
Started by Roy, 29-08-2013

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This is the mostly completed Lore for the server:

Lore for Church's MC Server
By: Preacher, Diedrich, Cole, 1UPJay, Battle Bacca,, and Socrates,

Base History/Historical Events/Wars
Terms and Definitions

Please feel free to browse the lore as you wish. All that we ask is that you do not copy it because some/all of the info here may be used for quests where the player is tasked to find a piece of historical information.

If you have any questions or additions you would like to have put on here please message one of the authors through TS or steam.

1500 B.N.
   Dwarf Recording Begins

   1116 B.N
   Dwarves leave Mountain

   1110 B.N
   Dwarf-Elven War
       Elves Lose land

   644 B.N.
   Elves driven back to Jungle Ka'nuk

   329 B.N
   Dwarf Elven War ends

   0 A.N
   Humans come over mountains at Current day broken kingdom

   9 A.N
   Humans establish Kingdom in their lands

   11 A.N
   Great War for Elf/Dwarven Lands

   12 A.N
    Dwarfs and Elves lose most of farmland and coastal areas

   13 A.N
   First Ward formed

   15 A.N
   First Ward halts advancing of Human Kingdom

   18 A.N
   Human Empire Forms, Declare Supreme Power of land
Over-rules First Ward

   20 A.N
   Human Empire establishes Years (Starts when they arrived)
vassalize Dwarves and Elves through force
First Ward disbands for political reasons

   23 A.N
   Elves Surrender
become part of Human Empire

   26 A.N
   Second Ward forms - Belief of a second great war
breaks grip of Empire
Accepts all Races' Mages, and begins researching magic

   270 A.N
   Darks Arts Magic reformed
Second Ward splits in half - Formation of the Dark Ones
Mage war

   286 A.N
   Mage War ends with Sinking of the Dark Tower
Second Ward is disbanded (Too few members)

   452 A.N
   Third (Last) Ward founded - returns to studying

   994 A.N
   Human Empire Civil War

   995 A.N
   Elves and Dwarves become independent and declare war on

   1235 A.N
   War ends resulting in two different human nations
Dwarves and Elves regain land

   1240 A.N
   Current Year

Base History
Elves were the first people of the land. They 'controlled' everything because they were nomadic and their tribes would be spread throughout the whole world. They settled everywhere but the frozen mountains. In those mountains, the dwarves began to record their history.
        It was in 1116 B.N when the Dwarves were forced out of the mountains in search of food. They had never left in the first place because they were scared of the outer world, but they had to brave their fears as they left. After exploring their mountains, they soon stumbled into a wandering tribe of elves. The two peoples were curious, and soon ventured to meet one another. The tribe and the dwarf people met, and they found many similarities with one another, and soon became friends.
        At this time, the elves had learned how to farm. They had not fully settled down, but as they would walk they would spread seeds so that when they returned they could harvest. This was impractical, but it was how the elves chose to live. The dwarves, finding some food through mountain cows, still needed help. The elves taught them the basics of the seed, and how it could be farmed. The Dwarves, being the clever sort that they are, discovered how to farm on the mountain sides by creating platforms of land. (Terrace farming)
        In the year 1110 B.N, word of these dwarves finally reached the Banuk of the elves (Since the people were nomadic, it took time for such things to reach the elven leader). The high elf would send one of his favorite kin to speak with the Dwarven king. When the Banuk's kin arrived, he was unimpressed with the dwarves. Since he had not lived with them for the amount of time the local tribe has, he did not know anything about them.
        When it was time for the two to meet, both sides met near the entrance to the Dwarven mines. The elf who would speak could not believe that such a tiny man could wear so many jewels like a king. He couldn't stop laughing. Puzzled, the dwarven king asked why was he laughing like that. The high elf, not realizing what he was about to say, told the Dwarven king that he thought he was short, and was like a baby wearing king's jewels.
        The Dwarven king did not find this funny, and with great strength, he lept up towards the high elf and decapitated him with his axe. Astonished, the surrounding elves and dwarves stood there for a moment, and after that moment ended, they charged each other. The Dwarves, having much heavier armor than the elves' light leather armor, won the battle that day.
        The Dwarves would then advance on the elven nomadic lands, destroying many tribes of elves. This was easily achieved by the dwarves because the Elves were not organized, and it would take days before any sort of courier would reach other tribes to warn them about any impending doom.

Finally the last of the southern tribes gathered at the last stretch of forest before the plains to develop a plan of how to deal with the impending threat. One of the most powerful Nuks, after the Banuk, plotted a new battle strategy. The elves were bow experts, and were able to hit just about anything from any distance. The Nuk developed a skirmish tactic. The elves would hide in trees and fire down at the dwarves, and if charged, would run and hide until the dwarves stopped following. This was effective because the elves would not lose as many men as they would in a regular fight. However, they were not able to reclaim much land, and the dwarves were not willing to give up so easily.

        After the first fews years of the Dwarf-Elven War, the war had settled down to a cold war, with neither side tried to advance too heavily into each other's land. Dwarf and Elf scribes at the time write about the war still going on even though the armies had stopped marching.
        During this time, both sides began to pick up what some of the other side had discovered. The Dwarves learned the use of wood, and began to implement it in their lives in small ways such as making cheaper tools. The Elves on the other hand was starting to learn how to use ores. They were not able to craft very fine weapons or tools, but they managed to start learning. 
Towards the year 644 B.N, with the crowning of a new king in the dwarven kingdom, they began to march on the elves once again. After battling with elven bows for so many years, implemented the shield wall, which could cover a dwarven line's front with shields, blocking any arrows that the elves fired. Though the elves could easily flank around, the dwarves managed to push the elves back to the Ka'nuk jungle. There, the elves had an easier time hiding in the jungle canopy while the dwarves, due to their size, and a terrible time of navigating through. The elves would hold out for several more years in the jungle.
At this time the old government of the elves was failing. The once Tribal Elective was now turning into a Constitutional Monarchy. This was because most of the tribes had perished, along with their Nuks. Also, the high elves are politicians at heart, and are willing to do anything to increase their power in the realm. One high elf managed to crawl up the the rank of Nuk, and convinced the rest of the leaders to create the new government, and in a few months, he was now the Banuk, whose title would pass down to his children.
The dwarves, at the other hand, were stable. With their expanse into the overworld, they now fully accepted the world for how it was. No longer did the dwarves of the overworld fear anything, even though they knew their heart was underground. Still, underworld dwarven children and dwarves who had never been to the overworld have a fear for it, which could only change if they ever leave the mountain.
In the last few years of the war, there was another cold war. Both sides were now sick of fighting. The dwarves had gotten their point across, and the once nomadic elves were forced to live in settlements in the jungle, where once separated cultures were now forced to diffuse. In the year 329 B.N, leaders from both the Elves and the Dwarves made peace, and thus ended the Dwarf-Elven war. The Dwarfs would, however, keep the land they conquered. They were spread thin, but they started to establish settlements in their new claimed land. The elves would try to re-establish their way of life in the Ka'Nuk jungle.       
In the year 0 A.N, from the volcano of Ansteriath. They landed after being dragged out by wind when trying to sail to one of their country's islands. They were hungry and confused, and were forced to stay until they could sail again. After a few nights the sailors realized that they had no idea how to get back on course. They had been blown so far that they have entered uncharted waters. Because of their lack of sails, they could not attempt to sail back without any kind of direction. They were simply stuck.
The Dwarves eventually found them while traveling around the volcano. There was peace, and there was much diffusion of culture. The humans told the dwarves about their past. Since the dwarves did not need land, being as spread out as they were, decided to give up the lands around the volcano to the humans.
Since human technology was slightly above both the elves' and the dwarves', they were able to flourish in their lands. The soil was rich, and they managed to grow food very easily. Inside the ground was rich in minerals. They were able to multiply in size in only a few years. In the year 9 A.N they decided to declare themselves a kingdom, and become a power in the world.
The dwarves were not all that worried about the humans. The humans were only a fraction of the dwarf's population. The elves had not even met the humans. They only heard rumors about them through scouts and trade. The humans, however, were stronger than they expected. In their books they brought from the mainland had advanced tactics unseen by the dwarven armies.
The Dwarves were heavy armor and heavy weapons. The only kind of light infantry they had were dual-wielding axemen that were still rather armored. The original idea of the dwarves was that less armor meant you were poor, since minerals were in such great supply. The elves, on the other hand, didn't care about armor itself, but they didn't have any to begin with. Just leather.
In the year 11 A.N, they claimed that they were the rulers of the land, and in the name of their previous empire, they declared war on the dwarves. The dwarves were confused and outraged that the humans would do such a thing. Quickly, they retreaded all of the border cities to another location so that the human empire could not slaughter them. Then, they rallied to the east. The humans did not expect this, but their scouts found out where the dwarves were rallying, so they marched on that position.
The dwarves found out that the humans were marching on them only a few hours before they were in battle. Doing the only thing that the dwarves could, they dug out defences and waited. When the humans arrived, they stood at a distance, watching over the dwarf earthen defence. The dwarves had hastily made the defence, and had to make due with what the villagers brought with them when they had to leave their homes. Food was scarce, but they rationed it out, and managed to work with it. The humans knew that they couldn't assault the dwarven base, so they tried to siege with what they had.
The human archers fired away over the dwarven earth walls, hoping to hit something. Moral was low for the dwarves, but the leader of the dwarves remained strong, and so did those loyal to him. This battle was the major decider for the war with the dwarves, since the rest of the dwarven armies were underground armies that did not know how to maneuver in the overworld.

The battle was long, and went on to the night with a final charge with the humans attacking a dwarf flank. It was a risky move, but they managed to defeat the major dwarf lines. The battle was a heavy loss for both sides. For the dwarves, those who managed to retreat were separated, but were scattered among the towns nearby. The humans has lost thousands of men, but the stability of their army remained intact.
The humans would go on raiding dwarven overworld villages, pillaging and looting everything they could find. Since the humans were diverse and had many thoughts about many different topics, they had different opinions on topics. There was a group of villagers in a town that thought differently than their leaders.
They thought that the war for these lands was not right. These people spoke out against their town leaders and those who approved of the war, telling them about how they should have just remained on the volcano. Some of the other townspeople despised these kinds of 'peace lovers.' This eventually resulted in the people in the town who thought against the war to leave. Together they decided to form the First Ward.
Peasants couldn't do much in the big world. All the knew was how to farm and raise cows. They implored the help of a local lord, who dabbled in the works of magic. None of the First Ward members knew that the lord had ever touched magic until he told them. They pleaded for his help with learning magic. He told them that he could not teach them in the main land, and he moved them onto the island in the middle of the lake.
There he would teach the members of the First Ward. This local noble would soon rise to become the leader of the First Ward. He and his newly trained mages created a small haven on their island. They would soon move back onto the main land, where in the year 15 A.N, they halted the entire march.
Some say that the mages created an impassable barrier where no army could cross. Some others say that leader of the First Ward used magic to force leaders to withdraw the troops. In the end, it was magic that had stopped the war for a time. The king at the time was not amused.
Since the island where the First Ward built their small manor was owned by a human lord. The king of the humans of the time had claims on it. His chancellor at the time drew up a paper stating that every human settlement in the lands was, in some way, the king's. Though he did not "own" it, he had the rights to take it, and so he did.
For two years after the army halted, the king let his armies rest and regroup. They
studied the dwarvish metals, but did not discover anything new. Most of the dwarven overworld weapons and tools were created similarly to the human's way of crafting. The dwarves on the other-hand were struggling. Most of their overworld force were slain, and the underworld force had trouble adapting to the overworld's nature.
After the dwarves left the mountain when they first met the elves, there was a change in some of the dwarves. The overworld dwarves acted slightly differently than their underworld kin. They learned how to cope with nature, and were immune to the overworld diseases. Both kinds of dwarves still retained their culture, but the split was there.
The king of the humans in 17 A.N slowly imprisoned members of the First Ward to the point that the First Ward only had a fraction of what they began with. Then, the king sent a letter to the First Ward stating that if they were to interfere with the war, the king's armies would march on the island manor.
Since the First Ward's members were only so much, they could not repel such an attack, nor keep up the barrier that they originally put up. So, the First Ward had to let down their magic. The human army marched on again. They marched onto the mountains on the dwarves, where the dwarves sealed themselves in the mountains. None of the human armies could dig through, and even the engineers couldn't break through.
The humans also moved on the Jungle of Ka'nuk. There they met with the elves, but the peace they talked about didn't last for long, and the humans charged the elven settlements that dotted the outer woods of Ka'Nuk. They destroyed the cities and tried to move in on the elves, but just like the dwarves, they could not get through the jungle. Elves would shoot down at the human ranks from above, shattering the lines. Soon the human armies would not move in on the elves and simply sit on the outside.
The humans now controlled the land, not including those where the dwarves and elves hid. The king and his council of the time in the year 20 A.N wrote up a paper stating that the humans now were the true lords and they established themselves at an Empire. The paper also stated that all recordings of history will state that recorded years would start with 0 A.N, which would start when the humans landed. The paper also stated that all peoples/races were now vassals of the Human Empire, and whose governments would be written up and monitored by the high council of humans.
In the same year, the First Ward's members met for the last time. They agreed that they were powerless next to the empire, and that they could not operate without interfering with the Empire. Studies of magic were outlawed, but not enforced. Up to this year the Ward has been studying freely, even after the Anti-Magic law was passed. Trouble was coming, or so said one of the mages. He reported that the Empire was going to soon send a force over to the Ward's island to enforce these laws. The leader, and all of the members, decided that the First Ward must disband, or face the Emperor's wrath.
The now disbanded First Ward members separated and went to different corners of the lands. There they studied magic in secret, gathering groups in remote areas. "Magic would live on." is a quote from the leader of the First Ward, and indeed it did.
The elves soon heard about the new formed empire, and they decided not to surrender. Yet, in the year 23 A.N, there was a new Banuk that was crowned. One of his first declarations was to become a vassal under the Empire. There was an uproar, and a schism almost

Terms List
Nuk - Tribal Leader of Elves
Banuk - Head king/leader of Elves
Watu Gedhe Ratu (one phrase in dwarvish) or the Watu :Great king of Dwarves

Dwarvish culture: dwarves at their core are loyal to a fault however they are prideful beyond even high elves standards and will often kill those who infringe upon the honor of their clan repeatedly.  this causes most of the dwarven wars and is why they have been almost been driven to extinction over the course of their time in the mountains before the Exodus .  dwarves also love art and science and are possibly the most learned of the races. much of the recorded  of Elum is in the Great Dwarvish library of Traneria the city under Mount Frosne. 
dwarves trace their roots back Konge the great god of the mountains and earthen areas they say that he formed the dwarf when the other gods would not allow life on Elum and earth itself dwarves found boars and goats outside the mountain and trained them as their mounts for inside their caves they used ponies as well but often only for light travel they believe that the more armor they wear  the more noble of birth you are only berserkers of the Konge and poor wear no armor.  the dwarves even have a rudimentary cavalry system, the boars that they tamed are armored and these troops put at the front of the line to charge through skirmishers then hit the first ranks these troops often were slaves or convicts wishing to redeem and free themselves
often times they didn't make it. the dwarves have major city Tretaneria. the city was a dwarven invention unto itself formed as terraces within cave the three major terraces went up in regards to nobility and wealth. the top tier was reserved for the heros homes, the temples of the dwarven gods, and the great palace of the Watu. the second tier were shops and merchant homes and the third tier the soldiers homes the floor of the cavern were for the poor and miners as well as the openings of the tunnels leading into the city

     The old civilization for the humans was peaceful and prosperous.
Farmers prospered and cattle were grazing. The humans were greedy and wanted to seek new lands  along with new technology. They gained many technologies as their lands were harsh and bitter to them. With plains of tall grass and little water. Along with deserts in the north. With different terrains of their land ships prospered where oceans and rivers meet, ports grew and cities began to form. After a great war the King of man emerged King (name) those that rallied to his cause became leaders. This advanced how man continued to trade and pirates became rampant and greed consumed many lords and caused wars over farms and riches. Mines for gold and iron along with many riches used for trade. Rich lands were raided and the humans prospered in this time. Castle built larger than ever before. Food became short and they were thought to anger their gods. As lands became richer the lords began to invest in larger ships and temples for their gods. Temples are raised for the different gods many different lords worshiped different gods. This sparked small skirmishes among towns and gods. As resources began to run low and people began to question different gods. Many left their lords and became outlaws. Raiding became more common. The king orders a fleet to be built to find new lands with great riches to be built.

Its not pretty but its there