Regarding the blue ACCEPTED

Started by Rohok, 12-12-2008

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Hello folks, I put a number of blue accepteds on people's profiles this time around because of one reason, and it is:

1- I don't know you too well, and I want to see how you Role Play in game first. You are all the first members I'm accepting, and because of this, I need to make sure you're fit to be the first batch in. You guys might end up becoming staff members, and will be tasked with helping the members after you become accustomed to Duty, and trained in the arts of Duty-ness. Once you see me in game, take the initiative to approach me, and strike up a conversation. Or perhaps even assist me in some form. It doesn't matter if it's on your Duty applicant character, or not, just please inform me in LOOC or Global OOC that you are an applicant for Duty. This way, I can evaluate your performance, and get to know your RP style.

However, after you guys, the blue ACCEPTED will mean I am unsure about letting the person in question join. Either their application was not up to par but I have heard great things about them, or I have heard bad things about them and their application was awesome. In that case, the blue ACCEPTED will be an evaluation that I will use to determine whether or not the applicant in question is ready to join Duty. This was put into place in order for me to fairly grade each person's application. I didn't want to base my opinions on whether or not the community likes the person. So this way, I will be able to make my own judgments, and form my own opinions.

So all applicants who received a blue ACCEPTED, don't stress, there's a 90% chance you will be accepted into duty.

Any questions or complaints, you may post them here, PM them to me, or place them in the respective sticky threads.