Epic Military Roleplay

Started by Who Dares Wins, 12-12-2008

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Who Dares Wins

Alexei Gurov: Corporal, give the Stalker his prostate exame
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: Lol...
Bari Olev: Oh yeah.... forgot.....
Rick Vanz: You mean Paul?
*** Rick Vanz shoves Paul towars him.
Alexei Gurov: Oh, yeah
Alexei Gurov: Well you can both do it if you like.
Rick Vanz: Naw.
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: Lol...
Alexei Gurov: Oh an'
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: So much gay humor XD
Alexei Gurov: Don't kill him this time
[mR]KingArthur: [OOC]: LOL
Rick Vanz: The size of my hand would break his ass.
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: tesing accuracy lol
Royz: [OOC]: uhhh
Rick Vanz: PAUL!

*** Bari Olev sighs.
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: Ak47u's are pretty good
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: IM NOT RPING IT DAMN IT
Alexei Gurov | [Roadside Picnic] Who Dares Win [LOOC]: Ur m0m was preety good
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: Lol

Bari Olev: I guess im ready, but lets do it down there...
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: XD
Rick Vanz | Carnage [LOOC]: WRY NOT?
Paul Feeney: [[God damn it. NO! lol
Alexei Gurov: Stalker, you don't like carry a weapon 'round alot do ou
Alexei Gurov: *you
Rick Vanz: Pull down your pants.
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: LLOl
*** Bari Olev lowers his pants.
Alexei Gurov: and bend over.
*** Bari Olev bends over.
[mR]KingArthur: [OOC]: Becuase, I cant stick my Dick in your personality can i? lol
*** Rick Vanz inserts his finger into his anus and feels around.
Alexei Gurov | [Roadside Picnic] Who Dares Win [LOOC]: o_O
Bari Olev: [Thoguht] Your enjoying this..... Arent you you bastard
[mR]KingArthur: [OOC]: LOLLOLOLOL!
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: my ass!!

Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: lol
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: Omg so stupid RP lol
rawrmon @ Spike Jones: [OOC]: "Show me.. Show me your genitals.."
Alexei Gurov | [Roadside Picnic] Who Dares Win [LOOC]: This is OOC but
rawrmon @ Spike Jones: [OOC]: O:
[mR]KingArthur: [OOC]: Lol yeah XD
Yuri Fedorov: [OOC]: I love that song
rawrmon @ Spike Jones: [OOC]: <3
*** Rick Vanz finds nothing.
*** Rick Vanz searches harder. OOC: >:3
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Mandatory prostate exams for Duty members! BEND OVER
[mR]KingArthur: [OOC]: Now get your ass in the kitchen, and make me a sandwhich
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: NNOOooo
[WDM]Pvt. Devster: [OOC]: I'll be back
[mR]KingArthur: [OOC]: LOLOLOL

*** Rick Vanz still finds nothing.
*** Rick Vanz removes his hand
*** Rick Vanz takes the glove off.
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: XD
*** Bari Olev sighs in relief.
*** Rick Vanz sticks the ungloved hand in.
Rick Vanz | Carnage [LOOC]: :D

Bari Olev: The fuck!
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: LOL
*** Rick Vanz rams it in.
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: Who dares, stop protmoing this LOL
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: ok enoguh fun D=
Alexei Gurov | [Roadside Picnic] Who Dares Win [LOOC]: Carnage has experience
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: XD
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: I feelz abused D=
*** Rick Vanz wiggles it around.
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: 0_o
Alexei Gurov | [Roadside Picnic] Who Dares Win [LOOC]: You love it
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: Welcome to the army Royz
*** Rick Vanz takes his other hand and opens his anus up as much as possible.
Alexei Gurov | [Roadside Picnic] Who Dares Win [LOOC]: This is the army not the nay
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: JESUS CHRIST lol
Alexei Gurov | [Roadside Picnic] Who Dares Win [LOOC]: *Navy
*** Rick Vanz inserts his cokc into his anus
Krieg: [OOC]: Rohok, can you delete this door, PLEASE?
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: I swear im going to kill you Carnage lol

(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: where
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: I swear if I find this on the forums...
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Which door, Krieg?
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: LOL good idea

Alexei Gurov | [Roadside Picnic] Who Dares Win [LOOC]: \0/
Yuri Fedorov: [OOC]: I love the huge tower XD
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: oh shit
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: Aww nm
*** Rick Vanz goes in and out.
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: Its lkike... all spammed
*** Rick Vanz goes faster.
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: LOL
*** Rick Vanz starts moaning
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Who spanwed my tower in triplicate?

Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: LOL
*** Rick Vanz slaps his ass.

Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: damnit rick, im not enjoying this.
Alexei Gurov | [Roadside Picnic] Who Dares Win [LOOC]: YOU ARE
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: LOL
*** Rick Vanz ends it with a shuddering Orgasm.
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: RAWR
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: remove the tower..
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: LOLROFL LORLFOFLROFL
[RADIO] Nikolai Vesserov: *D* They left.
Alexei Gurov | [Roadside Picnic] Who Dares Win [LOOC]: o_O
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: So GAY LOL
Alexei Gurov | [Roadside Picnic] Who Dares Win [LOOC]: Thats why you love it
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: The forums are going to chew this up...
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: do u read pornos online or somthin gFFS lol
[RADIO] Nikolai Vesserov: *D* Nevermind.
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: damnit
*** Rick Vanz sighs his cock still in his ass.
Yuri Fedorov: [OOC]: LOL how do I get out of here
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: XD
Alexei Gurov | [Roadside Picnic] Who Dares Win [LOOC]: I bet Bari is wanking over it right now, thats why he ain't typing
*** Rick Vanz wiggles it around.
[RADIO] Nikolai Vesserov: *D* Distract him.
Johan Micholov removed prop_physics
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: Lol...

*** Rick Vanz removes his limp penis
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: immah look at something else.
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: LOL im going to help some one actually beifiting Susity
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: other than this text XD
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Hello?
*** Rick Vanz slaps his ass again.
[mR]KingArthur: [OOC]: Lol its so gay XD
Zaki: [OOC]: I LOVE this tower.
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: STOP TI NOA
Dmitri Aleshnikov removed prop_physics
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Lol, who's seeing this tower right now?
Bari Olev | Royz [LOOC]: immah end this
Rick Vanz: How was the exam private?
Paul Feeney: LO)L
Rick Vanz | Carnage [LOOC]: ROFLLOLOL
*** Bari Olev moves away and pulls his pants up.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Minge towers R'Us
Paul Feeney | [mR]KingArthur [LOOC]: HOW WAS THE EXAM>?! LOL

Who Dares Wins



That was... Ugh.
Now I know why Geo banned sex-orientated stuff from Olden.
Follow my Twitter HERE!



And Vityaz from Fyren. And Fyren from Silver. And really, it goes on. It's like a giant homo sex train

-Rohok Teyar


That twas an epic tower, mang.


Woaw that is..... Nice? :eek:


Too bad being gay in the military is illegal. Although I'm not sure about Ukraine's policies whatever it may be.


That was freakin' :eek: scary i got to tell ya.