair an icy white.

Purple, orange, orange.

Slowly Caste approaches, carefully reaching a hand towards the stone.

Orange, orange, orange.

He quickly plucks it off the child's head.  Everything is quite, the child remains motionless.  He holds up the stone in his hand to get a closer look...




{Accepted-Please PM a mod for the password}


Section 1:
Real Life Name: John
Roleplay Name: Merythil
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: None
Previous roleplay experience: I have roleplayed countless times, including other Terraria RP servers (Caphori being one of them) as well as Fanfiction.
Why would you like to join our server:  I miss Terraria RP
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Definitely
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Sure
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: Merythil grabbed the closest thing he could find that resembled a weapon in his bedroom.  An iron poker, used for pushing around hot logs in his fireplace, yes that would do.  He quickly took a concealed position inside of his estate, ready for whatever was outside to either step into his web, or leave knowing that what lives inside is too risky to fight, just to raid the contents of the house.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord decides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumors spread that the warlord needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: Merythil decided to check around, and scout out both taverns.  If the area is too dangerous, he would leave town and start fresh elsewhere, as he didn't want to get involved and be on the brink of death or worse.  If this isn't the best course of action, he felt he would probably join the town guard, as they are trained fighters and what they are doing is benefiting our town's survival.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: Merythil observed the cabin, and seeing that there appeared to be flashes of arcane powers, he was slightly afraid.  He also was aware that even though he was far from civilization, he didn't want to get sent to jail for trespassing or peeping.  He decided the best course of action in this situation was to exit swiftly and silently.

[You've already been accepted, please PM an active moderator for the password.]
"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. "
-Mark Twain


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Daniel
Roleplay Name: Damien
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: None
Previous roleplay experience: Roleplay games, D&D, Various forum and tabletop roleplay games
Why would you like to join our server: I want to play a good terraria roleplay
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: Damien draws his sword and carefully sneaks to the side of the door. He listens with one ear to the door and waits for the "Visitors" to make their move. He waits for them to be at his door and after confirming that it was not one of his hosts out for a midnight stroll along the house, he slams the door open with his sword drawn, ready for whatever might be on the other side.
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: Damien walks to a spot in between the two taverns and adopts the stance of a begger while listening in to the conversations, what he can make out anyway. he then get up after receiving a few coins and getting enough information before preceding to go find a third party interested in paying for such information.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: "Magic..." Damien grumbles under his breath before taking a stance with his sword drawn next to the door, he nudges the door open with the tip of his shoe, carefully looking inside to find... Nothing, not nothing as in an empty cabin nothing as in Nothing, just darkness. He stares warily into the darkness and makes out a pulsing light, purple then orange, purple, orange. He almost steps in but at the last moment he turns and looks around the ground, finding a small rock he returns to the cabin door. He reels back and throws the rock at the light. The light stops pulsing, now staying at a steady crimson, deeper than normally possible. The light glows as if angry at Damien for disturbing it. The door slowly creaks as it shuts, and with a click and a thumping sound, the door locks itself.

Accepted. Please PM a mod for your password.

Also, sorry about the long wait.


Roleplay Name: Gondalorgh Kul
Roleplay Age: 53
Players you already know on the on the server: None
Previous roleplay experience: Garrysmod DarkRP, Rolemaster
Why would you like to join our server: Because I love roleplay and getting into a different character
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: Gondalorgh being the wise and shrewd man he was soon came to the conclusion that he had emerged from the marshy jungle into what was known as the hallowed, remembering what his father had taught him when he was only a 'wee' lad  he hastily avoided the cabin soon later a he left the hallowed region his his mind bulging of stories he had been told about unicorns and pixies, the fright filled him.

Please use the full application.


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Luke
Roleplay Name: Darwin

Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: I am friends with Grayzar and a few others.
Previous roleplay experience: I have played on Caphori, but felt it was necessary to make an application anyway.
Why would you like to join our server: Because I know how fun it is here, and would love to start roleplaying again!

Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: I've read it top to bottom!
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of course!
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Sure!

Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:

As Darwin is just about to fall asleep, he hears creaking in the floor outside his room. It isn't enough to make him curious until he hears what he thinks is an echoing whisper. Darwin, being the explorer he is, slowly crawls out of bed. He was just getting comfy, too! He slips on a light jacket and opens his bedroom door, which creates a long soft squeak. He looks around the hallway to see if anybody is walking about.

"Miss? Are you awake?" he whispers into the darkness.

After getting no reply, Darwin shrugs it off.

"Probably just a stupid old rat or something," he says to himself, walking back into the room and closing the door.

He hops back into his bed and covers himself with blankets. He closes his eyes and quickly falls asleep, dreaming about the big breakfast the woman who was kind enough to let him stay the night promised she would make. Darwin drools all over his pillow!

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:

Darwin hears rumors that a rebellion is being planned against the local warlord. He usually doesn't take sides, more than likely just sitting on the fence at any given chance.

Darwin thinks the whole thing over. On one hand, he's friends with some of the guards of the town and would hate to fight against them, but on the other hand he also didn't very much like the idea of paying such high taxes.

He ultimatly decides that he'll just stay out of the whole thing, although he would end up rooting for the rebels to win. He acts as a member of an audience, cheering for a team at a sport match or something.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:

Darwin yanks his foot out of some mud when he finds himself infront of a cabin. It's been weeks since he's stopped to rest in an actual house. Darwin walks up to one of the windows and looks through, finding a light flashing purple and orange.

"Magic...?" he asks himself, wondering what the purpose of the light was, or who was making it.

He walks back to the front door and knocks on it. As he knocks, the door opens by itself.

"Helloooo?" he says into the cabin. "Anybody home?"

After hearing nothing, he walks in. He looks through the small amount of rooms and finds that the light is nowhere to be found. But he does find a bed! He collapses onto it, ignoring the fact that there could verywell be some paranormal beings living inside the cabin.

Accepted. Please PM me for the server password.


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Carl
Roleplay Name: Pun
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: Miley Sakiko
Previous roleplay experience: Various Touhou-based RPs.
Why would you like to join our server: Was invited to play, told that there are numerous unqie features. Terraria RP is fairly new to me, but it piques my interest quite a bit.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes.
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: Remain still and try to look at what it could possibly be through just below the crack in the door. If possible, quietly peek out of the door to investigate, with my best not to be seen.
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: Being against such tyranny, I would remain quiet, and listen in on the guards from outside. Once I have enough information, I report it to the rebellion, in an attempt to make a coup d'etat successful.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: Magic? I'm just a traveller. I'm quite exhausted, and the last thing I need is an encounter with something possibly hostile. I'd do my best to get away from there.

I'm not sure I can get behind the name Pun....but what the hell. Accepted. PM any active moderator for the password.


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Isaac
Roleplay Name: Sorohn
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: Miley Sakiko
Previous roleplay experience: I have ten years of roleplaying experience: 4 in Forum based rps, 2 in Skype-IM based rps and 10 in tabletop rpgs
Why would you like to join our server: I'm a fan of well-maintained and rich story line based rps. With experience in Forum, Skype, and Tabletop based role-plays, one put in a game I like playing is hard to pass up. This was even recommended to me by a friend, so I have even more reason to think highly about joining
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: While laying there, I listen as best as I can to the whispers. I'm trying to determine whether or not I should be prepared for the worst. If I hear something that could end up causing me to distrust them, I'll prepare to take on what I can, should I have to.
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: I begin by peeking into the rebellion meeting, standing by shortly to hear what needs to be said. If I can agree to their methods, I may consider joining them. However, conversely, should I disagree with how things are done, I'll take my leave and wish them luck on handling what they can.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: I make my to distance myself from the cabin, weapon and/or spells ready should whatever is there attacks. As I have prepared myself, I slowly close in on the door and open it, ready for what's to come.

Accepted. Please PM an active moderator for the password.


Section 1:
Real Life Name: I'd rather not share
Roleplay Name: Helliell
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: Leone_Secare
Previous roleplay experience: None.
Why would you like to join our server: I've recently started playing Terraria multiplayer and I was looking for a good server, my friend recommended me this server and I saw that it was a RP server. I thought about trying my hand at role playing and see if it suits me.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes... I think...
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:

I keep my eye open and try to make sense of the whispers "Come on, go in" Says one voice "No way man! You go in,
this was -your- idea!" Says another voice, both voices sounded masculine. Well.. Whatever could this be? I get up, where's that damned knuckle duster? I tip-toe to my duffle bag as fast and as quiet as I can, which isn't -very- stealthy but it's enough to not distract the voices outside "He looked shady, he might jump at us" Hm, not too far off the mark there "He won't kill us" Are you sure about that? I snicker to myself, those two are lucky they didn't wake me up from my sleep. Finally found my precious piece, the knuckle duster. I slip it on my fingers, it feels so right to have this weapon in my hand "How can you be so sure? He looked menacing too, for all you know this guy could have serious trust issues" Wow, someone makes good guesses. I siddle to the door "We can't stand here all night" You are damn right about that! I fling the door open and beyond it are two adolescents, both wearing casual farm clothing and both have a horrified expression on their faces. The one on the left is taller than his friend and he takes a step back when he notices the knuckle duster.
I smile "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, mind sharing what it's all about?" The teens look at each other and gulp before the short one speaks "We're sorry for coming to you at this time but we couldn't talk to you earlier, too busy" I nod "Sir.. We'd like to get away from here" I raise an eyebrow "This isn't the kind of life we want! It's suffocating here, we're always ordered around" The taller one stepped in "Can you please escort us to the nearest town in your travel?" I chuckle. Runaway boys, classy "First, are you sure you want to do this? Think of your parents" I start "Second, I don't mind escorting you but it won't be free, I need to make a living you know" Both boys nod "And lastly, can either one of you even use a sword properly?" Both of them avoid making eye contact and I chuckle again "So you'll take us with you?" The shorty asked "Sure, but after I drop you off at town, you're on your own" Both nodded and bowed "Thank you so much!" I shrug "Don't be so hasty to thank me, let's get to town first and then thank me" The brothers give each other a undecided look before nodding again and leaving. Guess I've got extra load on the way ahead. No problem, I've had escort jobs before. Door closed and locked this time, I place the knuckle duster under my pillow and lay down for some well needed sleep, damn kids.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord decides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:

So these are the two taverns huh. On the left is a tavern with a shield and sword covered by roses as it's banner while the second one on the right has a whip with blood leaking off of it. Who thought that placing two taverns in such a close proximity would be a good idea? Whatever. I enter the tavern on the right.

The interior is not as grandoise as you would expect. It -is- a tavern after all. The place has a comfy appeal about it, tables and chairs placed in groups, mostly occupied by men who are more focused on talking than drinking whatever there is to drink here. One of them stands out, wearing a wide brimmed hat with a collection of wide and red feathers on top of it. I sigh, if this is the leader of this so called resistance, he is either daft or he's trying really hard to stand out.

I skid over to his table but before I can even approach to talk to him, I am stopped by a pair of men, both of them are giant walls of muscles with faces that are not too pretty "Fellas, I just wanna talk to that guy there, with the hat" One of them takes a look behind him "What for?" The other asks, his accent is so heavy he couldn't hide it even if he tried "To talk business" One of the apes goes over to the guy. I'm surprised I didn't hear him say anything "Oi, let the lad in" He says. The apes relent. I approach the man, if there was another thing that could distinguish him from other people, it would be the vertical scar on his right eye "What's this about?" He asked "I'll make this quick, I don't know if it will be of good of bad for you but the tavern next door has the whole town guard sitting in it, make what you will of it" I turn to leave "Wait!" He tells me and I turn to him "How do you know that?" He asks and I snicker "Can't poke your head into the other building for a moment?" I leave and the man doesn't stop me this time.

Let the two forces fight each other if they want, I've done my part here.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:

A cabin. Materalized from the fog. In the middle of the marshland. Either I've either lost it, considering that I've been walking through this dreaded place for so long without so much as even a rat for company, -or- this might just be someone's house. Someone? Like who? A witch? Maybe. A killer? Plausible. But now when I think about it, those flashes of light might mean it's a mage. Or warlock.

So... Helliell kill or Helliell no kill? Pulling a throwing knife out of its place on my belt, I throw it into the window. Ten seconds pass without change. Another knife, with much force behind the throw. I hear wood splinter as it sticks fast in whatever it is it got stuck in. The light show stops. Ah s***. I mush up to the wall and prepare another knife for a throw. The seconds seem to slowly crawl by as I wait for whatever it is to come out. More time passes and I hear the door of the cabin creak open. The soft foot falls on moss. Here it comes.

A robed figure passes the corner but I hold my hand. The figure has both of my knives in hand and it's holding both of them by the sharp end "These are yours?" The quiet, reserved tone of the woman(!) whispers questioningly. I lowered my own hand "Yes.. I'm sorry for that" I say as I take back the knives I threw inside "Why are you living out here in the marsh?" I asked "It's quiet, people barely bother me" She answers "You must be traveling, perhaps you'd like to rest a while in my cabin?" She asks this time. I... uhh... I've heard stories of witches out in these parts and I don't plan to become a puppet.. Even though the offer is alluring, how does she look under those robes? I quickly shake the thought away, witches "I thank your generous offer but I must be going" I answer "So you must be hurrying then" She says. Her hand reachs for something in her robe and my own hand is ready for a throw should she try to kill me with a wand of something "Take this" She hands me a potion, the neck of the bottle is thin and long and there's a small ball at the bottom "This should help you reach your destination faster" She says. I take the potion "Thank you" I bow curtly before turning and continuing my journey. Did I dare drink the potion? No. I did not, I should go to a alchemist and ask him to identify this potion. For all I know, this is a love potion and she will want me to be a slave to her.

Accepted, please PM any active moderator for the password.

Booty Beatdown

Section 1:
Real Life Name: Zac
Roleplay Name: Bagoul
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: Brasht, Cromwell, Wayland (all the same person, different characters.)
Previous roleplay experience: Close to none.
Why would you like to join our server: Because a lot of my friends play on it and i want to join them.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yeah
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yep
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
I reach to my left, and to my surprise, my sword is gone. I then stand up and rush to the door. Screams echoed throughout the house. I open the door and see a bright light beaming through the hallway. I approach it, all of the screams come to a sudden halt. I freeze in my tracks. I venture into the light. Three black figures emerged. "HELP ME!" I heard. I knew i had to act quickly. I jumped towards one of the figures, only to find that they were shadows. "What are you doing?", "Is he okay?". My eyes opened and i was surrounded by the family that I had been staying with. Was it all a dream?

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
I take command of the rebel army, I tell them that "It is our time to become leaders, to become free!" We plan the assault  for days, Even letting the tavern workers know that we would be invading. In fact we armed the workers with swords and crossbows, to help the fight. It was dusk, and our plan was slowly unfolding. We watched as the Town Guard entered the tavern. The windows were open, and it was time. We unleashed our army, not holding back anything. The town guard submitted almost immediately. "A victory, as expected", I claimed as we carried out the rest of the guards.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
  I slowly open the door, and peer inside. To my surprise, my best friend Jake was hunched over a lifeless body. I silently slip inside and make my way to the opposite side of the room, his back towards me. I search my backpack for my blowgun I was given to hunt with. Three tranquilizer darts left.. "sorry man." I say to myself. I carefully aim for the neck, then fire. Direct hit. I then approach his body and see two orbs in his hands, they are glowing wonderful bright orange and deep purple. I reach down to pick them up, but the once lifeless body grabbed my arm. She whispered "Leave this place... before its too late." Then lost consciousness. I removed the dart from Jakes neck, and left not knowing if the person i would trust with my life was who i thought he was.

REAPPLY(dont know how to un-underline it ): )



Section 1:
Real Life Name: Alexander
Roleplay Name: Faust
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: None?
Previous roleplay experience: Multiple RP Chatrooms, a few D&D games
Why would you like to join our server: Because Terraria is a fun game, and it's a shame to play such a fun game all by your lonesome.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yeah. It's actually under the Intro now.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Okay?
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
I grab my sword lying against the wall, quietly unsheathe it, and wait by the door. What reason a small farmhouse would have to sneak about in the night unsettles me so. Minutes pass, and the whispering fades... I sleep with a smaller blade unsheathed, just to make sure that these simple farmfolk are not working with the local bandits.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
I would have to question the architect, for it seems a tad insane to place two taverns so close to one another. I call both the Leader of the Resistance and Guard to a place of worship; A place where both men have been before. I tell them both that they need to set aside their differences, and convince the Warlord to bring his troops home; Since the war is hurting the commonfolk, and the locals have been plagued by pestilence and crooks alike. I question the Authority of this warlord, and I wonder if it would be a wise Idea to oust him from his position into the nearest Prison.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
This is obviously the home of someone who wished not to be disturbed, but my rations have been almost depleted... Some chances must be taken.

Summoning up my courage, I knock on the door of the dilapidated hut, expecting a great and powerful warlock or witch. But to my surprise, a pair of elvish younglings answer my call. Not to frighten them, I stand completely motionless; hoping for them to not think of me as a threatening presence. They allow me in, and give me food and water to drink.

I tell them tales of my travels of lands near and far, from speaking with the noble dragons of Gan'as; to the rather exotic dancers of Tyvir. After telling as many tales as I can to appease these young elves, I tell them that I have lost my way. With that, they gear up and help me find my way out of the woods... In rather remarkable timing, as it was supposed to take a month to reach my destination.

...For some reason I have never gotten lost since, like they are still guiding me to the places I seek.
Accepted=Please PM any active Admin for your password.

Frank Einstein

Section 1:
Real Life Name: Frank
Roleplay Name: Abdul
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: No.
Previous roleplay experience: Minecraft, D&D, IRC RP, GMod, Habbo (yes, there are RP games in Habbo)
Why would you like to join our server: Because Terraria has more posibilities if you have enough imagination.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes.
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
"Holy mother of Muhammad, who is there?" I think. The door opens, and with the moonlight I see his face. A thief.
Quickly I grab my knife from a boot. "Stay back, or I cut your neck and put your skull on my wagon." I say, but as he laughs, he grabs a pistol from his pocket. My knife is useless against that, so I drop it and raise my hands.
"Look, buddy, I dont want to kill you, I just want your money. So, would you kindly give me all your money so I can leave this place without staining my hands with blood?" he says. Despite being polite, he is trying to rob me.
"As you wish, friend." and I put a hand in a pocket and grab a little and heavy bag. "Slowly" he says "I dont want you to try anything funny". I give him the bag. "47 platinum coins, it's all I have". "Really? 47 plat? Lets see." he says, and he opens the bag, looks inside, breathes, and suddenly he drops the bag and faints. How fool, that bag contained Ascita Walizor spores, a poison powder used to medical purposes. Breathing it results in inmediate coma, and maybe death.
I grab my bag, his tools, his weapons, close his eyes and, when the sun rises, pray for his soul.
"My dear Lord, forgive me for this. I want to go with you, but I'm not ready to die yet."

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
Goverment has been too hard with townsfolks, so rebels will have my help. I sneak into the tavern and look for the leader.
"Psst, hey you. There is another guy in the other tavern who says that your mother married with a camel. He's the one with the yellow armor." I whisper. "What, really? We'll see about that".
He enters the other tavern and grabs the guards' boss. "I'll teach you some lesson, you scumbag!" he yells, and beats his face. Another guard punches the rebel's stomach, and he whistles. Rebels enter the tavern to help him, as many guards join. The result is more than expected: a bloody fight. After that one, and the following ones, I heal the rebels and poison the guards. No one would suspect that a medic is helping one of the sides and killing the other.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
I get scared. "This is withcraft, art of the devil!". Without even check the interior, I grab stones and sticks, and lock the door. After that, I burn that house down. "May the Lord has mercy of you, piece of shits!" I yell. And while I praise, the cabin lifts up, levitating. It emits more lights, and suddenly disapears. I leave that place, but from the fog emerges a lot of misterious creatures, and they don't look friendly. Maybe they saw what I have done. They are too much, so I run the hell away.

{Accepted-Pm a mod for the password}



Quote from: Frank Einstein on 28-08-2014
Section 1:
Real Life Name: Frank
Roleplay Name: Abdul
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: No.
Previous roleplay experience: Minecraft, D&D, IRC RP, GMod, Habbo (yes, there are RP games in Habbo)
Why would you like to join our server: Because Terraria has more posibilities if you have enough imagination.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes.
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
"Holy mother of Muhammad, who is there?" I think. The door opens, and with the moonlight I see his face. A thief.
Quickly I grab my knife from a boot. "Stay back, or I cut your neck and put your skull on my wagon." I say, but as he laughs, he grabs a pistol from his pocket. My knife is useless against that, so I drop it and raise my hands.
"Look, buddy, I dont want to kill you, I just want your money. So, would you kindly give me all your money so I can leave this place without staining my hands with blood?" he says. Despite being polite, he is trying to rob me.
"As you wish, friend." and I put a hand in a pocket and grab a little and heavy bag. "Slowly" he says "I dont want you to try anything funny". I give him the bag. "47 platinum coins, it's all I have". "Really? 47 plat? Lets see." he says, and he opens the bag, looks inside, breathes, and suddenly he drops the bag and faints. How fool, that bag contained Ascita Walizor spores, a poison powder used to medical purposes. Breathing it results in inmediate coma, and maybe death.
I grab my bag, his tools, his weapons, close his eyes and, when the sun rises, pray for his soul.
"My dear Lord, forgive me for this. I want to go with you, but I'm not ready to die yet."

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
Goverment has been too hard with townsfolks, so rebels will have my help. I sneak into the tavern and look for the leader.
"Psst, hey you. There is another guy in the other tavern who says that your mother married with a camel. He's the one with the yellow armor." I whisper. "What, really? We'll see about that".
He enters the other tavern and grabs the guards' boss. "I'll teach you some lesson, you scumbag!" he yells, and beats his face. Another guard punches the rebel's stomach, and he whistles. Rebels enter the tavern to help him, as many guards join. The result is more than expected: a bloody fight. After that one, and the following ones, I heal the rebels and poison the guards. No one would suspect that a medic is helping one of the sides and killing the other.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
I get scared. "This is withcraft, art of the devil!". Without even check the interior, I grab stones and sticks, and lock the door. After that, I burn that house down. "May the Lord has mercy of you, piece of shits!" I yell. And while I praise, the cabin lifts up, levitating. It emits more lights, and suddenly disapears. I leave that place, but from the fog emerges a lot of misterious creatures, and they don't look friendly. Maybe they saw what I have done. They are too much, so I run the hell away.

Hello Abby.

Goodbye Abby.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway