Why do i bother?

Started by Dom, 13-12-2008

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I'm starting to get pretty pissed off, i thought this server was a great place at first but its really becoming shit. All day today i've played on the server and time after time everything has fucked up.
Some of the problems involved:
- Server restarting with NO warning resulting in me losing things i've been building for ages.
- Props being removed for no reason without warning.
- Being randomly murdered for no reason by respected members of the community.
- Having annoying mingebags torment me and when i complain the admins do nothing.

Whats going on here?
Just a few days ago the server was in top shape?!

Silver Knight

Im sorry Dom, i lost the old ban list, so we have had a few old spammers crashing the server, and we had a alpha test 2 on the community map, so we changed back and forth from that. I don't know why respected members would dm you, and im sorry to hear your finding it hard. Hopefully your opinion will change back to what it was.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Communist Panda

Mind naming a few of the DMers?
Characters -
John 'Wolf' Rhinehart - Slightly leniant
Alexei 'Skulker' Tarsov - Complete jackass
Vanechka Koslovski - Rough but kind
Dmitri Aleshnikov - Trader, what do you think?


Quote from: Communist Panda Mind naming a few of the DMers?

They killed me as i spawned, but im pretty sure they were respectable since they had flags.


I remember this it was a duty guy he spawned a fucking machine of some sort and it spazed out and killed people in the spawn man that thing was a pain in the ass to remove.

I would love to suggest a money reclaiming thread with proof so we can get our monies back.

Yuri Fedorov

Quote from: Dom
Quote from: Communist Panda Mind naming a few of the DMers?

They killed me as i spawned, but im pretty sure they were respectable since they had flags.

I know what you mean. I'm not sure how some of these people even get flagged when they clearly can't handle weapons. I was DMed about 12 times today, I think. One of those times was when someone told me to "get out of here", and as I was typing "Okay", shot me (roughly a second or two after they said it.) It seems like quite a few people are more interested in killing others than actually RPing.

One problem is that my console doesn't seem to report who kills who. For this reason, when I get randomly shot up from behind (which happens ALOT), I can't tell who did it so I can't actually go and report it. Can anyone tell me how to find this out?
Yuri Fedorov - Applicant to DUTY
Vitaly Tarasov - Explorer of the ZONE


Quote from: Dom
Quote from: Communist Panda Mind naming a few of the DMers?

They killed me as i spawned, but im pretty sure they were respectable since they had flags.

Sorry, me and a few others were having a knifespree after finding the joys of "knife to the face=superman'd"
But yeah, I spotted Freckles again, and you know what the little fgt is like.
I'll settle down now, and try to RP, but it's kinda hard with Dares deleting every roleplay element I try to make.
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